SDG Part I
SDG Part I
SDG Part I
my mother, I am her son, may the waters remain fresh, do not harm the
waters…. Tranquility be to the atmosphere, to the waters, to the crops and
vegetation”- Atharva Veda,
Ancient texts replete with verses that talk of protecting the natural resources,
which help us to understand the ancient ideas behind environmental conservation
and the insistence on maintaining a balance within the forest ecology.
Besides the ancient texts, from an archeological point of view the presence of
highly advanced city planning, sewage system, and water management
techniques in the Indus-Saraswati civilization speak of the importance that our
ancients placed on living in harmony with the natural environment.
Dwelling units of Indus valley civilization ©
Persian wind catchers ©
Persian wind catchers ©
Sectional view of Domus ©
People, Food, Shelter, Occupation, Food, Clothing, Plant/Flower,
Animals/Birds, Language, Beliefs etc.,
How much do you know about
Developing a Clear Sustainability
Purpose and Positioning