The Human Body 1 1
The Human Body 1 1
The Human Body 1 1
Body: The
Organs of the Male Reproductive System
Vas Deferens
*Not a part of the reproductive system
External Organs of the Male
Reproductive System
Penis: the external reproductive organ, urethra passes
through the penis and allows urine and semen to exit
the body.
Scrotum: a sac or pouch which holds the testes.
◦ The function of the scrotum is to maintain the proper
temperature of the testes.
◦ Sperm is destroyed unless a temperature of 97o is
Internal Organs of the Male Reproductive
Bladder*: holds urine prior to urination. Urine leaves the
bladder via the urethra.
Urethra: a tube which allows urine and semen to exit the body.
Connects to the bladder
Vas deferens: a tube which connects the testes to the urethra
and allows semen to exit the body.
Testes: two glands which produce sperm and hormones
Part Function
Testis Produces sperm cells
Scrotum Sac of skin that holds the testis
Penis Deposits sperms into the vagina during mating
Vas deferens (tube) Carries sperm from testes to urethra