Abdul Jabbar Virology3
Abdul Jabbar Virology3
Abdul Jabbar Virology3
Chain of Infections
PRESENTED BY: Abdul Jabbar
1 . Agent
6 .Susceptible 2 . Reservoir
5. Portal of 3. Portal of
Entry Exit
4 . Mode of
Infectious Agent
•Microorganisms that are responsible for causing disease production:
•Viruses Protozoa and Helminthes
•Bacteria •Parasites
•Fungi •Prions*
2 . Reservoirs of Infection
reservoir of an infectious agent is where the infectious agent
normally lives and multiplies human
Reservoirs of Infection - Humans
Human Reservoir: An
infected person with or without apparent
symptoms who can transmit this agent to others.
Types of Carriers:
1. Asymptomatic carrier: An infected individual that shows no
symptoms. Although unaffected they can transmit disease to
2. Symptomatic carrier: The carrier state may occur during the
incubation period, convalescence, and post convalescence of
an individual with a clinically recognizable disease (eg.
influenza, childhood diseases).
Reservoirs of Infection - Animals
•Diseases that can be passed from animals to humans
(eg. Lyme disease, swine flu)
•Plague (rodents carrying infected fleas)
Reservoirs of Infection - Environment
Natural Environmental Reservoirs: Soil, and water
3 . Portal of Exit
•Respiratory tract
•Gastro-intestinal tract
•Skin lesions
4- Modes of Transmission Direct
Direct contact
• Skin-to-skin contact, kissing, and sexual
• Air particles: Dust may contain agents eg. fungal spores. Droplet nuclei
residues (dried droplet spread) coughed or sneezed into the air usually less than
5 µ (microns) in size.
5 . Portal of Entry
An agent enters a susceptible host through a portal of
entry. .
Incubation Period: The period from exposure to
infection to the onset of symptoms or signs of
infectious disease.
The length of incubation period depends on:
• The portal of entry.
• The rate of growth of the organism in the host.
• The dosage of the infectious agent.
The host resistance
6 . Susceptible Host