TCP & Udp
TCP & Udp
TCP & Udp
Urgent Pointer If urgent data is being sent, this specifies the end of that data in the segment.
20-byte header and connection control 8-byte header and no connection control means
mechanisms add substantial overhead to data less bandwidth is consumed by overheads (faster).
transmissions (slower).
Hosts must use resources to track connections in a No connection control.
state table.
Can be used only for unicast transmission. Can be used for unicast, broadcast, and multicast
Used by applications where reliability is Used by applications where speed is paramount
paramount (for example, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and (such as Voice over IP and media streaming) and
IMAP). for multicast/broadcast communication (for
example, DHCP and router traffic).
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Port Number
• Port Number
– Internet Assigned numbers Authority (IANA) maintains a list
of port number assignment
• It is 16 bit integers, range from 0 -65535
• Well-known ports from 0-1023
• Registered Ports from 1024-49151
• Dynamic or Private Ports from 49152-65535
– Combination of IP address and port number is called a
Socket address
• Port Scanners
– It is software design to find out TCP and UDP ports status
• Netstat
– This command allows to check the state of ports on the local host
– Check service misconfiguration
– Check suspicious IP address ranges
• NMAP Tool
– The NMAP is used for scanning remote hosts and networks
– It is open source software
– It uses diverse methods for host discovery
• Can operate stealthily and serve to defeat security mechanism
– Firewalls and Intrusion Detection
.root DNS
What is the IP address of
Local DNS Server
The IP address is
Zone types:
• Forward lookup zone
• Reverse lookup zone