Fishbone Diagram 12-21-14

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Fishbone Diagram


Lower your utility bills--Find ways to improve the
Lean on Your Support Network--Some friends may energy efficiency .Unplug all of your devices
Sell used textbooks and other unwanted items. encourage you to spend money while others will be more
when you’re not using them.
It could be some cute clothes, or even some old supportive of your goals.
Block Out the Spendthrifts in Your Life--If you are
Use cash frequently--Here is a simple and surrounded by people who "live for the moment" , better Gain Knowledge is the most powerful weapon to
become rich and successful, Keeping up with the
effective hack that will let you not overspend to
stop using credit cards.
Give Value to People--Adding value to yourself is a good news through your cellphone on social media for
foundation to begin your journey to being financially example.
Make a List of Financial Goals--When you have stable.. Save on transportation expenses-- Put some Be financially
specific goals,. I can write down my list in a Make my Family as my inspiration and following their of this money back in your pocket by 
notebook . advices. selling your car and using public independent and
have my own
Don’t be Discouraged by “Failure”
Create a plan for each of my top-priority goals.
Mistakes, flubs, and unexpected financial
Track my spending--It is vital to understand the blows will be a part of your journey, but don’t
ways and reasons of my spending daily and The core principle behind investing is that you end let them take you off course!
monthly. I will do my best to keep my monthly up making more money than you spent. However, it
expenses low using special software that can is important to choose my investments wisely. It is important to give back to the community. If you
automatically calculate my monthly budget and earn some money, give some back to a cause you
categories of spending.  believe in. This way, you are adding value to the world
Saving consistently is a vital part of achieving
. financial security. Whatever you do, start after having added value to yourself.


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