Nature of Election and Political Parties - Suffrage

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• Define Suffrage
• identify the scope of Suffrage;
•  understand nature of election the Philippines; and
• analyze the political parties in the Philippines.
Vote Wisely

• Give your criteria in choosing an election candidate

• Under Section 1 of the Article V of the 1987 Constitution
•   Right and obligation of qualified Filipino citizen to vote in the
national and local elections in the decision of public questions
submitted to them.
• Merely a privilege to be given to the citizens by the lawmaking power
subject to constitutional limitations.
• Classified as a political right, such as election, enabling every citizen
to participate in the process of government to assure that it derive its
power from the consent governed.
Scope of suffrage

• Election, people choose for definite and fixed periods and

to whom they entrust, from the time being as their representatives,
the exercise of powers of government.
• power of the people to propose amendments to the Constitution or to
propose and enact legislation (Constitution, Statutes, Local
• power of the electorate to approve or reject legislation through an
election called for the purpose (Statutes and Local Law).
• , popular vote of the people expressing their view within their choice
for or against a proposed law submitted to them.
• , a public officer may be removed from the office during their tenure
or before the expiration of the term by a vote of the people after
registration of a petition signed by a required percentage of the
qualified voter.
Types of election

•Regular, election of officers either nationwide or in certain

sub-divisions thereof, after the expiration of the full term of the former
• held to fill a vacancy in office before the expiration of the full term for
which the incumbent was elected.
Qualification of voters

•1. Citizen of the Philippines (male or female)

•2. Not otherwise disqualified by law
•3. At least 18 years of age
•4. Resided in the Philippines for at least one year and in the
•place wherein they propose to vote for at least six months
• preceding the election.
Who are disqualified to vote?
Section 2: Secrecy and Sanctity of votes
• Congress is directed by the constitution to provide a
•system for securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot.
• Congress will have to enact a law prescribing
•procedures that will enable the disabled and the
• illiterates to secretly cast their ballots without
•requiring the assistance of the other persons,
• to prevent them from being manipulated by
•unscrupulous politicians.
• Extends the suffrage to Filipinos abroad provided
•they shall possess all the qualifications mention therein
Political Party
• Group of people organized for the purpose of winning government
power by electoral or other means.

•Organized structure of authority and power distribution

• Seek to attract popular support in the form of votes
• Seeks political power directly through electoral method
• Prepared to support a candidate and fight for victory in election
Functions of political parties

• Leadership recruitment
• Coordinate policy
• Mobilize voters
• Provide accountability
• Nominate candidates
• Contest election
• Form governments
Principal activities of political party

• Selecting candidates
• Election campaigning
• Nominate candidates
• Inform and activate supporters
• Act as bonding agent
• Govern
• Act as watchdog
Types of Political party

• Major parties, correspond typically to traditional

• Minor parties or party-list organization,
rely on the party-list system to win Congressional seats
• Regional or Provincial parties, correspond to
a region-wide or province-wide organization

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