U9 U10 Curriculum
U9 U10 Curriculum
U9 U10 Curriculum
Main Points
• High emphasis on individual tactics & ball possession
• Ability to connect and combine with teammates in small groups
• Begin to introduce game model principles
• High focus on SSGs
• Develop a positive team atmosphere and environment
• Engagement of parents within the process
• Develop a love and passion for the game
• Culture of self play and practice
Individual Possession
Individual Tactics & Possession Principles
1. Ball manipulation – core moves & turns – developing a connection with the ball
2. Ability to turn, change direction, and change speed in a variety of ways – ‘staying on the ball’
3. Playing with disguise
4. Awareness – ‘look’
5. 1vs1 practices in a variety of scenarios
6. Staying on the ball with a purpose
7. Carry and travel with the ball under varying degrees of time and space
8. Receiving the ball under pressure from varying angles
9. Dominating the opponent without the ball – ability to ‘lose your man’
10. Before, during, and after
11. Variety of receiving skills and aerial control
12. Creative, confidence, and composed behavior
Individual Tactics & Possession Activities
• 1vs1 + 1 support player in each grid • Grid setup as in diagram with two goals and • 1vs1 + 2
• Aim is to stay on the ball for as long as gates setup throughout. • Play from target player to target
possible • 1vs1 game with each player trying to score in player
• Swap roles periodically the goal.
• Number of gates dribbled through before
scoring = # of goals
Progressions: • Have to be in end zone before you can score.
• Progress to 2vs1
Individual Tactics & Possession Activities
• 1vs1 dribbling over end line under • Grid setup as in diagram with gates • Reds pass ball across to yellows, who then have to score in either
control to score spread throughout mini goal
• 1vs1 having to dribble through as • Reds try to recover ball and go to goals themselves
Progression: many gates as possible without the • Have to be in end zone before you can score
• Panna rules ball being recovered by defender
Individual Tactics & Possession Activities
Arrival Activity – PLAY (Tactical PRACTICE Activity #1 PRACTICE Activity #2 TRAINING GAME
Small Group Possession
Small Group Tactics & Possession Principles
1. Support – the provision of passing options
2. Numerical advantages
3. Recognize, understand, and dominate an opponent in a 2vs1
4. Width/depth
5. If a pass is not available, then do not pass it
6. Movement to lose a marker
7. Penetration – ‘playing through gaps’
8. Dribbling and passing to attract
9. Body orientation
10. Changing the speed and rhythm of the game
11. Composure and patience when in possession of the ball
12. Intent and purpose when performing an action
13. Connect and combine with teammates
14. Awareness and perception – ‘look’
15. Forethought and anticipation
16. Before, during, and after
17. Creativity and improvisation
Small Group Tactics & Possession Activities
Arrival Activity – PLAY (Tactical PRACTICE Activity #1 PRACTICE Activity #2 TRAINING GAME
Rondos and Position Games
• 7vs4
• Reds possess ball from GK to GK
• Blues aim to recover ball and go to
Small Sided Games
Small Sided Games
• 5vs5 SSG
• 2vs2 in each half + GKS
• Defenders can join in attacking half
when ball goes in.
• When GK has the ball, back to 2vs2
+ GK
Game Model
Game Model Principles
1. Positional structure of team 1. Immediate intention to 1. Anticipation of loss of possession 1. Immediate change of mentality
2. Numerical superiority prevent/delay forward play 2. Immediate change of mentality from defense to attack
3. Finding and becoming the most 2. Try to win the ball back as close from attacker to defense. 2. Attack quickly to goal
open player to opponents goals as possible. 3. Compact spaces around the ball 3. If the above is not available,
4. Support behind and in front of ball 3. Compactness as a team 4. Be aware of space away from the possess the ball.
5. Patience and composure when in ball.
possession, and not rushing play
forward if it is not on.
6. Everyone involved
Game Model Example Session
Arrival Activity – PLAY (Tactical PRACTICE Activity #1 - Rondo PRACTICE Activity #2 – Position TRAINING GAME
SSG) Game
Macrocycle (season) Example
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
x x x x x
Small Group Tactics & Possession - Connect and combine with teammates
Game Model & Team Tactics - Control the ball, control the game
Action Review Process - Reflection, feedback, and goal-setting. Before, during, and after. Both coach and player led.
Physical (ABCS) - Overall aim here is to ensure sessions contain lots of both game related and general movement skills such as balance, coordination, agility, speed.
Game Day Game Day Game Day Game Day Game Day
Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 1 Practice 2
Individual Tactics & Possession - Stay on the ball, and master the ball x x x
x x x
Small Group Tactics & Possession - Connect and combine with teammates
x x x x x x
Game Model & Team Tactics - Control the ball, control the game
Action Review Process - Reflection, feedback, and goal-setting. Before, during, and after. Both coach and player led.
Physical (ABCS) - Overall aim here is to ensure sessions contain lots of both game related and general movement skills such as balance, coordination, agility, speed.