Everywhere in
Dokumantii Mariif Qophaaye
Sadaasa 27/2013
• Introduction
• Meaning and Concept of entrepreneurship
• Importance of Entrepreneurship
• Type of Entrepreneurship
• Driving for being Entrepreneurs
• Challenges of Entrepreneurship
• What will be the way out and how to implement
• Expected outcome on segment and time
The World is Changing
The E Generation
• Most lands, labors, minerals and other natural gifts can not be a resource as they
Naturally exist. but needs to be processed, or passed through processes to be
considered as Resource, or needs Value Addition to give better wealth,
• The major sources of wealth development are land, Capital, manpower and
• Note here the major source of wealth is created through continuous additional work.
• Hence, major source is not land or farmer who produced grain but one who processed
& supplied for consumption.
• Resource needs Processing, Labors hands needs Skill, mind needs Think Out of box by
• Because Processing & supply of service for consumption requires technology, skill &
process that add Value in it.
• To Reverse this problems, we need to encourage them by Entrepreneur training.
farmer is an entrepreneur who promise to pay landlord for his land without any assurance
of profits he can drive from his enterprise i.e. land. He said that there is always a risk
factor of fluctuation of prices in market for an entrepreneur.
. They said that entrepreneur doesn’t have to be a single person but can be an organization
Economists of this theory believes entrepreneurship is social movement that
cultural values deeply affect the entrepreneurship and economic development.
If strong family support is with entrepreneur than this will be fruitful but if
family does not care about businessman that can cause adverse affect.
Economists believes that special attention given to society can improve the
relations between the entreprise and its surroundings.
Entrepreneurship is most likely to emerge when a society has
sufficient psychological characteristics.
Joseph Schumpeter asserts that matter is beheviour not the actor.
Hence, entrepreneur is motivated & driven by 3 things:-
(a) ‘The dream & will for private power & independence.
(b) ‘The will to conquer’ that means the will to succeed.
(c) ‘The joy of creating’ that means satisfaction of getting things done.
FREDRIK BARTEH theory. Entrepreneurship has 2connecting
spheres in society b/n which there exits a d/c in values. :-
Something which is cheap & Something which is expensive.
Entrepreneurship & Un-Employment
• Two strand found in literature; that unemployment stimulates
entrepreneurial activity “refugee effect”. On the Other Hand Higher level
of entrepreneurship reduce unemployment. “Schumpeter effect”.
• >Entrepreneurship activity is considered as the way out of unemployment
problem, because it justifies the need to increase entrepreneurial activities.
2. Importance of Entrepreneurship in Economy
• Many business people, political leaders & economists believe that fostering a
robust entrepreneurial culture will maximize individual and collective
economic and social success on a local, and national scale.
• Small high growth companies account for 70% of economic growth over last
• Over 1/3 of difference in national economic growth may be due to difference
in entrepreneurial activity & it accounts for at least 2/3 of all technological
• Entrepreneurship has a unique position in the “New Economy”
2.2 How to Build Entrepreneurship Culture
Culture can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage if that culture is
valuable, rare, and costly to imitate.
Countries with valuable, rare, or imperfectly imitable entrepreneurial culture
should guard and nurture this culture.
If We can able to modify our entrepreneurial culture, it is likely that others can as
well. .. If such effort is imitable, at best, it would be only temporary success.
• The ‘3-element approach’of Entrepreneurial
ecosystem help not to loose track & cluster information
simply in a useful way.
1.A business environment & investment climate,
2.Actors that are interacting with one another, and
3.Entrepreneurial culture & attitude toward entrepreneurial
Yes… Entrepreneurship! But Where To Begin?
• Licensing/registration Business Support Services
• Taxes • Information
• Commercial laws • Training & advice
• Technology
• Market linkages
• Industrial sites/Incubators
• Power Technical & Mgmt Skills
• Telecommunication
• Roads/rail
Business Culture
4. Classifications of Entrepreneur
• There are Business Enterprueners, Social Enterpruenrs but All
entrepreneurs are married to a vision" They are society's change
agents to satisfy some unmet need.
A.Business entrepreneur is a person who enters a venture through a
startup model of business and tries to establish taking risk factors of
production to address a cause and making a profit.
B. Social entrepreneurship & entrepreneurs. business entrepreneurs
go after a problem, social entrepreneurs have a vision of something to
solve in the social sector & it can occur within the public, private or
non-profit sectors. Tola Ooltummaanis
“civic entrepreneurs” are entrepreneurs whose business model
includes a social mission as individuals who initiate social innovation
and change. Eg. Using Associations, Idirs & Ikub…
4.1 Outcomes of Social Entrepreneurial
• Kauffman Center has introduced the idea of social entrepreneurs, or people who
use their entrepreneurial spirit to start and Create organizations that focus on
community development like better health care, childcare and other social
services, stronger civic leadership, better students, more productive workers, and
enterprise creators."
• A culture of entrepreneurship has great potential to liftUp declined spirits of rural
communities due to economic decline, (Eg sense of security, optimism &
community pride may wane).
• Job creation brings wages for community & does not necessarily keep
wealth within communities But Rural entrepreneurship utilize local talent
& resources, by creating Wealth to each family members that stays in the
community through reinvestment.
• It can create a chance of Non-farm based Extra Economy in community
4.2 Behavioral Roles of an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs 3 dominant behavioral roles due to circumstances in their
lives which made them think the way they do.
5.1Common Idea Stoppers & Entrep Cones
We can’t factors for entrepreneurship
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve failure are :-
ever heard. Lack of viable concept
Yeah, but if you did that…
Lack of market knowledge
We already tried that years ago.
We have done all right so far; Lack of technical skill
why do we need that? Lack of seed capital
I don’t see anything wrong with Lack of business knowledge
the way we’re doing it now.
Lack of motivation
That doesn’t sound too practical.
Over confidence
We’ve never done anything like
that before No guarantee of earning
5.2 Impacts Of Culture on Enterpruenership
• In both developing and developed countries, entrepreneurship is seen as a driving
force of economic growth, job creation, social adjustment and innovation.
• A number of studies comparing ethnic groups’ levels of entrepreneurship, e.g.
Koreans, Chinese, Indians & Blacks, in the USA.
• Asians, Indians and African communities have become highly visible as shop owners
and their retail and service enterprises have shown a steady increase.
• there is a correlation between problems experienced by ethnic entrepreneurs &
their marketing skills. Saboota Biroonis Otuu Of Madaallee..
• The research has also established that a positive relationship exists between ethnical
and cultural background and successful small business in South Africa.
• Namoonni Keenyas Waan Biyyatti Hin Hojjanne Biyya alaatti hojjatuu, Biyyaa Yoo
bahan caalatti waldeeggaru … Sababni.. Aadaa, Hawaasa
… Impact
Stage 4 Stage 2
Planning the Kanaaf Haaluma Gabaabaan Reviewing the
next steps Waan kufaniif Murtii Cimaa
dhiibbaa Qabu Kaayuun nijira experience
Stage 3
Concluding from
the experience
As Of General Entrepreneur Index
• GEI is composed of 3A building blocks that contains
individual & institutional variable that corresponds to
micro¯o level aspects of e/ship.
• Each 3A blocks of e/ship influences the other 2. For
example, Aattitudes influence Ablaties & Aspirations,
while Aspirations & Abilities also influence
entrepreneurial Attitudes
• To ensure effective entrepreneurship education, there
should be a r/n s/p b/n the goals of the e/ship programs,
the audiences to which the program is delivered,
contents of the e/ship courses, method of delivery or
pedagogy, & the method of assessment.
1. Entrepreneurial Attitudes
• Society attitude to recognize & Respect business
opportunities, to successfully launch businesses
• The benchmark individuals are those who can
1) recognize valuable business opportunities,
2) having necessary skills to exploit opportunities,
3) attach high status to & respect entrepreneurs,
4) handle startup risk, and
5) know entrepreneurs personally (role models).
2.Entrepreneurial Abilities
Quality differences in startups are quantified by motivation &
education level of entrepreneur, & by uniqueness of product
or service, as measured by competition level.
It is generally maintained that opportunity motivation is a
sign of better planning, a more strategy, & higher growth
expectations than “necessity” motivation in startups.