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Cloud Computin

Cloud Computing ?

Theideaofutilitycomputingwascoined byMITcomputerscientistandTuring awardwinnerJohnMcCarthy. Theconceptofcloudcomputingcanbetracedin 1960s. In1964whereauthor MartinGreenbergerpointedouttheconcept advancedarithmeticalmachinesofthefuture.


Cloud computing is a complex infrastructure of software, hardware, processing, and storage that is available as a service

Cloud computing platform is a set of Scalable largescale data server clusters, it provide computing and storage services to customers. Cloud computing is a topic on software and distributed computing based on Internet, which means users can access storages and applications froms

Cloud Improvements

Ease of Use


Deploy infrastructure with a mouse or API. Do it our self remotely from anywhere anytime. Control your infrastructure with your app. Nothing to purchase and take delivery on. Nothing to buy, Cancel immediately, Change RISK instantly, even operating systems. Throw it out & Rebuild it instantly after testing. Pay for only what you use No need to buy in advance Zero Capital Outlay & No contracts



Cloud Enterprises

Cloud Cloud Cloud

Private Hybrid

Public Cloud
A cloud is made available in a payasyou-go manner to the general public. The service being sold is utility computing. Public clouds are owned and operated by third parties. All user share same infrastructure pool with limited configuration, security protections, and availability variances. Public cloud is that they may be larger than an enterprises cloud. It managed and supported by the cloud provider.

Private Cloud
Privatecloudsarebuiltexclusivelyforasingleenterprise. Datacenters,notavailableforrental. Aimtoaddressconcernsondatasecurityandoffergreater control.


Private Cloud


hosted Private Cloud

On-premise Private Cloud

Internal clouds are hosted within ones own data center. more standardized process and protection, but is limited in aspects of size and scalability. It is best suited for applications which require complete control and configurability of the infrastructure and security. IT departments would also need to incur the capital and operational costs for the physical resources.

Externally hosted Private Cloud

The provider facilitates an exclusive cloud environment with full guarantee of privacy. It dont prefer a public cloud due to sharing of physical resources.

Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid Clouds combine both public and private cloud. Service providers can utilize 3rd party Cloud Providers in a full or partial manner. use of 3rd party increasing the flexibility of computing. The ability to augment a private cloud with the resources of a public cloud can used to manage any unexpected surges in workload.

Evolution of Cloud Computing

SaaS Computing Utility Computing Grid Computing
Solving large Offering Network-based

Cloud Computing

problems with Parallel computing Made mainstream By Global Alliance

computing resources as a metered service Introduced in late 1990s

subscriptions to applications Gained momentum in 2001

Internet computing Next-Generation Data Centers

Cloud Services
Software Platform

as a Service (SaaS) as a Service (Paas) as a Service (Iaas)


Cloud Services

SaaS, PaaS, IaaS

Three primary models for Cloud Computing have emerged:
SaaS (Software as a Service) Applications, typically available via the browser: Google Apps Salesforce.com PaaS (Platform as a Service) Hosted application environment for building and deploying cloud applications: Salesforce.com Amazon E2C Microsoft Azure IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) Utility computing data center providing on demand server resources: HP Adaptive Infrastructure as a Service Rackspace Amazon E2C & S3

SaaS and IaaS are the key cloud capabilities for 80% of customers

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Acompleteapplicationisofferedtothecustomer,asaserviceon demand Theservicerunsonthecloud&multipleendusersareserviced Onthecustomersside,thereisnoneedforupfrontinvestmentin serversorsoftwarelicenses Asingleapplicationneedstobehosted&maintained Customservicesarecombinedwith3rdpartycommercialservicesvia orchestration(SOA)tocreatenewapplications Requiresinvestmenttobuildanenablinglayerwithgovernance, securityanddatamanagementfunctionality Google,Salesforce,Microsoft,Zoho,etc.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Benefits to users
Reduce expenses: multiple computers, multiple users Ease of usage: easy installation, access everywhere

Benefits to providers
Easier to maintain Control usage (no illegal copies)

SaaS will disrupt the application management functions for both internal IT and outsourcers

Platform as a Service (Paas)

Applicationsarebuiltinthecloudontheplatformusing avarietyoftechnologies Development,testing,andproductionenvironments (servers,storage,bandwidth,etc.)arebilledmonthlylike hosting. Environmentsscaleup&downattheclickofabutton& Concernsincludecode&dataprivacy,securityand scalability Thecustomerhasthefreedomtobuildhisown applications,whichrunontheprovidersinfrastructure ApredefinedcombinationofOSandapplicationservers (Linux,Apache,MySqlandPHP),restrictedJ2EE,Ruby etc,ExampleGooglesAppEngine,Force.com,etc

Platform as a Service (Paas)


Pay-as-you-go for development, test, and production environments. Elimination of H/W dependencies and capacity concerns. Inherent scalability & Simplified deployment model.

PaaS will disrupt the application development and management functions for internal IT

Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas)

Thecustomerwouldtypicallydeployhisownsoftwareonthe infrastructure basicstorageandcomputingcapabilitiesasstandardizedservicesover thenetwork Servers,storagesystems,networkingequipment,datacentrespaceetc. arepooledandmadeavailabletohandleworkloads examplesareAmazon,GoGrid,3Tera,etc Abletoprovidefromsingleserveruptoentiredatacenters Infrastructurescalesupanddownquicklytomeetdemand

Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas)


Reducedcostdrivenby Lesshardware Lessfloorspacefromsmallerhardwarefootprint Higherlevelofautomationfromfeweradministrators Lowerpowerconsumption Abletomatchconsumptiontodemand

IaaS will disrupt the infrastructure management functions for both internal IT and outsourcers


How do SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS compare?

Easyfirststeptoadoptalternativedesktopofficeapplication Requiresnothingmorethanacreditcardtostart WilldrivehometheSOAvalueproposition

Aimed primarily small & new companies but model apply to all Large companies will benefit as services scale up and model is driven into internal software development tools and processes

Galvanizing approach to Utility Computing to drive high ROA Overflow to external provider to avoid cap-ex to meet peaks Longer term play due to immature tools and resistance to change

Cloud Computing Reference Architecture

SaaS Cloud System Mgmt
Application Management Data Management Service Level Mgmt Support Billing & Metering Security

Browser Client

Mobile Device Remote Security Platform Management

PaaS Cloud
Provisioning Service Level Mgmt Billing & Metering Support

Service Level Mgmt


Profiles Transaction Batch Productivity Real Time PaaS

Identity Mgmt

Health Monitoring

Directory Orchestration Service Monitoring Service Management

Provisioning & Orchestration

MOM RPC ESB TCP Sockets Transaction Management File Exchange

Intrusion Detection


Federated Management RDBMS Flat Files Content Management Security

External IaaS Cloud

Software Defense Perimeter Defense
Security Environment Management Provisioning Service Level Mgmt Billing & Metering Support


Internal IaaS Cloud

Network Resources Data Resources Storage Resources Memory Resources Processor Resources Security



illusion of infinite computing resources The elimination of an up-front commitment by users The ability to use and pay on demand

Cloud Computing vs P2P?

Both take advantage of remote resources P2P: does not use clouds (datacenters), peers do not get paid, lower reliability

Cloud Computing vs Grid Computing?

Both use clouds Grid Computing requires commitment, share based on common interests. Not public cloud

Cloud Computing Benefits

Reduced Cost The infrastructure is not purchased thus lowering maintenance. Initial expense and recurring expenses are much lower than traditional computing. Increased Storage Cloud providers today, storage & maintenance of large volumes of data is a reality. workload spikes are also managed effectively, efficiently & it can scale dynamically. Flexibility More rapidly, to changing business conditions, speed to deliver is critical. Cloud computing stresses on getting applications to market very quickly. Using the most appropriate building blocks necessary for deployment.

Cloud Computing Challenges

Data Protection
Data Security is a crucial element that warrants security. They fear losing data to competition and the data confidentiality of consumers. the existing models, firewalls across data centers (owned by enterprises) protect this sensitive information. Service providers are responsible for maintaining data security and enterprises.

Cloud Computing Challenges


Recovery and Availability

Appropriate clustering and Fail over Data Replication System monitoring (Transactions monitoring, logs monitoring and others) Maintenance (Runtime Governance) Disaster recovery Capacity and performance management

Cloud Computing Challenges


Recovery and Availability

Appropriate clustering and Fail over Data Replication System monitoring (Transactions monitoring, logs monitoring and others) Maintenance (Runtime Governance) Disaster recovery Capacity and performance management

Cloud Computing Challenges


Transfer Bottlenecks

Indatatransferbottlenecksproblemsareeasilyoccur. Fastestwaytotransferlargedata:sendthedisks
Manyapplicationsareproprietary,slow,soloed&exhibitsingle pointsoffailurebutaretooexpensivetoremand

What is the Cloud Computing opportunity?


evolutionary step in computing with >30yrs of momentum Requires a new way of thinking, new processes, new skills, and new tools Enables the business to work around IT departments who are seen as part of the problem Companies will reduce IT operating costs and improve agility Client should investigate cloud strategies with their systems management, application and outsourcing vendors

Cloud Computing Success Stories

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