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L A S_005_JHS

Microsoft Excel?
EXCEL - is a spreadsheet program. This means that Excel
has the ability to do many calculations and has many built-
in mathematical functions.

- is a helpful and powerful program for data analysis and documentations. It is a

spreadsheet program, which contains a number of columns and rows, where each
intersection of a column and row is a “CELL”. Each cell contains one point of data or one
piece of information. By organizing the information of this way, you can make information
easier to find, and automatically draw information from changing data.
The office button is at the top left-hand corner of the
Ribbon. It replaces the File Menu of earlier 
versions of  Office and Excel. It is used to Open,
Save, Print and Close files.

* The commands are organized by Tab and Group. At
the highest level is the Ribbon for each Tab. Here this
is shown for the Home Tab. 
Eventually we want to get to commands that we use from
the Ribbon….
1.] TABS: here are the seven (7) tabs:
* Home ]
* Insert ]
* Page Layout ]
* Formulas ]
* Data ]
* Review ]
* View. ]
- The above example uses the Home tab.
2.] Groups:

 These show related items together… For

example, there is the Font group (within the
Home tab).

3.] Commands

 A command is a button, a box to enter

information, or a menu.
* For example, there is the B button (in the
group in the  Home tab) to make text bold.
*The Dialog Box launcher is a small arrow
that gives additional commands (e.g. at bottom
right of the Font group).

For each of the seven tabs the Ribbon looks as follows on my computer (the look of the ribbon varies with screen
resolution and with the active Excel document).
The most useful Groups for basic data analysis are highlighted.
1. Home Tab - this is one that you will get to see everywhere like MS Excel, MS Word, MS
PowerPoint. There are many sub-menu inside it like Clipboard, font, alignment, style, number, cell,
editing. You can also open it by clicking Alt+H on the keyboard.

2.  Insert Tab -  contains various items that you may want to insert into a document. These items
include such things as tables, word art, hyperlinks, symbols, charts, signature line, date & time, shapes,
header, footer, text boxes, links, boxes, equations and so on.
3. Page Layout – holds all the options that allow you to arrange your document pages just the way
you want them. You can set margins, apply themes, control of page orientation and size, add sections
and line breaks, display line numbers, and set paragraph indentation and lines.

4. Formula – to insert functions, define names, create name ranges, review formulas. In ribbon,
Formulas tab has very important and most useful functions to make dynamic reports. Shortcut
Command to insert Function or Formula Tab is (Shift + F3).
5. Data in Excel - is the information store in the Excel Objects. We can store in Excel Cells, Ranges,
Rows, Columns, Sheets, Charts, Tables and Other Excel Objects.

What are the Four (4) Types of Data

1. TEXT : This kind of data includes characters such as alphabetical, numerical and special symbols. The
primary difference between number data and text data is that you can use calculations on number data but
not text data. 
2. NUMBER : Data is this category includes any kind of numbers. These may include large numbers or small
fractions and quantitative or qualitative data.
3. LOGICAL : Data in this type is either TRUE or FALSE, usually as the product of a test or comparison.
This means you can use a function to determine whether the data in your spreadsheet meets different
4. ERROR : This type of data occurs when Excel recognizes a mistake or missing information while
processing your entry.

You may perform different functions with each type, so it's important to know which ones to use and when to use

•Monetary totals •Words •And Function • #Name?

•Whole numbers •Sentences •Or Function • #Div/0

•Percentages •Dates •Xor stands for • #Ref!

•Decimals •Times “Exclusive Or” • #Num!

•Dates •Adresses •Not Function • #N/A

•Times • #Value!

•Integers • #Null!
A "#" character at the
•Phone numbers beginning of each
error value can help
you easily recognize
these instances.
Select All Button
Minimize Button
Tool Bar Menu Bar Title Bar
Column Header Maximize/Restore Down
Name Box Formula Bar
Close Button

Close Window

Active Cell

Scroll Bars
Row Header

Tab Scrolling

Worksheet Sheet Tabs Status Bar Zoom Slider

The Excel window contains many bars. These bars include a Title Bar, Menu Bar, Tool Bars,
Formula Bar, Status Bar, and Scroll Bars. This bars differ greatly in their function.
Title Bar - identifies the current program and the name of the current workbook.

Menu Bar - a horizontal menu displayed at the top of a computer screen or window,
Listing available menus for an application, such as File, Home, Insert, Page
Layout, Formulas, Data, Review & View.

Formula Bar - a bar that displays the value or formula entered in the active cell.

Status Bar - is a small area at the bottom of a window. It is used by some application
to display helpful Information for the user.

Tool Bars - Quick Access Toolbar a collection of buttons that provide one click access to
commonly used commands such as New, Open, Save, Undo or Redo, & Print
Preview or Print.

Scroll Bars - a vertical or horizontal bar commonly located on the far right or bottom of a
window that allows you to move the window viewing area up, down, left or right.
Name Box - a box that displays the address of the active cell.

Select All Button – a button that selects all the cells in the active worksheet.

Formula Bar - a bar that displays the value or formula entered in the active cell.

Column Headers – the letters that appear along the top of the worksheet to identify the
different columns In the worksheet (Total Column is 16,384).

Row Headers - the number that appears on the left of the worksheet window to identify
the different rows (Total Rows is 1,048,576)

Active Cell - the cell designated by a thick border that will be affected when you type
or edit data.
Cell -  is a rectangular box that occurs at the intersection of a vertical column
and a horizontal row in a worksheet. A cell can only store 1 piece of data
at a time. ... You can store data in a cell such as a formula, text value,
numeric value, or date value.

Tab Scrolling Buttons – let you display and navigate sheet tabs.

Sheet Tabs - tabs that display the name of the worksheet in the workbook, by default
its name Sheet 1, Sheet 2 etc. You can rename this to any name the best
represent to your sheet.

Zoom Slicer - to change worksheet magnification from minimum of 10% up to maximum

of 400%.

Minimize Button – minimizes the window to a button on the taskbar.

Maximize/Restore Down Button – (switches back and forth) between maximizing a window
and restoring a window to its previous size.

Close Button - clicking or tapping X removes the current window, dialog box or popup
message from the screen. It is also used to delete text and graphics.

Close Window Button – closes the current workbook window.

Worksheet - a grid of vertical columns (identified by alphabetic characters) and

horizontal rows (identified by numeric digits); columns and rows intersect
to form cells, each cells can be Identified by a full cell reference or
address, consisting of the column and row coordinates of the cell for
Worksheet specifications for current versions of Excel include:
 1,048,576 rows per worksheet
 16,384 columns per worksheet
 17,179,869,184 cells per worksheet
 A limited number of sheets per file based on the amount of memory available on the computer

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