Blazing Fast Onboarding As An Interim Product Manager - Mirela Mus - Product People
Blazing Fast Onboarding As An Interim Product Manager - Mirela Mus - Product People
Blazing Fast Onboarding As An Interim Product Manager - Mirela Mus - Product People
2021, Berlin
Product Management Consultancy
1. Quick Intro
2. What Is Onboarding?
1. Quick Intro
2. What Is Onboarding?
️️️♀️️️ Intro ️
I promise
Product Management Consultancy
Mirela Mus
What We Do
We help companies discover and deliver great products faster. We empower our Product community to share
knowledge generously. And through our engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a Product
Manager on an Interim basis (3-36 months). We onboard fast, align teams and deliver outcomes
B2C Clients
Product Management Consultancy
B2B Clients
Product Management Consultancy
Use Cases
1. Quick Intro
2. What Is Onboarding?
What is Onboarding? 🛥
Product Management Consultancy
Source: The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins, a book The Economist called “The Onboarding Bible”
Product Management Consultancy
a. Business metrics
a. Methods, templates
b. Culture, rituals
2. If it’s a disaster 🏚
a. You can achieve faster outcomes once you’ve understood the core issues and quick wins.
b. Bonus points if there’s a leadership void that you fill just by stepping in.
Product Management Consultancy
1. Quick Intro
2. What Is Onboarding?
1. Product Management has a huge surface area (e.g. business, tech, operations etc.).
3. PMs make or break the information flow in their team and product.
4. Some PMs need extensive domain knowledge to make the right bets. (e.g. fintech, medical etc.)
5. PMs must deeply understand the company’s and product’s strategic context.
Product Management Consultancy
1. Quick Intro
2. What Is Onboarding?
1. Today, McDonald's feeds ~1% of the Earth’s population. In the beginning, it had financial troubles.
3. After quickly reviewing their data, he explains the problem and makes a game changing proposal.
Product Management Consultancy
while keeping
the team
happy 🤗
They dealt in the intrinsically untoward, where rules were forged as you went along and
were never the same twice anyway, where just by the nature of things
nothing could be known, or predicted, or even judged with any real certainty.
It all sounded very sophisticated and abstract and challenging to work with,
It all sounded very sophisticated and abstract and challenging to work with,
1. Quick Intro
2. What Is Onboarding?
1. People
a. Map Them
b. Be Visible
2. Problems
b. Product Context
c. Company Context
Product Management Consultancy
Product Management Consultancy
Map People
Name This is the person
that brings you in 💪🏼
Champion 😎
Map People
Name Role @Client This is the person
that brings you in 💪🏼
Champion 😎 Managing Director / Founder /
CPO / VP / Head Of / Product
Map People
Name Role @Client Tips
Stakeholder Sales / Marketing / PR / ● Figure out their goals, incentives, constrains, ways of
Legal / CS working and communication preferences.
● Get input/buy-in or help from for your “Main Quest”.
Be Visible - Intros
2. Do a personal intro to stakeholders/peers. Shoot a general one wide and large: “I’ve
just joined to help Champion on Main Quest. Send anything on that my way. I may
3. Add on LinkedIn/Xing many people from the company (tech, business, operation) to
Be Visible - Communication
1. Get into the communication flow. Involve people, ask for feedback and respond fast. When you
2. Be the 💩☂️for your team when issues get escalated (if it impacts your Main Quest), even if it
wasn’t you who created it. Review processes and suggest some if missing.
3. Announce relevant updates wide and often while praising the team. If team members shows
1. People
a. Map Them
b. Be Visible
2. Problems
b. Product Context
c. Company Context
Product Management Consultancy
Problems 🚨🚨
Product Management Consultancy
The Main Quest is what you’ve been brought in here for, aka “the main problem you’re solving”
1. Agree with your Champion about how they measure your success and what that is.
a. Check if their boss/peers see it the same way. Misalignment happens but you should be aware.
a. You’ve secured 1.
Product Context
1. What's the most important Job To Be Done (JTBD) this company exists to solve?
a. What evidence do we have that we've clearly understood the customer's job(s)?
b. What are the experiences of purchase and use that the customers currently have?
What are the functional, emotional, and social dimensions of this progress?
Product Management Consultancy
Company Context
1. Process
a. What things are set in stone and what’s negotiable? (e.g. methodology cultists vs laissez faire)
d. Where’s the useful info stored? Who can give you immediate access?
2. Culture
a. What’s the “vibe” like? How do people act when their boss is not around or involved?
b. What are the no-go areas? What are the horrors of the past aka “the company’s oral history”?
Product Management Consultancy
Thank You 🙌
Mirela Mus
Founder, Product Management Consultant
[email protected]