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Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M.

Berbekov Medical faculty Department of propedeutics

of internal diseases

“Dietary supplements.
recommended intake rates,
deficiency, toxicity.”
• N.B. Dietary supplements - pills, liquids,
or powders that contain purified nutrients
or other ingredients (we'll talk about it more
in lecture 7 about vitamins and minerals).
• Scientists are making elemental diets –
diets composed of purified ingredients of
known chemical composition; intended to
supply, to the greatest extent possible, all
essential nutrients to people who cannot eat
• Formula diets are essential to help sick people
to survive, but they do not enable people to
thrive over long periods. These diets are not
perfect for all people in all settings.
• Lately, marketers have advertised
supplements to healthy people of all ages as
“meal replacers” or “insurance” against
malnutrition. The truth is that real food is
superior to such supplements. Most healthy
people who eat a nutritious diet need no
dietary supplements at all.
Food Is Best

• Something in real food is important to health—

but what is it?
• What does food offer that cannot be provided
through a needle or a tube?
• Our stomach and intestine are changing
constantly in response to the foods, aroma, and
taste of food. The digestive organs also release
hormones in response to food. And the brain get
signals that bring the eater a feeling of
satisfaction: “There, that was good. Now I’m full.”
Eating offers both physical and emotional comfort.
• Foods contain phytochemicals - bioactive compounds in
plant-derived foods (phyto, pronounced FYE-toe, means
• Some may be bioactive food components, meaning having
chemical or physical properties that affect the functions of
the body tissues and may affect disease risks. Even an
ordinary baked potato contains hundreds of different
compounds. Nutrients and other food components
interact with each other in the body and operate best in
harmony with one another. In view of all this, it is not
surprising that food gives us more than just nutrients.
• !It’s important to remember, and now it is ‘popular’ to
replace many vegetables and fruits with dietary
supplements !
• The question:
-Can I simply take pills or dietary
supplements in place of food?
- DEFINITELY NOT, because food
offers more than just the six basic
Definition and Classification
of Vitamins

• A Vitamin is defined as an essential,

noncaloric, organic nutrient that is vital to life
indispensable to body functions but that is
needed only in minute amounts in the diet.
The vitamins fall naturally
into two classes: fat-soluble
and water-soluble
(listed in Table 7–1).
Solubility confers on
vitamins many of their
It determines
how the body absorbs,
transports, stores, and
excretes them.
- Fat-soluble vitamins are
mostly absorbed into the
lymph, and they travel in
the blood and within the
cells in association with
protein carriers.
- Fat-soluble vitamins can
be stored in the liver or
with other lipids in fatty
tissues, and some can
build up to toxic
- The water-soluble vitamins are absorbed directly into the
bloodstream, where they travel freely.
- Most are not stored in tissues to any great extent; rather,
excesses are excreted (discharged)in the urine.
- Thus, the risks of toxicities are not as great as for fat-soluble
the general features of the fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins
The Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Summary characteristics and functions of
the fat-soluble vitamins
• The fat-soluble vitamins—A, D, E, K—are found in the fats and oils of
foods and require bile for absorption. Once absorbed, these vitamins
are stored in the liver and fatty tissues until the body needs them.
• Because they are stored, you need not eat foods containing each fat
soluble vitamin every day.
• The capacity to be stored also sets the stage for toxic buildup if you
take in too much.
• Deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins occur when the diet is consistently
low in them. They also occur in people with diseases which reduces
energy nutrient absorption and vitamin absorption. Deficiencies are
also likely when people follow eating patterns that are
extraordinarily low in fat because a little fat is necessary for
absorption of these vitamins.
- Vitamin A has the distinction of being
the first fat-soluble vitamin to be
- Beta-carotene an orange pigment with
antioxidant activity; a vitamin A precursor
made by plants and stored in human fat
- Three forms of vitamin A are active in the body.
One of the active forms, retinol, made from beta-
carotene in animal and human bodies, is stored in
specialized cells of the liver ; an antioxidant nutrient.
Other active forms are retinal and retinoic acid.
- The liver makes retinol available in the bloodstream
and thereby to the body’s cells. The cells convert
retinol to its other two active forms, retinal and
retinoic acid, as needed.

-Foods derived from animals provide forms of

vitamin A that are readily absorbed and put to use by
the body.

-Foods derived from plants provide beta-carotene,

which must be converted to active vitamin A before it
can be used.
Roles of Vitamin A and
Consequences of Deficiency

Vitamin A is a versatile vitamin, with roles in:

• gene expression,
• vision,
• maintenance of body linings and skin,
• immune defenses,
• growth of the body,
• and normal development of cells.
• The most familiar function of vitamin A
is to sustain normal eyesight.

• Vitamin A plays two

indispensable roles:
- in the maintenance of a
healthy, crystal-clear outer
window, the cornea,
- and in the process of light
perception at the retina
(see Figure 7–1).

• Cornea (KOR-nee-uh) the transparent, hard

outer covering of the front of the eye.
• Retina (RET-in-uh) the layer of light-sensitive
nerve cells lining the back of the inside of the eye.
When light falls on the eye, it passes
through the clear cornea and strikes
the cells of the retina, bleaching
many molecules of the pigment
rhodopsin that lie within those cells.
Vitamin A is a part of the rhodopsin
N.B. molecule. When bleaching occurs,
Rhodopsin the vitamin is broken off, initiating
(roh-DOP-sin) the the signal that conveys the sensation
light-sensitive of sight to the optic center in the
pigment of the cells in brain. The vitamin then reunites with
the retina; the pigment, but a little of vitamin A
it contains vitamin A is destroyed each time this reaction
(opsin means “visual takes place, and fresh vitamin A must
replenish the supply.
Night Blindness

• If the vitamin A supply begins to run low, a lag occurs

before the eye can see again after a flash of bright
light at night (see Figure 7–2). This lag in the recovery
of night vision, termed night blindness, often
indicates a vitamin A deficiency. A bright flash of
light can temporarily blind even normal, well-
nourished eyes, but if you experience a long recovery
period before vision returns, your health-care
provider may want to check your vitamin A intake.

• Night blindness - slow recovery of

vision after exposure to flashes of
bright light at night; an early symptom
of vitamin A deficiency.
Xerophthalmia and Blindness

• A more profound deficiency of vitamin A is exhibited when

the protein keratin accumulates and clouds the eye’s outer
vitamin A– dependent part, the cornea. The condition is
known as keratinization, and if the deficiency of vitamin A is
not corrected, it can worsen to xerosis (drying) and then
progress to thickening and permanent blindness,
xerophthalmia. Tragically, half a million of the world’s
vitamin A–deprived children become blind each year from
this often preventable condition, about half die within a year
after losing their sight.
- Keratin (KERR-uh-tin) - the normal protein of hair and nails.
- Keratinization - accumulation of keratin in a tissue; a sign of
vitamin A deficiency.

- Xerosis (zeer-OH-sis) - drying of the cornea; a symptom of

vitamin A deficiency.

- Xerophthalmia (ZEER-ahf-THALL-me-uh) - progressive

hardening of the cornea of the eye in advanced vitamin A
deficiency that can lead to blindness (xero means “dry”;
ophthalm means “eye”).
• Vitamin A supplements given early to children
developing vitamin A deficiency can reverse
the process and save both eyesight and lives.
Better still, a child fed with a variety of fruit
and vegetables regularly is virtually assured
Gene Regulation
Hundreds of genes are regulated by the
retinoic acid form of vitamin A.
Genes direct the synthesis of proteins, including
enzymes that perform the metabolic work of the
tissues. Hence, through its influence on gene
expression, vitamin A affects the metabolic activities
of a vast array of tissues and, in turn, the health of
the whole body. In the same way, retinoic acid may
also affect the development and treatment of certain
cancers, such as leukemia, breast cancer, prostate
cancer, and others; research is ongoing.
Cell Differentiation

Vitamin A is needed by all epithelial tissue

(external skin and internal linings).
Epithelial (ep-ith-THEE-lee-ull) tissue - the layers
of the body that serve as selective barriers to
infection and other environmental factor .
Examples are the cornea, the skin, the respiratory
tract lining, and the lining of the digestive tract.
These tissues serve as barriers.
An example of vitamin A’s
health-supporting work is the
process of cell differentiation,
in which each type of cell
develops to perform a specific
Cell differentiation function. For example, when
shun) the process by
goblet cells (cells that populate
which immature the linings of internal organs)
cells are stimulated mature, they specialize in
to mature and gain synthesizing and releasing
the ability to
perform functions
mucus to protect delicate
characteristic of their tissues from toxins or bacteria
cell type. and other harmful elements.
If vitamin A is deficient, cell
differentiation is impaired,
and goblet cells fail to mature,
fail to make protective mucus,
and eventually die off.

Goblet cells are then displaced by cells that secrete

keratin, mentioned earlier with regard to the eye.
Keratin is the same protein that provides toughness
in hair and fingernails, but in the wrong place, such
as skin and body linings, keratin makes the tissue
surfaces dry, hard, and cracked.
As dead cells accumulate
on the surface, the tissue
becomes vulnerable to
(see Figure 7–3, p. 224).
In the cornea,
keratinization leads to
xerophthalmia; in the
lungs, the displacement
of mucus-producing cells
makes respiratory
infections likely; in the
urinary tract, the same
process leads to urinary
tract infections.
Immune Function
Vitamin A has gained a reputation
as an “anti-infective” vitamin
because so many of the body’s
defenses against infection depend on an adequate
Much research supports the need for vitamin A in the
regulation of the genes involved in immunity. Without
sufficient vitamin A, these genetic interactions
produce an altered response to infection that weakens
the body’s defenses.
Vitamin A nutrition during fetal development may help
set the stage for immune function throughout life.
When the defenses are weak, especially in
vitamin A–deficient children,
an illness such as measles can become severe.
A downward spiral of malnutrition
and infection can set in.

The child’s body must devote its scanty store of vitamin A

to the immune system’s fight against the measles virus,
but this destroys the vitamin. As vitamin A dwindles
further, the infection worsens. Measles takes the lives of
more than 330 of the world’s children every day. Even if a
child survives the infection, permanent blindness is likely
to occur. The corneas, already damaged by the chronic
vitamin A shortage, degenerate rapidly as their meager
supply of vitamin A is diverted to the immune system.
Reproduction and Growth
Vitamin A is essential for

normal reproductive processes.

In men, vitamin A participates in sperm
development, and
in women, it supports normal fetal
development during pregnancy. In a
developing embryo, vitamin A is crucial
for the formation of the spinal cord,
Vitamin A is also indispensable for
growth in children.
Normal children’s bones grow longer,
and the children grow taller, by
remodeling each old bone into a new,
bigger version.
To do so, the body dismantles the old bone
structures and replaces them with new, larger
bone parts. Growth cannot take place just by
adding on to the original small bone; vitamin A
must be present for critical bone dismantling
Failure to grow is one of the
first signs of poor vitamin A
status in a child.

Restoring vitamin A to such children is

imperative, but correcting dietary
deficiencies may be more effective than
giving vitamin A supplements alone
because many other nutrients from
nutritious foods are also needed for
children to grow normally.
Vitamin A Toxicity
For people who take excess active vitamin
A in supplements or
fortified foods,
toxicity is a real possibility.
Figure 7–4 shows that toxicity compromises the
tissues just as deficiency does and is equally
damaging. Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity are many,
and they vary depending partly on whether a
sudden overdose occurs or too much of the vitamin
is taken over time. The figure lists the best-known
toxicity symptoms of both kinds. Hair loss, rashes,
and a host of uncomfortable general symptoms are
Ordinary vitamin
supplements taken in
the context of today’s
fortified food
supply can add up to
small daily excesses of
vitamin A. Substantial
amounts can be found
in fortified cereals,
water beverages,
energy bars, and even
chewing gum
(see Table 7–3).
Pregnant women, especially, should be wary.
Excessive vitamin A during pregnancy can injure the spinal cord and other tissues of a
developing fetus, causing birth defects.
Even a single, massive vitamin A dose (100 times the need) can do so.
Children, too, can be easily hurt by vitamin
A excesses when they mistake chewable
vitamin pills and vitamin-laced gum for
treats. Even misinformed adolescents put
themselves at risk when they take high
doses of vitamin A in misguided attempts
to cure acne. Some effective acne remedies
are derived from vitamin A but they are
chemically altered—vitamin A itself has no
effect on acne (Chapter 14 in book comes
back to acne).
Vitamin A Recommendations and
You can meet your need for
vitamin A in two ways:
by consuming the active
form in animal food
sources, or by consuming
beta-carotene in plants.
Overdoses of the active form are toxic, so avoiding
too much is as important as getting enough.
Beta-carotene consumed in fruit and vegetables is
The DRI for vitamin A is based on body

- A typical man needs a daily average of about

900 micrograms of active vitamin A;
- A typical woman needs about 700

During lactation, her need is higher.

Children need less.
The ability of vitamin A to be stored
in the tissues means that, although
the DRI is stated as a daily amount,
you need not consume vitamin A
every day. An intake that meets the
daily need when averaged over
several months is sufficient.

As for vitamin A supplements, the DRI committee

warns against exceeding the Tolerable Upper Intake
Level (UL) of 3,000 micrograms/ day
(for adults older than age 18).
The best way to ensure a safe intake
of vitamin A is to steer clear of
supplements that contain it and to
rely on food sources instead.
The richest sources of
active vitamin A are liver
and fish oil, but milk and
milk products and other
vitamin A–fortified foods
such as enriched cereals
can also be good sources.
Even butter and eggs
provide some vitamin A.
A Lesson in Moderation
When young laboratory pigs eat daily
chow made from salmon parts, including the livers,
their growth halts, and they fall ill from vitamin A

Inuit people and Arctic explorers know that polar

bear livers are a dangerous food source because the
bears eat whole fish (with the livers) and, in turn,
concentrate large amounts of vitamin A in their own
Its interesting! livers.
A Lesson in Moderation
An occasional serving of liver can
provide abundant nutrients and boost
nutrient status, but daily use may invite vitamin A
toxicity, especially in young children and pregnant
women who also routinely take supplements.
Snapshot 7–1 shows a sampling of foods that
provide more than 10 percent of the Daily Value
for a vitamin in a standard-size portion and that
therefore qualify as “good sources.”
• Bright orange fruit and
vegetables derive their
color from beta-carotene
and are so colorful that
they decorate the plate.
Carrots, sweet potatoes,
pumpkins, mango,
cantaloupe, and apricots
are all rich sources
of beta-carotene.
• Beta-carotene is one of many dietary antioxidants
present in foods.
Dietary antioxidants
compounds typically
found in plant foods that
counteract the adverse
effects of oxidation on
living tissues. The major
antioxidant vitamins are
vitamin E, vitamin C, and
beta-carotene. Many
phytochemicals are also
antioxidants. (Table 7–4)
and Carotenoids
• Dark green vegetables owes
its deep dark green color to
the blending of orange beta-
carotene with the green leaf
pigment chlorophyll.
• Carotenoids (CARE-oh-ten-oyds) members of a group
of pigments in foods that range in color from light yellow
to reddish orange and are chemical relatives of beta-
carotene. Many have a degree of vitamin A activity in the
body. Also defined in lecture 2.
For example, diets lacking in
dark green, leafy vegetables
and orange vegetables are
associated with the most
common form of age-related
blindness, macular
degeneration, loses integrity,
impairing the most important
field of vision, the central

• The macula, a yellow spot of pigment at the focal

center of the retina (identified in Figure 7–1).
Measuring Beta-Carotene
The conversion of beta-carotene
to retinol in the body entails losses, so vitamin A activity for precursors is measured in retinol activity
equivalents (RAE).

Retinol activity equivalents (RAE) a new

measure of the vitamin A activity of beta-carotene
and other vitamin A precursors that reflects the
amount of retinol that the body will derive from a
food containing vitamin A precursor compounds.
On labels express beta-carotene
and vitamin A contents using IU
(international units) label uses or
micrograms. To convert one to
the other, use the factor provided
in Appendix C in book and next
12 micrograms of beta-carotene from food
1 microgram of retinol to the body.
Beta-carotene from food is
not cause vitamin A
toxicity. But diet of
abundant pumpkin, carrots,
or carrot juice, can turn
light-skinned people bright
yellow because beta-
carotene builds up in the
fat just beneath the skin
and imparts a harmless
yellow cast (see Figure 7–
Vitamin D
Vitamin D from Sunlight
- Vitamin D Synthesis and Activation
1. When ultraviolet (UV) light rays from the sun reach a
cholesterol compound in human skin, the compound
is transformed into a vitamin D precursor and is
absorbed into the blood.
2. Next stage is the conversion of vitamin D in the liver,
resulting in the formation of 25-OH-vitamin D
3. The second stage is the conversion of 25-OH-D in the
kidneys, resulting in the formation of an active form of
1,25-OH-vitamin D (Calcitriol).
The factors
listed in
Table 7–6
can all interfere
with vitamin D
• Increases the absorption of calcium in the
• Supports blood calcium and phosphorus
• Even if you consume large amounts of
calcium and phosphorus, without sufficient
levels of vitamin D, they simply will not be
• Participates in bone mineralization.
• Essential for bone growth and bone remodeling.
• Prevents the development of rickets in children
and osteomalacia in adults.
• In adults, vitamin D is used in complex treatment
for the prevention of osteoporosis.
• Vitamin D also affects neuromuscular conduction,
immunity and inflammation.
• Vitamin D deficiency in infants can lead to seizures
and difficulty breathing.
Roles of Vitamin DD

Calcium Regulation
Table 7–5 lists nutrients,
including vitamin D,
that are important
for bone health.
- Scientists are investigating
whether vitamin D may offer
protection against a wide variety of ailments,
including cardiovascular disease and its risk
factors, some cancers, infections, diabetes,
autoimmune disorders, impaired brain
development, cognitive decline, and more.

- Vitamin D’s impressive array of normal activities

in the body may be linked with its numerous
potential roles in preventing these diseases.
Too Little Vitamin D —
A Danger to Bones
The most obvious sign occurs in
early life— the abnormality of the
bones in the disease rickets.
(as shown in Figure 7–6).

• Rickets - the vitamin D–deficiency disease in

children; characterized by abnormal growth of
bone and manifested in bowed legs or knock-
knees, outward-bowed chest deformity (pigeon
chest), and knobs on the ribs.
• Children with rickets develop
bowed legs because they are
unable to mineralize newly
forming bone material, a
rubbery protein matrix. As
gravity pulls their body weights
down against these weak
bones, their legs bow.
• To prevent rickets and support
optimal bone health, the DRI
committee recommends that all
infants, children, and
adolescents consume the
recommended amounts of
vitamin D each day.
Deficiency in Adults
In adults, poor mineralization of bone
results in the painful bone disease
• Osteomalacia (OS-tee-o-mal-AY-shuh) the adult
expression of vitamin D–deficiency disease,
characterized by an overabundance of
unmineralized bone protein (osteo means “bone”;
mal means “bad”). Symptoms include bending of the
spine and bowing of the legs. The bones become
increasingly soft, flexible, weak, and deformed.
• Inadequate vitamin D also sets the
stage for a loss of calcium from the
bones, which can result in fractures
from osteoporosis.

• Osteoporosis a weakening of bone mineral

structures caused by calcium loss that
occurs commonly with advancing age.
• For people with a low vitamin D blood
concentration, a vitamin D supplement may help
to normalize the blood value and maintain bone
mineral density.
Norma Osteoporosis Osteomalacia

normal flatness of bone trabeculae the density of

bone trabeculae, are adequately bone trabeculae is
adequate mineralized, but normal, but
mineralized bone their density is mineralization is
reduced reduced
Vitamin D and Obesity
• Scientists suggest that obesity may impair vitamin D
status, and weight loss may help correct the situation.
• First, extra fat tissue requires a great deal of extra
blood flow, so vitamin D, even if amply provided, may
become diluted in the larger blood volume of
overweight people, yielding below-normal test
• Second, fat soluble vitamin D may be taken up and
sequestered in the fat tissue of overweight people,
making it less available to the bloodstream.
• Research concerning obesity and vitamin D deficiency
is ongoing.
Too Much Vitamin D—
A Danger to Soft Tissues

• Vitamin D is the most potentially toxic among

the vitamins. Vitamin D intoxication raises the
concentration of blood calcium by withdrawing
bone calcium, which can then collect in the soft
tissues and damage them (kidney and heart
function decline).
Toxicity symptoms:

• Nausea
• Fatigue,
• Back pain
• Irregular heartbeat
• Headache
• Increased urination
• Thirst
Vitamin D Food Sources
Vitamin D Intake

• Vitamin D is produced only with a UV index above

3. Measuring the contribution of vitamin D from
sunlight is difficult, and sun exposure increases skin
cancer risks. And with a UV index above 2,
protection is required to prevent skin cancer. So the
DRI committee set its recommendations in terms of
dietary vitamin D alone, with no contribution from
the sun.
NOTE: For all nutrients, values for infants are AI. The table on page Y defines units of
cVitamin A recommendations are expressed as retinol activity equivalents (RAE).
nutrient measure.
aNiacin recommendations are expressed as niacin equivalents (NE), except for dVitamin D recommendations are expressed as cholecalciferol and assume an
recommendations for infants younger than 6 months, which are expressed as
absence of adequate exposure to sunlight. Pregnant or lactating girls ages 14–18
preformed niacin.
bFolate recommendations are expressed as dietary folate equivalents (DFE). also need 15 micrograms vitamin D per day.
eVitamin E recommendations are expressed as a-tocopherol.
International Units (IU)
To convert IU to:
● μg vitamin D: divide by 40 or multiply by 0.025.
Tocopherol (tuh-KOFF-er-all) a kind of alcohol.

• Four tocopherol compounds of importance in

nutrition: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.
• The active form of vitamin E is alpha-
tocopherol. And the DRI values are expressed as
• Additional forms of vitamin E have also been
identified and are of interest to researchers for
potential roles in health.
Roles of Vitamin E

• Vitamin E is an antioxidant and safes us from

oxidative damage.
Free radicals - atoms or molecules
with one or more unpaired electrons
that make the atom or molecule
unstable and highly reactive.

• When free radicals run amok, they create

a destructive chain reaction that can
damage the polyunsaturated lipids in cell
membranes and lipoproteins, the DNA in
genetic material, and the working proteins
of cells.
Oxidative stress - a theory of disease
causation involving cell and tissue damage
that arises when free radical reactions
exceed the capacity of antioxidants to
quench them.

• Oxidative stress creates inflammation and cell

damage associated with aging processes, cancer
development, heart disease, diabetes, and a
variety of other diseases.
1. A chemically reactive oxygen free radical attacks
fatty acid, DNA, protein, or cholesterol molecules,
which form other free radicals in turn.
2. This initiates a rapid, destructive chain reaction.
Antioxidants, such as vitamin E, stop the chain
reaction by changing the nature of the free radical.
3. The result is: Cell membrane lipid damage. Cellular
protein damage. DNA damage. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
Inflammation. These changes may initiate steps leading to
diseases such as heart disease, cancer, macular
degeneration, and others.

4. Antioxidants, such as vitamin E, stop the chain

reaction by changing the nature of the free radical.
A classic vitamin E deficiency occurs in
babies born prematurely, before the
transfer of the vitamin from the mother to
the fetus. Without sufficient vitamin E, the
infant’s red blood cells rupture
(erythrocyte hemolysis), and the infant
becomes anemic.
• Erythrocyte (eh-REETH-ro-sight) hemolysis (hee-
MOLL-ih-sis) rupture of the red blood cells that can
be caused by vitamin E deficiency (erythro means
“red”; cyte means “cell”; hemo means “blood”; lysis
means “breaking”). The anemia produced by the
condition is hemolytic (HEE-moh-LIT-ick) anemia.
Toxicity of Vitamin E
Vitamin E in foods is safe to consume

• Vitamin E in supplements augments the effects of

anticoagulant medication used to oppose
unwanted blood clotting, so people taking such
drugs risk uncontrollable bleeding if they also
take vitamin E. Supplemental doses of vitamin E
prolong blood clotting times and increase the risk
of brain hemorrhages, a form of stroke that has
been noted among people taking supplements of
vitamin E.
• Pooled results from 78 experiments
involving over a quarter-million people
suggest that taking vitamin E
supplements may increase mortality in
both healthy and sick people.
Vitamin E Recommendations and U.S. Intakes

• The DRI (back of the book, p. B) for vitamin E is

15 milligrams a day for adults.

• 1 IU natural vitamin E ˭ 0.67 mg alpha-

• 1 IU synthetic vitamin E ˭ 0.45 mg alpha-
The roles of vitamin K, its food
sources, and the effects of its
deficiency and toxicity.
Vitamin K
The main function of vitamin K is
to help activate proteins that
help clot the blood.

BUT! Supplemental vitamin K is of value

only if a deficiency exists.
Vitamin K does not improve clotting in
those with inherited bleeding disorders.
- One of the best-known medicines for
“thinning” the blood is warfarin
(pronounced WAR-fuh-rin), which interferes
with vitamin K’s clot-promoting action.
- Vitamin K therapy may be needed for
people on warfarin if uncontrolled bleeding
should occur.

- People taking warfarin who self-prescribe vitamin K

supplements risk causing dangerous clotting of their
- Those who suddenly stop taking vitamin K risk
causing excess bleeding.
Vitamin K is also necessary for the synthesis of
key bone proteins. People who consume
abundant vitamin K in the form of green leafy
vegetables suffer fewer hip fractures than those
with lower intakes.
Vitamin K Deficiency

Vitamin K can be obtained from a nonfood source

—in this case, the intestinal bacteria.
Some of bacteria intestines synthesize vitamin K.

Newborn infants are born with sterile intestinal

tracts and the vitamin K–producing bacteria take
weeks to establish themselves. To prevent
hemorrhage, newborns are given a single dose of
vitamin K at birth (as illustrated in Figure 7–10).
People who have taken antibiotics that
have killed the bacteria in their
intestinal tracts also may develop
vitamin K deficiency. In other medical
conditions, bile production falters,
making lipids, including all of the fat-
soluble vitamins, unabsorbable.
Supplements of the vitamin are
needed in these cases because a
vitamin K deficiency can be fatal.
Vitamin K Toxicity

- Reports of vitamin K toxicity among healthy

adults are rare, and the DRI committee has not
set a UL for vitamin K.
- For infants and pregnant women, however,
vitamin K toxicity can result when supplements
of a synthetic version of vitamin K are given too
Jaundice (JAWN-dis) yellowing of
the skin due to spillover of the
bile pigment bilirubin (bill-ee-
ROO-bin) from the liver into the
general circulation.

Toxicity induces breakage of the red blood cells

and release of their pigment, which colors the
skin yellow. A toxic dose of synthetic vitamin K
causes the liver to release the blood cell pigment
(bilirubin) into the blood (instead of excreting it
into the bile) and leads to jaundice.
Vitamin K Requirements and Sources

• The vitamin K requirement for men is 120

micrograms a day.
• Women require 90 micrograms.
Dark green vegetables: cooked spinach and other greens, which provide
an average of 300 micrograms per half-cup serving. Lettuces, broccoli,
brussels sprouts, and other members of the cabbage family are also
good sources. Among protein foods, soybeans, green and black-eyed
peas, and split pea soup are rich sources. Canola and soybean oils
(unhydrogenated liquid oils) provide smaller but still significant
amounts; fortified cereals can also be rich sources of added vitamin K.
The Water-Soluble Vitamins
More than 200 years ago, any man who joined the
crew of a seagoing ship knew that he might contract
scurvy and die.

Sadly, it took 50 years for

the British navy to make use
of the information and
require all its vessels to
provide lime juice to every
sailor daily.
The name later given to the
vitamin that the fruit provided,
ascorbic acid, literally means
“no-scurvy acid.” It is more
commonly known today as
vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid one of the

active forms of
vitamin C (the other is
dehydroascorbic acid); an
antioxidant nutrient.
The Roles of Vitamin C

• Connective Tissue
• Antioxidant Activity
1. Connective Tissue
The enzymes involved in the formation
and maintenance of the protein collagen depend
on vitamin C for their activity, as do many other
enzymes of the body. Collagen forms the base for
all of the connective tissues: bones, teeth, skin,
and tendons, collagen forms the scar tissue that
heals wounds. Vitamin C also participates in
other synthetic reactions, such as in the
production of carnitine, an important compound
for transporting fatty acids within the cells, and in
the creation of certain hormones.
2. Antioxidant Activity

- Cells of the immune system maintain high

concentrations of vitamin C to protect
themselves from free radicals that they
generate to use during assaults on bacteria
and other invaders.
- In the intestines, vitamin C protects iron from
oxidation and so promotes its absorption.
- Once in the blood, vitamin C protects sensitive blood
constituents from oxidation, reduces tissue
inflammation, and helps to maintain the body’s supply of
vitamin E by protecting it and recycling it to its active
an vitamin C supplements
cure a cold?
Many people hold that vitamin C
supplements can prevent or cure a
common cold, but !!!! In 29 trials of
over 11,300 people, no relationship
emerged between routine vitamin C
supplementation and cold
Most of the symptoms of scurvy
can be attributed to the breakdown
of collagen in the absence of
vitamin C: loss of appetite, growth
cessation, tenderness to touch,
weakness, bleeding gums
(Figure 7–11), loose teeth, swollen
ankles and wrists, and tiny red
spots in the skin where blood has
leaked out of capillaries (also
shown in the figure). One
symptom, anemia, reflects an
important role worth repeating—
vitamin C helps the body to absorb
and use iron.
Table 7–9 (p. 256) summarizes deficiency symptoms
and other information about vitamin C.
Vitamin C Toxicity

• One effect observed with a 2-gram dose is

alteration of the insulin response to
carbohydrate in people with otherwise
normal glucose tolerances.
• People taking anticlotting medications may
unwittingly counteract the drug’s effect if
they also take massive doses of vitamin C.
• Those with kidney disease, a
tendency toward gout, or abnormal
vitamin C metabolism are prone to
forming kidney stones if they take
large doses of vitamin C.

• Vitamin C supplements in any dosage may

be unwise for people with an overload of
iron in the body because vitamin C
increases iron absorption from the
intestine and releases iron from storage.
• Other adverse effects:
digestive upsets, such as nausea,
abdominal cramps, excessive gas, and

Vitamin C from food is always safe.

The safe range of vitamin
C intakes seems to be
broad, from the absolute
minimum of 10 milligrams
a day to the UL of 2,000
milligrams (2 grams),
as Figure 7–12
Doses approaching
10 grams can be expected
to be unsafe. Vitamin C
from food is always safe.
Vitamin C Recommendations
• These amounts are far
higher than the 10 or so
milligrams per day needed
to prevent the symptoms
of scurvy.
• The adult DRI for vitamin C is:
- 90 milligrams for men and
- 75 milligrams for women.
Tobacco use introduces oxidants that deplete the
body’s vitamin C and smokers generally have
lower blood vitamin C concentrations than
nonsmokers. Intake recommendations for
smokers are set high:
• 125 milligrams for men and
• 110 milligrams for women
• in order to maintain blood concentrations
comparable to those of nonsmokers.
Vitamin C Food Sources
The B Vitamins
Roles in Metabolism
• The B vitamins function as parts of
• A coenzyme is a small molecule that combines
with an enzyme (described in Chapter 6) and
activates it. Many coenzymes have B vitamins
as part of their structure (co means “with”).
Remember it and see next figure.
The B vitamins work in every

The purpose of this

figure is to show a
few of the many
tissue functions
that require a host
of B vitamin–
enzymes working
together in
• Every B vitamin is part of one or more
coenzymes that make possible the body’s
chemical work. Active forms of five of the B
vitamins— thiamin, riboflavin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and biotin—participate in the
release of energy from carbohydrate, fat, and
• The folate and vitamin B 12 coenzymes are
necessary for making RNA and DNA and thus
new cells. The vitamin B 6 coenzyme is
necessary for processing amino acids and
therefore protein.
B Vitamin Deficiencies

• As we just say the reactions by which B

vitamins facilitate energy release take place
in every cell, and no cell can do its work
without energy.
• Thus, in a B vitamin deficiency, every cell is
Among the symptoms of B
vitamin deficiencies are:
• nausea,
• severe exhaustion,
• depression,
• forgetfulness,
• loss of appetite and
• pain in muscles,
• impairment of the
immune response,
Swollen red tongue, cracked skin • loss of control of the
at the corners of the mouth limbs,
(Figure 7–15) • abnormal heart action,
• severe skin problems,
• teary or bloodshot eyes
• Thiamin plays a critical role in the energy
metabolism of all cells. Thiamin occupies a
special site on nerve cell membranes.
Consequently, nerve processes and their
responding tissues, the muscles, depend
heavily on thiamin.
Thiamin Deficiency
• Beriberi (berry-berry) the thiamin-deficiency disease;
characterized by loss of sensation in the hands and feet,
muscular weakness, advancing paralysis, and abnormal
heart action.
• The classic thiamin-deficiency disease. It was first
observed in East Asia, where rice provided 80 to 90
percent of the total calories most people consumed and
was their principal source of thiamin.
• When the custom of polishing rice (removing its brown
coat, which contained the thiamin) became widespread,
beriberi swept through the population like an epidemic.
Therefore, it is healthier to eat unprocessed wild rice.
Figure 7–16 depicts beriberi
and describes its two forms.
Just before the year 1900, an observant physician working in
a prison in East Asia discovered that beriberi could be cured
with proper diet. The physician noticed that the chickens at
the prison had developed a stiffness and weakness similar to
that of the prisoners who had beriberi. The chickens were
being fed the rice left on prisoners’ plates.
When the rice bran, which had been discarded in the
kitchen, was given to the chickens, to the chickens, their
paralysis was cured
The physician met resistance when he tried to
feed the rice bran, the “garbage,” to the
prisoners, but it worked—it produced a miracle
cure. Later, extracts of rice bran were used to
prevent infantile beriberi; still later, thiamin
was identified.
Alcohol abuse leads to a severe form
of thiamin deficiency, Wernicke-
Korsakoff syndrome. Alcohol impairs
absorption of thiamin from the
digestive tract and hastens its
excretion in the urine, tripling the risk
of deficiency.

The syndrome is characterized by symptoms almost

indistinguishable from alcohol abuse itself:
apathy, irritability, mental confusion,
disorientation, memory loss, jerky eye movements,
and a staggering gait (listed in Snapshot 7–6).
Recommended Intakes
• The DRI committee set the thiamin intake
recommendation at
• 1.2 milligrams per day for men and
• at 1.1 milligrams per day for women.
• Pregnancy and lactation demand somewhat more
thiamin (see the DRI, back of the book, p. B).
Riboflavin Roles, deficiency, food source

• Like thiamin, riboflavin plays a role as a coenzyme

in the energy metabolism pathways of all cells.
• Worldwide, riboflavin deficiency has been
documented among children whose eating
patterns lack milk products and meats.
• Deficiency symptoms:
Cracks and redness at corners of mouth; painful,
smooth, purplish red tongue; sore throat; inflamed
eyes and eyelids, sensitivity to light; skin rashes
• People in Russia obtain over a quarter of their
riboflavin from enriched breads, cereals, pasta,
and other grain products, while milk and milk
products supply another 20 percent. Certain
vegetables, eggs, and meats contribute most of
the rest (see Snapshot 7–7).
• Riboflavin recommendations are listed in
Snapshot 7–7.
• Ultraviolet light and irradiation destroy
riboflavin. For these reasons, milk is sold in
cardboard or opaque plastic containers, and
precautions are taken if milk is processed by
• Riboflavin is heat stable, so cooking does not
destroy it.
• Niacin a B vitamin needed in energy
metabolism. Niacin can be eaten
preformed or made in the body
from tryptophan, one of the amino
acids. Other forms of niacin are
nicotinic acid, niacinamide, and

• The vitamin niacin, like thiamin and

riboflavin, participates in the energy
metabolism of every cell. A
deficiency causes serious illness.
Niacin Deficiency
• Pellagra, characterized by flaky skin rash (dermatitis)
where exposed to sunlight
• mental depression
• apathy
• fatigue
• loss of memory
• headache
• diarrhea
• abdominal pain
• vomiting
• swollen
• smooth
• bright red or black tongue
Niacin Deficiency
• Pellagra (pell-AY-gra) the niacin-deficiency
disease (pellis means “skin”; agra means “rough”).
• Symptoms include the “4 Ds”: diarrhea,
dermatitis, dementia, and, ultimately, death.
Appeared in Europe in the 1700s when corn from
the New World became a staple food.

• The disease still occurs among poorly nourished

people, and among those with alcohol addiction.
• Figure 7–17 shows the
skin disorder (dermatitis)
associated with pellagra.
Niacin Toxicity and Pharmacology
Reported risks from large doses of niacin:
• painful flush, hives, and rash (“niacin flush”);
• excessive sweating;
• blurred vision;
• liver damage;
• impaired glucose tolerance;
• serious infection; Tolerable Upper intake
• muscle weakness. Level
Adults: 35 mg/day
Niacin Recommendations

• DRi:
• Men: 16 mg/day
• Women: 14 mg/day
Food Sources
• The key nutrient that prevents pellagra is niacin,
but any protein containing sufficient amounts of
the amino acid tryptophan will serve in its
place. Tryptophan, which is abundant in almost
all proteins (but is limited in the protein of corn),
is converted to niacin in the body, and it is
possible to cure pellagra by administering
tryptophan alone. Thus, a person eating
adequate protein will not be deficient in niacin.
• The amount of niacin in a diet is stated in terms
of niacin equivalents (NE), a measure that takes
available tryptophan into account.

• Snapshot 7–8 shows some good food sources of


• Niacin Equivalents (NE) the amount of niacin

present in food, including the niacin that can
theoretically be made from its precursor
tryptophan that is present in the food.
Folate, Folic Acid

Vitamin B9
• Folate
• To make new cells, tissues must have the
vitamin folate. Each new cell must be
equipped with new genetic material—copies
of the parent cell’s DNA—and folate helps
synthesize DNA.
• Folate also participates in the metabolism
of vitamin B12 and several amino acids.
Folate Deficiency

• Folate deficiencies may result from following an

eating food poor folate or from illnesses that
impair folate absorption, increase folate
excretion, require medication that interacts with
• Immature red and white blood cells and the cells
of the digestive tract divide most rapidly and
therefore are most vulnerable to folate deficiency.
Deficiency Symptoms
• Anemia, impaired immunity, and
abnormal digestive function.
• Research links a chronic deficiency
of folate with greater risks for developing breast
cancer (particularly among women who drink
alcohol), prostate cancer, and other cancers. The
relationship between cancer and folate is not
simple: research also suggests that high doses
from supplements may speed up cancer
Folate and Medications
• Of all the vitamins, folate is most likely to
interact with medications. Many drugs,
including antacids and aspirin and its
relatives, have been shown to interfere with
the body’s use of folate. Occasional use of
these drugs to relieve headaches or
stomach upsets poses no concern, but
frequent users may need to pay attention to
their folate intakes.
Birth Defects and Folate Enrichment
• By consuming enough folate both before and
during pregnancy, a woman can reduce her child’s
risk of having one of the devastating birth defects
known as Neural Tube Defects (NTD).
• Neural Tube Defects (NTD) abnormalities of the
brain and spinal cord apparent at birth and
associated with low folate intake in women before
and during pregnancy. The neural tube is the
earliest brain and spinal cord structure formed
during gestation.
• NTD range from slight
problems in the spine
to mental retardation,
severely diminished
brain size, and death
shortly after birth (an
example of an NTD,
spina bifida, is shown
in Figure 7–18).
• NTD arise in the first days or
weeks of pregnancy, long before
most women suspect that they
are pregnant. Adequate
maternal folate may protect
against other related birth
defects, cleft lip, and
miscarriages, as well.
• Most young women eat too few
fruit and vegetables from day to
day to supply even half the
folate needed to prevent NTD. cleft lip
Folate Toxicity

• A UL for synthetic folic acid from

enriched foods and supplements is set at
1,000 micrograms a day for adults.

• The current level of folate fortification of

the food supply appears to be safe for
most people.
Folate Recommendations
• The DRI for folate for healthy adults is set at 400
micrograms per day.

• With one voice, nutrition authorities advise all

women of childbearing age to consume 400
micrograms of folic acid, a highly available form
of folate, from supplements or enriched foods
each day in addition to the folate that occurs
naturally in their foods.
• A difference in absorption between naturally
occurring food folate and synthetic folic acid
necessitates compensation when measuring folate.

• Dietary folate equivalent (DFE) a unit of

measure expressing the amount of folate available
to the body from naturally occurring sources. The
measure mathematically equalizes the difference
in absorption between less absorbable food folate
and highly absorbable synthetic folate (folic acid)
added to enriched foods and found in
Folate Food Sources:

- *These foods provide 10% or more of the

folate Daily Value in a serving.
For a 2,000-cal diet, the DV is 400 μg/day.
- a Folate recommendations are expressed
in dietary folate equivalents (DFE).
Note that for natural folate sources,
1 μg = 1 DFE;
for enrichment sources, 1 μg = 1.7 DFE.
- b Some highly enriched cereals may
provide 400 μg or more in a serving.
• Vitamin B 12 and folate are closely related.
Each depends on the other for activation.
Vitamin B12 helps to convert folate to its
active form and also helps to maintain the
sheath around nerve cells. The vitamin’s
scientific name, is cyanocobalamin.
Vitamin B 12 Deficiency
• Without sufficient vitamin B12, folate fails to do its
blood-building work, so vitamin B12 deficiency
causes an anemia identical to that caused by folate
• The blood symptoms of a deficiency of either folate
or vitamin B 12 include the presence of large,
immature red blood cells. Administering extra folate
often clears up this blood condition but allows the
deficiency of vitamin B12 to continue undetected.
• damaged nerve sheaths
• creeping paralysis
• and general malfunctioning of nerves and
• Even a marginal vitamin B12 deficiency may
impair mental functioning in the elderly,
worsening dementia.(3) Vitamin B12
deficiency has also been associated with
mental depression, but supplementation with
vitamin B12 does not appear to improve
symptoms of depression.(4)
• Research is ongoing.
A Special Case: Vitamin B12
• For vitamin B12, deficiencies most often reflect
poor absorption that occurs for one of two reasons:
▪ The stomach produces too little acid to liberate
vitamin B12 from food.
▪ Intrinsic factor, a compound made by the stomach
and needed for absorption, is lacking.
Once the stomach’s acid frees vitamin B 12 from the
food proteins that bind it, intrinsic factor attaches to
the vitamin, and the complex is absorbed into the
• intrinsic factor a factor made by the
stomach that is necessary for absorption of
vitamin B12 and prevention of pernicious
• The anemia of the vitamin B 12
deficiency caused by lack of
intrinsic factor is known as
pernicious anemia (see Figure 7–
• - Pernicious (per-NISH-us)
anemia a vitamin B 12–
deficiency disease, caused by
lack of intrinsic factor and
characterized by large, immature
red blood cells and damage to
the nervous system (pernicious
means “highly injurious or
• In a few people, an inborn defect in the gene for
intrinsic factor begins to impair vitamin B 12
absorption by mid-adulthood.
• Intestinal diseases, surgeries, or stomach
infections with an ulcer-causing bacterium can
also impair absorption.
• Taking a common diabetes drug also makes
vitamin B12 deficiency likely, although its
symptoms have not been reported.
• In cases of malabsorption, vitamin B12
must be supplied by injection or via
nasal spray to bypass the defective
absorptive system.
Vitamin B6 is needed for converting one kind of
amino acid, which cells have in abundance, to
other nonessential amino acids that the cells lack.
▪ Aids in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin.
▪ Plays important roles in the synthesis of
hemoglobin and neurotransmitters, the
communication molecules of the brain.
(For example, vitamin B6 assists the conversion of
the amino acid tryptophan to the mood-regulating
neurotransmitter serotonin.)
▪ Assists in releasing stored glucose from
glycogen and thus contributes to the
maintenance of a normal blood glucose
▪ Plays roles in immune function and steroid
hormone activity.
▪ Is critical to normal development of the
fetal brain and nervous system; deficiency
during this stage causes behavioral
problems later.
Vitamin B6 Deficiency

• Because of these diverse functions, vitamin B6

deficiency is expressed in general symptoms:
• weakness,
• psychological depression,
• confusion,
• irritability,
• and insomnia.
• In advanced cases of deficiency, convulsions.
Other symptoms
include anemia, the
greasy dermatitis
depicted in
Figure 7–21.
Vitamin B6 Recommendations
Adults (19–50 yr): 1.3 mg/day

Tolerable Upper intake Level:

Adults: 100 mg/day
Food Sources:

• Meats, fish, and poultry (protein-rich foods);

potatoes; leafy green vegetables; and some fruit
are good sources of vitamin B6 (Snapshot 7–11).
Other foods such as legumes and peanut butter
provide smaller amounts.
Vitamin B6 Toxicity
• A report told of women who took more than 2
grams of vitamin B6 daily for months (20 times
the current UL of 100 milligrams per day),
attempting to cure premenstrual syndrome
(science doesn’t support this use). The women
developed numb feet, then lost sensation in
their hands, and eventually became unable to
walk or work. Withdrawing the supplement
reversed the symptoms.
• Food sources of vitamin B 6 are safe. Consider
that one small capsule can easily deliver 2 grams
of vitamin B6 but it would take almost 3,000
bananas, more than 1,600 servings of liver, or
more than 3,800 chicken breasts to supply an
equivalent amount.
• Moral: stick with food. Table 7–9 (pp. 256–258)
lists common deficiency and toxicity symptoms
and food sources of vitamin B6.
Biotin and Pantothenic Acid

• Two other B vitamins, biotin and pantothenic

acid, are, like thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin,
important in energy metabolism.
• Biotin is a coenzyme for several enzymes in the
metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and protein.
• Biotin is widespread in foods, so eating a variety
of foods prevents deficiency. Also, intestinal
bacteria release biotin that can be absorbed.
Non–B Vitamins
1. Choline might be called a conditionally
essential nutrient. When the diet is devoid of
choline, the body cannot make enough of the
compound to meet its needs, and choline
plays important roles in fetal development,
particularly in the brain.85 Choline is widely
supplied by protein-rich foods (eggs are a
particularly good source). DRI values have
been set for choline.
• The compounds carnitine, inositol, and
lipoic acid might appropriately be called
nonvitamins because they are not essential
nutrients for human beings. Carnitine,
sometimes called “vitamin BT,” is an important
piece of cell machinery, but it is not a vitamin.
1. M. Matejcic and coauthors, Biomarkers of folate and vitamin B12 and
breast cancer risk: Report from the EPIC cohort, International Journal of
Cancer 140 (2017): 1246–1259; C. D. Cantarella and coauthors, Folate
deficiency as predisposing factor for childhood leukaemia: A review of the
literature, Genes & Nutrition 12 (2017): 14; S. J. Kim and coauthors,
Plasma folate, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12 and breast cancer risk in
BRCA1- and BRCA2- mutation carriers: A prospective study, The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition 104 (2016): 671–677; Y. Peng, B. Dong, and Z.
Wang, Serum folate concentrations and all-cause, cardiovascular disease
and cancer mortality: A cohort study based on 1999–2010 National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), International Journal
of Cardiology 219 (2016): 136–142; R. Wang and coauthors, Folate intake,
serum folate levels, and prostate cancer risk: A meta-analysis of
prospective studies, BMC Public Health 14 (2014): 1326.
2. H. N. Moussa and coauthors, Folic acid supplementation: what is new?
Fetal, obstetric, long-term benefits and risks, 2016.
3. C. Hui and coauthors, Associations between Alzheimer’s Disease and
blood homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folate: A case-control study,
Current Alzheimer Research 12 (2015): 88–94.
4.  A. Brito and coauthors, The human serum metabolome of vitamin B-12
deficiency and repletion, and associations with neurological function in
elderly adults, Journal of Nutrition
147 (2017): 1839–1849; E. J. de Koning and coauthors, Effects of two-year
vitamin B12 and folic acid supplementation on depressive symptoms and
quality of life in older adults with elevated homocysteine concentrations:
Additional results
from the B-PROOF study, an RCT, Nutrients (2016), epub, doi:
10.3390/nu8110748; O. I. Okereke and coauthors, Effect of long-term
supplementation with folic acid and B vitamins on risk of depression in older
women, The British Journal of Psychiatry 206 (2015): 324–331.

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