Facility Location 2
Facility Location 2
Facility Location 2
Poor location can result in high transportation costs, inadequate supplies of raw materials and
labour, loss of competitive advantage, and financial loss.
Factors Affecting Location Decisions
Many factors can affect location decisions, including proximity to customers, transportation, source
of labour, community attitude, proximity to suppliers, and many other factors. The nature of the
firm’s business will determine which factors should dominate the location decision. The Factors are:
• Load-distance method
2. Rate each factor according to its relative importance, i.e., higher the ratings is indicative of
prominent factor.
3. Assign each location according to the merits of the location for each factor.
4. Calculate the rating for each location by multiplying factor assigned to each location with
basic factors considered.
5. Find the sum of product calculated for each factor and select best location having highest
total score.
Models 1: Factor Rating Method (Example)
A new medical facility, Health-care, is to be located in Delhi. The location factors, factor rating and scores for
two potential sites are shown in the following table. Which is the best location based on factor rating method?
Location Factor Factor
Rating Location 1 Location 2
1 Facility Utilization 8 3 5
2 Total patient per month 5 4 3
3 Average time per emergency trip 6 4 5
4 Land and construction costs 3 1 2
5 Employee preference 5 5 3
Models 1: Factor Rating Method (Example)
Location 1 Location 1
SL Factor
Location Factor Rating Total Rating Total
No. Rating (1)
(2) (1*2) (3) (1*3)
1 Facility Utilization 8 3 24 5 40
2 Total patient per month 5 4 20 3 15
3 6 4 24 5 30
Average time per emergency trip
4 Land and construction costs 3 1 3 2 6
5 Employee preference 5 5 25 3 15
Total= 96 106
The total score for location 2 is higher than that of location 1. Hence location 2, is the best
Models 2: Weighted Factor Rating Method
In this method to merge quantitative and qualitative factors, factors are
assigned weights based on relative importance and weightage score for
each site using a preference matrix is calculated. The site with the highest
weighted score is selected as the best choice.
Models 2: Weighted Factor Rating Method (Example)
A new medical facility, Health-care, is to be located in Delhi. The location factors, weights, and scores (1 =
poor, 5 = excellent) for two potential sites are shown in the following table. What is the weighted score for these
sites? Which is the best location?
SL No. Location Factor
Rating Location 1 Location 2
1 Facility Utilization 25 3 5
2 Total patient per month 25 4 3
3 Average time per emergency 25 3 3
4 15 1 2
Land and construction costs
5 Employee preference 10 5 3
Models 2: Weighted Factor Rating Method (Example)
The weighted score for this particular site is calculated by multiplying each factor’s weight by its score and
adding the results:
The point A on the grid represents the supplier’s location and the point B represents the possible warehouse
location. The distance between points A and B is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, or
Rectilinear distance measures distance between two points with a series of 90° turns as city blocks. Essentially,
this distance is the sum of the two dashed lines representing the base and side of the triangle . The distance
travelled in the x -direction is the absolute value of the difference in x-coordinates. Adding this result to the
absolute value of the difference in the y -coordinates gives:
To calculate a load-distance for any potential location, we use either of the distance measures and simply
multiply the loads flowing to and from the facility by the distances travelled. These loads may be expressed as
tones or number of trips per week.
Models 3: Load Distance Method (Example)
The new Health-care facility is targeted to serve seven census tracts in Delhi. The table given below shows the
coordinates for the centre of each census tract, along with the projected populations, measured in thousands.
Customers will travel from the seven census tract centers to the new facility when they need health-care. Two
locations being considered for the new facility are at (5.5, 4.5) and (7, 2), which are the centers of census tracts C
and F. Details of seven census tract centers, co-ordinate distances along with the population for each centre are given
below. If we use the population as the loads and use rectilinear distance, which location is better in terms of its total
load- distance score?
Calculate the load-distance score for each location. Using the coordinates from the above table calculate the
load-distance score for each tract.
Using the formula dAB = |XA– XB| + |YA– YB|
Locate at (5.5, 4.5) Locate at (7, 2) Summing the scores for all
Census tracts gives a total load-
(x, y) Load
Tract distance score of 239
Distance Distance Load Distance
Population (i) (d) (d*i) Distance (d) (d*i) when the facility is located
A (2.5, 4.5) 2 3+0=3 6 4.5+2.5=7 14 at versus a load-distance
B (2.5, 2.5) 5 3+2=5 25 4.5+0.5=5 25 score of 168 at location (7,
C (5.5, 4.5) 10 0+0=0 0 1.5+2.5=4 40 2). Therefore, the location
D (5, 2) 7 0.5+2.5=3 21 2+0=2 14 in census tract F is a better
E (8, 5) 10 2.5+0.5=3 30 1+3=4 40 location.
F (7, 2) 20 1.5+2.5=4 80 0+0=0 0
G (9, 2.5) 14 3.5+2=5.5 77 2+0.5=2.5 35
Models 4: Centre of Gravity
It is based primarily on cost considerations. This method can be used to assist managers in balancing cost and
service objectives. The centre of gravity method takes into account the locations of plants and markets, the
volume of goods moved, and transportation costs in arriving at the best location for a single intermediate
The centre of gravity is defined to be the location that minimizes the weighted distance between the warehouse
and its supply and distribution points, where the distance is weighted by the number of tones supplied or
consumed. The first step in this procedure is to place the locations on a coordinate system. The origin of the
coordinate system and scale used are arbitrary, just as long as the relative distances are correctly represented.
This can be easily done by placing a grid over an ordinary map. The centre of gravity is determined by the
To calculate the centre of gravity, start with the following information, where population is given in thousands.
Variable Costs Rs 15 Rs 8 Rs 6
Models 5: Break Even Analysis (Example)
Solve for the crossover between X and Y:
10X+ 150,000 = 8X + 350,000
2X = 200,000
X = 100,000 units
8X + 350,000 Solve for the crossover between Y
and Z:
= 6X + 950,000
2X = 600,000
X = 300,000 units
Therefore, at a volume of 1,30,000 units, Y is the
appropriate strategy. From the graph we can
interpret that location X is suitable up to 100,000
units, location Y is suitable up to between 100,000
to 300,000 units and location Z is suitable if the
demand is more than 300,000 units.