Forests: Our Life Line: Biology Activity

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Chapter 17:

Forests: Our Life Line

Biology Activity
Introduction to Trees
•Trees come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from the tallest Redwoods to the
smallest shrubs. They can be found in almost every type of habitat, from
tropical rainforests to arid deserts. Each species of tree has its own unique
characteristics, from the type of leaves it produces to the way it reproduces.
> How Trees Reproduce
• Trees reproduce in a variety of ways. Some species reproduce by releasing
seeds which are then carried away by the wind or animals. Other species
reproduce by sending out runners or by producing suckers. This is when a
part of the tree, such as a branch, is cut off and planted in the ground. The
branch will then produce roots and a new tree will grow from it. In nature trees
produce enough seeds. The forest floor provides favourable conditions for
them to germinate and develop into seedlings.
>The Different Types and parts Of trees found in India
• The different types of trees found in India are: sal, teak, semal, sheesham,
neem, palash, fig, amla, bamboo and kachnar
• The branchy part of a tree above the stem is known as the crown of the tree.
• The uppermost branches of a tall tree making a roof over the other plants I
the forest is called a canopy.
• Due to different climatic conditions there are variation in the types of trees and
other plants

• The forest floor is dark due to the decaying leaves fruits twigs
• The decaying matter is always moist and warm and it is felt like walking over a
spongy carpet

• All animals whether carnivores or herbivores spend on plants for food, organisms
who depend on feed on plants often get eaten by other organisms . In this way each
and every organism in this world

• All food chains are linked . If one of the food chain is disturbed , it affects other food

• Every part of the forest is independent, if we remove one component from them, all
other components will be affected.

The interrelationship of plant

soil and decomposers in a
forest interrelationship

Done by Anamika
Amarnath Nair of Class 7-F
• On dead leaves and animal flesh tiny mushrooms ,insects
,millipedes ,ants , beetles and microorganisms that turn
decayed material into humus

• These microorganisms which convert the dead plants and

animals into humus are called decomposers

• Forests are also called the green lungs because plants

recycle the oxygen and carbon dioxide

By Taksheel
 Trees take in water from their roots and release water
Vapour into the air through evaporation
The forest is not just home to plants and animals. Many
people also live in the forest. Some of them may belong to
different tribes. These people depend mostly on forest. Forest
provides them with food , Shelter, Water and medicines. They
have traditional knowledge about many many medical plants in
the forest

The dense bushes and tall grass provide animals with food and shelter.
They also protect them from carnivores that live in the forest.

The forest officers could recognize the presence of some

animals in the forest by their droppings or footprints

Done by Ishita
 Animals disperse seeds of plants to help the
forest grow
 Decaying Animal Dung provides nutrients for
seedlings to grow
 Forests provides great opportunities for food
and habitat for the herbivores
 Large number of herbivores increases
availability of food for carnivores

The wide variety of animals helps the forests to regenerate and grow.

Decomposers - Decomposers feed on dead things: dead plant materials such

as leaf litter and wood, animal carcasses, and faeces.

They perform a valuable service as Earth's clean up crew for (eg. earth
worms.) help in maintaining the supply of nutrients to the growing plants in
the forest. Therefore the forest is a “dynamic living entity” full of life and
Made by : Anwitha 7F

The raindrops that fall from the  The forest also acts as a natural
sky does not hit the forest floor absorber of rainwater and
directly: allows it to seep
• The uppermost layer of the  Forests not only help in
forest canopy intercepts the controlling floods but also help
flow of raindrops and Most of maintain the flow of water in
the water was coming down the streams so that we get
through the branches and the steady supply of water
stems of the trees yet the  If trees are not present rain may
ground was dry.
hit the ground directly and it
may cause floods.
• The layer of dead leaves over
 Heavy Rain Damages the soil,
the forest floor appeared wet
now. But water did not stagnate in the absence of roots the soil
in the forest is eroded
 People receive good rainfall due to the surrounding forests
 Noise pollution is lessened as forest absorbs them

Forest Reduction:
• Some of the Reasons include overgrazing of animals and indiscriminate
felling of trees
• Construction of Roads, Buildings, industrial development and
increasing demand of wood has created pressure on the forests
• Due to these issues forests have been disappearing
• Most Forests are not regenerating and are on the verge of disappearing

If we do things wisely together we can preserve forests and our

Forests provide us with oxygen. They protect soil and
provide habitat to a large number of animals. Forests help
in bringing good rainfall in neighboring areas. They are a
source of medicinal plants, timber and many other useful
products. We must preserve our forests.

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