Iron Carbon Diagram
Iron Carbon Diagram
Iron Carbon Diagram
Pearlite and
02/05/2023 2
Cooling curve for pure iron
Definition of structures
Iron-Carbon equilibrium phase diagram – Sketch
The Iron-Iron Carbide Diagram - Explanation
The Austenite to ferrite / cementite transformation
Nucleation & growth of pearlite
Effect of C %age on the microstructure of steel
Relationship b/w C %age & mechanical properties of
02/05/2023 3
Cooling curve for pure iron
02/05/2023 4
Definition of structures
Various phases that appear on the
Iron-Carbon equilibrium phase
diagram are as under:
• Austenite
• Ferrite
• Pearlite
• Cementite
• Martensite*
• Ledeburite
02/05/2023 5
Unit Cells of Various Metals
• FIGURE - The unit cell for (a) austentite, (b) ferrite, and (c) martensite. The effect of
the percentage of carbon (by weight) on the lattice dimensions for martensite is
shown in (d). Note the interstitial position of the carbon atoms and the increase in
dimension c with increasing carbon content. Thus, the unit cell of martensite is in
the shape of a rectangular prism.
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02/05/2023 7
Microstructure of different phases of steel
The microstructure of
a) Austenite
b) Ferrite
c) and d)
02/05/2023 8
Definition of structures
• Ferrite is known as α solid solution.
• It is an interstitial solid solution of a small amount
of carbon dissolved in α (BCC) iron.
• stable form of iron below 912 deg.C
• The maximum solubility is 0.025 % C at 723C and
it dissolves only 0.008 % C at room temperature.
• It is the softest structure that appears on the
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Definition of structures
• Average properties are:
– Tensile strength = 40,000 psi;
– Elongation = 40 % in 2 in;
– Hardness > Rockwell C 0 or
> Rockwell B 90
02/05/2023 10
Definition of structures
02/05/2023 11
Definition of structures
• Average properties are:
– Tensile strength = 120,000 psi;
– Elongation = 20 % in 2 in.;
– Hardness = Rockwell C 20, Rockwell B
95-100, or BHN 250-300.
02/05/2023 12
Definition of structures
02/05/2023 13
Definition of structures
• Average properties are:
– Tensile strength = 150,000 psi;
– Elongation = 10 percent in 2 in.;
– Hardness = Rockwell C 40,
approx; and
– toughness = high
02/05/2023 14
Definition of structures
• Cementite or iron carbide, is very hard, brittle
intermetallic compound of iron & carbon, as
Fe3C, contains 6.67 % C.
• It is the hardest structure that appears on the
diagram, exact melting point unknown.
• Its crystal structure is orthorhombic.
• It is has
– low tensile strength (approx. 5,000 psi), but
– high compressive strength.
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Definition of structures
• Ledeburite is the eutectic
mixture of austenite and
• It contains 4.3 percent C and is
formed at 1130°C.
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Definition of structures
Martensite - a super-saturated solid solution of
carbon in ferrite.
It is formed when steel is cooled so rapidly that the
change from austenite to pearlite is suppressed.
The interstitial carbon atoms distort the BCC ferrite
into a BC-tetragonal structure (BCT).; responsible for
the hardness of quenched steel
02/05/2023 17
The Iron-Iron Carbide Diagram
• A map of the temperature at which different phase
changes occur on very slow heating and cooling in
relation to Carbon, is called Iron- Carbon Diagram.
• Iron- Carbon diagram shows
– the type of alloys formed under very slow
– proper heat-treatment temperature and
– how the properties of steels and cast irons can
be radically changed by heat-treatment.
02/05/2023 18
Various Features of Fe-C diagram
Phases present
a ferrite
d BCC structure
BCC structure Ferromagnetic
Paramagnetic Fairly ductile
02/05/2023 g = a + Fe3C Max. solubility of C in austenite=2.11%
Three Phase Reactions
• Peritectic, at 1490 deg.C, with low wt% C
alloys (almost no engineering importance).
• Eutectic, at 1130 deg.C, with 4.3wt% C, alloys
called cast irons.
• Eutectoid, at 723 deg.C with eutectoid
composition of 0.8wt% C, two-phase mixture
(ferrite & cementite). They are steels.
02/05/2023 20
How to read the Fe-C phase diagram
Pearlite and
Pearlite and
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02/05/2023 22
The Iron-Iron Carbide Diagram
The diagram shows three horizontal lines which indicate
isothermal reactions (on cooling / heating):
• First horizontal line is at 1490°C, where peritectic
reaction takes place:
Liquid + ↔ austenite
• Second horizontal line is at 1130°C, where eutectic
reaction takes place:
liquid ↔ austenite + cementite
• Third horizontal line is at 723°C, where eutectoid
reaction takes place:
austenite ↔ pearlite (mixture of ferrite &
02/05/2023 23
Delta region of Fe-Fe carbide diagram
Liquid + ↔ austenite
02/05/2023 24
Ferrite region of
Fe-Fe Carbide
02/05/2023 25
Simplified Iron-Carbon phase diagram
austenite ↔ pearlite (mixture of ferrite & cementite)
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The Austenite to ferrite / cementite transformation in
relation to Fe-C diagram
02/05/2023 27
The Austenite to ferrite / cementite
transformation in relation to Fe-C diagram
In order to understand the transformation
processes, consider a steel of the eutectoid
composition. 0.8% carbon, being slow cooled along
line x-x‘.
• At the upper temperatures, only austenite is
present, with the 0.8% carbon being dissolved in
solid solution within the FCC. When the steel cools
through 723°C, several changes occur
02/05/2023 28
The Austenite to ferrite / cementite transformation in
relation to Fe-C diagram
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Pearlitic structure
02/05/2023 31
Nucleation & growth of pearlite
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The Austenite to ferrite / cementite transformation in relation to Fe-C diagram
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The Austenite to ferrite / cementite transformation in
relation to Fe-C diagram
02/05/2023 35
The Austenite to ferrite / cementite transformation in
relation to Fe-C diagram
• As the carbon-rich phase nucleates and grows, the
remaining austenite decreases in carbon content,
again reaching the eutectoid composition at 723°C.
• This austenite transforms to pearlite upon slow
cooling through the eutectoid temperature.
• The resulting structure consists of primary
cementite and pearlite.
• The continuous network of primary cementite will
cause the material to be extremely brittle.
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The Austenite to ferrite / cementite transformation in
relation to Fe-C diagram
02/05/2023 38
The Austenite to ferrite / cementite transformation in
relation to Fe-C diagram
• When the alloys are cooled rapidly, entirely
different results are obtained, since sufficient time
may not be provided for the normal phase
reactions to occur.
• In these cases, the equilibrium phase diagram is no
longer a valid tool for engineering analysis.
• Rapid-cool processes are important in the heat
treatment of steels and other metals (to be
discussed later in H/T of steels).
02/05/2023 39
Principal phases of steel and their Characteristics
Phase Characteristics
Ferrite BCC Soft, ductile, magnetic
Soft, moderate
Austenite FCC strength, non-
Compound of Iron
Cementite & Carbon Fe3C Hard &brittle
02/05/2023 40
Alloying Steel with more Elements
T Eutectoid (°C)
1200 Ti Si
Mo W 0.6 Ni
10 00 Cr
C eutectoid
Cr 0.4
8 00 Si
Mn 0.2 W
600 Ti Mo
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
wt. % of alloying elements wt. % of alloying elements
02/05/2023 24 41
Cast Irons
-Iron-Carbon alloys of 2.11%C
or more are cast irons.
-Typical composition: 2.0-
4.0%C,0.5-3.0% Si, less than
1.0% Mn and less than 0.2%
-Si-substitutes partially for C
and promotes formation of
graphite as the carbon rich
component instead Fe3C.
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• It is used tailor properties of steel and to heat
treat them.
• It is also used for comparison of crystal
structures for metallurgists in case of rupture
or fatigue
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