Revision Pwcand WT

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Appropriate sources May include but not limited to:
 Team members
 Suppliers
 Trade personnel
 Local government
 Industry bodies

Types of Communication or forms of communication

1.Verbal communication - is the use of words to convey a message. Some
forms of verbal communication are written and oral communication.
Example – Meetings, Presentations and Lectures, Workshops, Conversations and seminars.
2. Non-verbal Communication – is the transfer of information through the use of body
language including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and more.
Facial expressions. The human face is extremely expressive, able to convey countless emotions
without saying a word. ...
Body movement and posture. ...
Gestures. ...
Eye contact. ...
Touch. ...
Space. ...
Pay attention to inconsistencies.
3. Para - verbal communication refers to the messages that we transmit through the tone,
pitch, and pacing of our voices.

 How you participate in workplace communication?

1. Obtain and convey workplace information.
2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions.
3. Complete relevant work related documents.
 The difference between meeting and discussion
Meeting :- Discussion
• specific goal - General goal
• Have chai person - less directive leadership
• Has protocol - has no protocol
• Maximum no of attendant - few no of attendant
• Discussion a part of meeting
Protocols May include but not limited to:
 Observing meeting
 Compliance with meeting decisions
 Obeying meeting instructions

 Successful of meetings includes

• Provide all facts to the members
• Clearly define the purpose of the meeting
• Do not distribute the agenda among all members
• Everyone participates
• Stick to the agenda
• Always start on time
• Reach closure or consensus by decision making
 Upward communication is the process in which employees directly communicate with upper
management to provide feedback, Job instruction , share ideas and raise concerns regarding
their day-to-day work. Historically, downward communication was considered as the most
important type of communication in the workplace.
 Downward communication is to give orders to lower-level employees about their job
responsibilities or company policies/ from top to lower levels/
 Horizontal communication, also called lateral communication, is the practice of sharing
information between employees, departments and units within the same level of an
organization or between similar position.
 Upward communication occurs in the form of
 Company meetings
 report
 compliance
 Suggestion
 Limitation of down ward communication :-
• Under communication,
• loss of information,
• built in resistance
• message distortion,
• slow feedback,
• interpretative problems,
• lower morale and
• the fact that it's not motivating
 Diagonal communication is a sort of hybrid between vertical and horizontal communication. It's a direct
dialogue between employees of differing ranks who are not in the same chain of command.
•Horizontal communication is important in situations where members can not communicate effectively through other
purpose of horizontal communication or Lateral communication
•To resolve conflicts
•To coordinate interdepartmental tasks
•To share information( new developments)
•promote coordination
 Forms – a piece of paper with fixed data.
 purpose of forms:-
• to gather information
• improve system and procedure
• To increase efficiency
Medium May include but not limited to:
• Memorandum
• Circular
• Notice
• Information discussion
• Follow-up or verbal instructions
• Face to face communication

 Effective question helps to you :-  Element of active listening

• Connect with client in more meaning full way • Show that you are listening/
• Gather better information • Provide feedback
• Work with your staff efficiently
• not pre-judgment
• Get cooperation
• Improves speaking and listening skills. • Pay attention/Give divided attention to the speaker
• Builds critical thinking skills. • Respond Appropriately
2. Work in Team Environment
 How to Work in team environment
 Describe team role and scope.
 Identify own role and responsibility within team.
 Work as a team member.
 Team members Roles are :-
1. Shaper
• Challenges the team to improve.
2. Implementer
• Puts ideas into action.
3. Completer Finisher
• ensures thorough, timely completion.
• Acts as a chairperson.
5. Team Worker
• Encourages cooperation.
6. Resource Investigator
• Explores outside opportunities.
7. Plant
• presents new ideas and approaches.
8. Monitor-Evaluator
• Analyzes the options.
9. Specialist
• Provides specialized skills.

The difference between Teams and Groups

Groups Teams
1. Task and individual oriented 1. Oriented towards team goals and agendas
2. autocratic and hierarchical in nature 2. Participatory and self steering /guide
3. Low level of interdependence 3. High level of interdependence
4. Difference is suppressed 4. Difference is welcomed
5. Avoid risks 5. Risk is accepted
6. Leadership is solo /resembling 6. Leadership is shared
7. Membership selection is not 7. Membership selection is important
8. Competition is inward /internally / 8. Competition is with the outsiders

Reasons why team is fail or Dysfunctions

• Fear of conflict
• Lack of commitment
• Inattention to results
• Avoidance of accountability
• Lack of Vision.
• Lack or absence of trust
• Unclear Roles.
• Insufficient Resources
 Team Development stages
• Stage 1: Forming - defining goal and poor communication
• Stage 2: Storming - Misunderstanding of role
• Stage 3: Norming - shared commitment
• Stage 4: Performing - goals achievement is begin
• Stage 5: Termination/Ending or adjuring - improve employee participation
 To participate in the Team :-
 show your role in a team
 having clear idea about team common goal
 Use team values
 contribute your skill and knowledge to team
 Don’t be aggressive behavior
 Types of groups divided in two - 1.Formal group - e.g.- strategic planning
team ,command group ,task group and operational team etc.…
2. Informal groups - e.g. - social club,
interest group etc..

 To makes team as team:-

• common purpose
• common operating norm
• a need for each other /Dependence /
 Characteristic of effective team
 They are committed team member
 competent team member and High level of interdependence
 have result driven structure and Team members develop a mutual trust
 Team leaders have good people’s skills
 Matter of team work
• making plan within team
• makes decision in conformance of team member
• Openness
• Assertive behavior is the best to have successful team.
 Skill is essential for team work :-
• listening
• Persuading but not solitary
• Problem solving skill/ critical thinking skill

Workplace context  Work procedures and practices

 Conditions of work environments
 Legislation and industrial agreements
 Standard work practice including the storage, safe handling and
disposal of chemicals
 Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality guidelines

 when the person is unclear about his role :-

• Role overload - a specific stressor that reflects the perception that the demands of one's work
role exceeds personal resources .
• Role ambiguity - when the person is unclear about his role.
• Role under load - occurs when employees have too little to do

 Role of team leaders :-

 coordinating team effort
 encourage team member participation
 evaluate team members performance
 Managing the team’s external boundary /limits of an area/
 Facilitating the team process

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