Physical Activities Assessment

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Physical Activities

After completing this module, you are expected to:
1. identify the activities in Physical Activity Pyramid.
2. assess regularly participation in physical activities based on the
Philippines Physical Activity Pyramid.
3. appreciate the importance in participation of physical activities.
Pre Test
Write the letter as to how often do the following
activities should be done.

A. Minimally/once
B. Often/ 2-3 times a week
C. Regularly/ 3-5 times a week
D. Daily/ Habitual
• What is physical activity?
• What are some physical activities that you
have engaged?
Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid
• is a visual guidance for people of all ages to
follow to have an active lifestyle.
• The physical activities are grouped in
purposeful types of activities and how often
they should be completed within a week
length in time.
Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid
The Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid is
divided into four (4) levels/types of activities
and how often they should be done:

1. Habitually (Daily) -These are the physical

activities you do daily. Taking the stairs instead
of using elevator, taking longer routes, walking
to the store, church, etc.
• Parking your car farther away, adding extra
steps to your daily routes, taking stretch
breaks at home or work, doing household
chores, grocery shopping, running errand and
the like .
• They are at the base of the pyramid.
• These activities are recommended in our daily
regimen for an active life style .
2. Regularly (3-5 times a week)
- These are the physical activities you do 3-5
times a week.
- This includes Aerobic Exercises and
recreational activities liked brisk walking ,
running/jogging , bicycling, aerobic dancing,
swimming, badminton, basketball, tennis,
piko, sipa, patintero and other street games
aid in making you fit.
3. Often (2-3 times a week)
- These are the physical activities you do
atleast 2-3 times a week.
- Strength and flexibility are being improved in
this level.
- These activities includes stretching,
- You can also play bowling and golf.
4. Minimally (2-3 times a week)
• These are the physical activities you should
reduce like sitting, lie around or be a coach
potato, watching TV, playing computer games
and doing needle works.
• These will not only slow down your
metabolism but will make you feel weak and
• It is recommended that school age children
like you must do 1 hour or more moderate
physical activities per day at least 3 hours of
intense activity per week.
• To increase your physical activities’
performance, make them part of your daily
routine and choose activities that you really
enjoy. By doing so, you achieve their full
Complete the following sentences. Choose your
answer from the box below.
The following are the physical activities you
commonly do. Check on the appropriate
column on how often do these activities should
be done.

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