Agrobacterium tumefaciens
1. Soil bacterium closely related to Rhizobium. 2. Causes crown gall disease in plants (dicots).
3. Infects at root crown or just below the soil line. 4. Can survive independent of plant host in the soil. 5. Infects plants through breaks or wounds. 6. Common disease of woody shrubs, herbaceous plants, particularly problamatic with many members of the rose family. 7. Galls are spherical wart-like structures similar to tumors.
The T-DNA is transferred from the Bacteria into the Nucleus of the Plant 1. Stably integrates (randomly) into the plant genome. 2. Expression of genes in wild-type T-DNA results in dramatic physiological changes to the plant cell. 3. Synthesis of plant growth hormones (auxins and cytokinins) neoplastic growth (tumor formation)
Opine Biosynthesis 1. Within tumor tissues, the synthesis of various unusual amino acid-like compounds are directed by genes encoded on the integrated plasmid. 2. The type of opine produced is specified by the bacterial T-DNA 3. Opines are used by the bacteria as a carbon (nutrient) source for growth. 4. Opine catabolism within bacteria is mediated by genes encoded on the Ti plasmid.
Agrobacterium/plant interactions
Agrobacterium at wound site transfers T-DNA to plant cell.
Genes required to breakdown opines for use as a nutrient source are harbored on the Ti plasmid in addition to vir genes essential for the excision and transport of the T-DNA to the wounded plant cell. cell.
T-DNA 23 kb
pTi ~200 kb
bacterial conjugation
opine catabolism
3. Agropine plasmids: carry genes for agropine synthesis and catabolism. Tumors do not differentiate and die out.
Ti plasmids and the bacterial chromosome act in concert to transform the plant
1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens chromosomal genes: chvA, chvB, pscA required for initial binding of the bacterium to the plant cell and code for polysaccharide on bacterial cell surface. 2. Virulence region (vir) carried on pTi, but not in the transferred region (T-DNA). Genes code for proteins that prepare the T-DNA and the bacterium for transfer.
3. T-DNA encodes genes for opine synthesis and for tumor production.
4. occ (opine catabolism) genes carried on the pTi and allows the bacterium to utilize opines as nutrient.
bacterial membrane
vir genes
bacterial conjugation
The vir region is responsible for the transfer of T-DNA to the wounded plant cell. Tsensor effector
virG virB
virD virC
ssDNA binding protein. Binds Tstrand.
endomembrane Binds protein; overdrive nucleas e nicks ATP-binding DNA. TDNA Note: The virA-virG system is related to the EnzZOmpR system that responds to osmolarity in other bacteria.
5 virD/virC VirD nicks the lower strand (T-strand) at the right border sequence and binds to the 5 end.
gap filled in
virE virD/virC
1. Helicases unwind the T-strand which is then coated by the virE protein. 2. ~one T-strand produced per cell.
Left border D
Right border
1. Transfer to plant cell. 2. Second strand synthesis 3. Integration into plant chromosome
The vir region is responsible for the transfer of T-DNA to the wounded plant cell. TvirA is the sensor. activated virG membrane
receptor for acetylsyringone
virG Note: activated virG positive regulator causes its own promoter for other to have a new start point vir genes with increased activity.
Left border D
Right border
1. Transfer to plant cell. 2. Second strand synthesis 3. Integration into plant chromosome
Assembly of the Agrobacterium T-Complex Transport Apparatus 1. VirB1 may have local lytic activity that allows assembly of the transporter at specific sites in the cell envelope. 2. The processed VirB1* peptide is secreted through the outer membrane by an unknown mechanism. 3. The structural components of the pilus are VirB2 and VirB5. 4. Complexes of VirB7/9, formed by disulfide bridges, may initiate assembly of the VirB channel. 5. The exact role of VirB3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 11, and VirD4 in the transporter apparatus is unknown.
6. VirD4, VirB4 and VirB11 have nucleotide-binding motifs that are essential for their activity. 7. The T-complex, consisting of a ss copy of T-DNA bound to VirD2 and coated with VirE2, is exported through the transport apparatus. SP, signal peptide; SPI, signal peptidase I.
Model for contact-dependent activation of the Tcomplex transport apparatus (a) The pilus has not contacted the surface of the recipient plant cell and the apparatus is unable to transport T-complex. (b) The pilus has contacted a receptor (?) on the surface of the recipient plant cell. This induces the VirB transporter, perhaps via a change in conformation, so that it is now competent to transfer the T-complex to the plant cell cytoplasm.
OM, outer membrane; IM, inner membrane; CW, plant cell wall; PM, plasma membrane.
pTipTi-based vectors for plant transformation: 1. Shuttle vector is a small E. coli plasmid using for cloning the foreign gene and transferring to Agrobacterium. 2. Early shuttle vectors integrated into the TDNA; still produced tumors. pTi Agrobacterium
Several hundred tumors containing foreign gene can be grown for experimental purposes.
Harvest time!
Summary Agrobacteria are biological vectors for introduction of genes into plants. Agrobacteria attach to plant cell surfaces at wound sites. The plant releases wound signal compounds, such as acetosyringone. The signal binds to virA on the Agrobacterium membrane. VirA with signal bound activates virG.
Activated virG turns on other vir genes, including vir D and E. vir D cuts at a specific site in the Ti plasmid (tumor-inducing), the left border. The left border and a similar sequence, the right border, delineate the T-DNA, the DNA that will be transferred from the bacterium to the plant cell Single stranded T-DNA is bound by vir E product as the DNA unwinds from the vir D cut site. Binding and unwinding stop at the right border.
The T-DNA is transferred to the plant cell, where it integrates in nuclear DNA. T-DNA codes for proteins that produce hormones and opines. Hormones encourage growth of the transformed plant tissue. Opines feed bacteria a carbon and nitrogen source.