PR 1 q3 Group 2 11 Trustworthy

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Qualitative Research

and Its Important In

Daily Life
Presented by:

Group 2

—As earlier mentioned in this lesson, qualitative research can shed
the best light on a certain phenomena; it can likewise offer the best
answer to research inquiries across fields or discipline.

Qualitative research has been found useful and productive by expert

in most disciplines, particularly in education, technical
communication, business, the social and behavioral science,
advertising and social work.

Green and Bloome (1997) confronted with

the question what counts as ethnography made
a useful distinction between Ethnograhy of
education and Ethnography in education.
They claimed that the ethnography of education
(usually an education “insider" often a teacher) is
concern with the social and cultural dynamics of a
school or classroom. Ethnographic studies of learning
and knowledge in education ask the question what
counts as knowledge and learning in classrooms to
teachers and students.

An example would be how teaching styles match the

learning styles of students.
They concluded the ethnographic practice-like any
set of social and cultural practices–are ways that
people in a site act and react to each other to
pursue an agenda:
including research agenda, educational agenda and
social, cultural and instructional change agenda.
An example would be how students react to the
evaluation of their academic performance.

Qualitative methodologies are also effective for Technical

Communication which determines the effective use of
technology in the workplace to ensure smooth flow of
Focus groups are used to probe deeper research results in order
to describe or illustrate current practice in Technical
Communication which can take the forms of E-mail, fax
messaging, video and voice conferencing, intranet and extranet,
jargons and graphics.

Braun and Clarke (2013) claimed that a qualitative research paradigm

in psychology has been emerging. Qualitative ideas and approaches have
been part of psychology since its inception in the second half of the
nineteenth century. The early 20th century marked Behaviorism and the
second half, the cognitive Revolution : quantitative methods employed
within a (post) positivist, experiment paradigm dominated the discipline
(Asworth, 2003 Howit, 2010,as cited in Braun and Clarke, 2013).These
approach and methods were opposed te the more subjective, interpretative,
and introspective qualitative techniques of early psychology, Which become
classified as "unscientific"
Psychology has been strongly shaped by the
behavioral and cognitive traditions within which
psychology should seek to understand and
determine an observable, objective psychological
reality. For example, psychologists seek to
understand and why some students lack
motivation to go to school and why some students
resort to bullying the

Most advertising agencies use the following definitions

whenever they commission qualitative research in specific
areas of advertising .

Qualitative research refers to "The meanings, concepts,

definitions , characteristics , metaphors , symbols and
definitions of things "(Berg, 1989, as cited in morrison , M,
Haley, E, Sheehan , K.B, taylor , R. 2002)
It is an approach to research that uses a variety of
methods and involves an interpretive naturalistic
approach to whaterver is the focus of study ( Denzin &
lincol , 1994 , as cited in underlying meanings and
patterns in relationship . The character of qualitative
research makes it and its associated methods extremely
useful for uncovering complex consumer insightd that
can lead to successful advertising
Morrison , Et al. say that great advertising comes along from
an understanding of consumer's wants and needs . And in
order to understand those wants and Needs, the consumer
needs to be consulted and integrated at virtually evert step of
the research process , they further say that qualitative
research approaches or methods useful in advertising have
been used lengthily by advertising research . But before that ,
you take a look at How important the following terms are to
advertising research doing qualitative research: Theory and
Approach .
Theory refers to an Organizing scheme for the data that place them in
orderly patterns and give meaning and insight into the lives of others.
Theory is not placed before data collection: it comes out of data and is thus
referred to as grounded theory ( Glaser & Strauss, as cited in Morrison ,
M , Haley , E Sheehan K,B , Taylor , R , 2002)
Through the qualitative approach , researches begin with inductive
analysis and then , offer swing back and forth between inductive and
deductive analyses .
Any method or approach that allows the researcher to capture the
worlds of others can be a valid qualitative technique . These include
observation, participant observation , in dept interviewing documents and
record analysis.

Many people , through theit personal memory of traumatic events , give

meaning to what has happened to them . They are faced with questions
regarding their identity and relation with others , and the world. On the
one hand , they have a need to recollect and process those memories ; on
the other hand, they feel a need to distance themselves and forget or
detach from the pain and threat involved in such memories (Shaw &
holland , 2014) .Examples of other examples are families of drug addicts
who got Killed during drug bust operations , or informal settlers whose
houses or shanties were demolished by authorities .
To describe the range of ways of reconstructing experiences from full
reliving of the experience to its disowning , shaw and holland use the term
" knowledge focus 'of awareness and Alienation as originally used by
Enosh and buchbinder (2005)
Analysis of interview data and narratives has four broad categories
• Knowledge - define as direct remembering and relieving with complete
details if the events
• Awareness of mental process - including awareness of emotions and of
cognitive process
•awareness Of identity - including awareness of values and the
construction of personal characteristics of each partner and of the couple
as a unit
•Alienation - characterized by a refusal to observe , reflect or remember.


• immersion in situations of everyday life -Typically normal ones

, reflective of the everyday life of individuals , groups , societies
and organizations (Miles and huberman 1994 as cited in shawn
and holland , 2014)

• Holism- Pursued through inquiry into the particular -from the

whole of the culture to the context under study .
• The whole and the particular are held in tension . small facts speak to large issues
(Geertz , 1973 as cited in Shawn and holland ) and in the particular is located a
general theme ( Eisner , 1991 , as cited in Shawn and holland , 2014)

• The researcher attempts to capture data on the perceptions of local actors "From
the inside ,through a process of deep attentiveness of empathic understanding and
of suspending or "bracketing "preconceptions about topics under discussion (Miles
and Huberman , 1994 as cited in Shawn and holland 2014).

• The researcher is essentially the main instrument in the study rather than
standardized data collection devices . it is here that the word " "reflexive" often
occurs - referring to the central part played by the subjectivity of the word
"reflexive often occurs -referring to the central part played by the subjectivity of
the researcher and those being studied (Eisner. 1999 as cited in Shawn and holland
Qualitative research in marketing has a long history, Influenced by social
research, marketing researchers embedded projective devices within the
approach of in-depth interview.
They created devices such as matching people , animals ,cars ,pictorial
symbols and soliciting dreams. They accumulated case studies ,personal histories
and ethnographies ,and conducted group interviews even before they were called
“focus group”.
Glick and Belk did the first qualitative study in 1962 for the Coca-Cola
Company on why people drink soft drinks , as well as first study for AT & T on
the meaning of the telephone. For the Wriggley Company ,they did a research on
what baseball meant to Cuba fans. A study for FTD ,the flower delivery
system ,analyzed the poignancy of flowers in representing the life cycle ,
symbolizing its beauty , fragility and the inevitability of death.
The more modern qualitative marketing studies use the
grounded theory approach.For example , Flint , Woodruff and
Guardial (2002 ,as cited in Belk ,2006 ) posed in their
qualitative study the following research question : What does
desired value change mean to customer ?'''

They studied customers at different levels in US automobile

manufacturing. This context grounded the study in a
meaningful way. The question asked and answered in their
study enable the authors to make contributions at the level of a
substantive grounded theory.

The establishment of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 is a major

milestone in the regional economic integration agenda in ASEAN ,offering
opportunities in the form of 2.6 trillion US dollars and over 622 million people
( community)

Much exploratory research has been done to fulfill AEC's goal of having only one
currency , as in the european Unions euro (
of Southeast Asian Nations_Roadmap for Asean_financial_integration ).

Business all over the world use other methods like participant observation ,
content analysis focus groups , narrative interviews and “hidden" methods such as
archival research (Marchan,Pekkari & Welch,2004).

Now the big question comes. How does one evaluate qualitative research?
Experts agree on one answer : Triangulation, which is a good guide ,if not to
convincingtheory ,then ,at least to the rigorous verificition of data (Osland
and Osaland,2001).Triangulation is a term mainly used to refer to the
concurrent use of both qualitative and quantitative data
(Mcdonald,1985).Usenier (1998) contents that qualitative and quantitative
research are ‘complementary’ rather than ‘competing' traditions.and should
be merged in the search for meaning as differences in nature and differences
in degree.

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