G2 - Ict - Lad
G2 - Ict - Lad
G2 - Ict - Lad
Learning Activity Design
Group 2
Topic: Viet Nam and Our Action: Reduce Pollution
English - Unit: English 10, Unit 2: Humans and the
environment, page 18-27
Table of Contents
Self-assess based
Detailed plan on Rubrics of 21st-
01 for the 03 century learning
project and Evidences
Overview criteria
about the 02 04
Overview about the
01 learning activity
1. Type of learning activity: two-week project
2. Topic: Viet Nam and Our Action: Reduce Pollution
3. Time: 45 minutes/period, 2 weeks
4. Class’s profile:
15 15
- Grade: 10 (16 aged)
- English level: A2+ to B1-
- Number of students: 30 students
5. Project’s objectives
01 03 05
Identify &
discover 02 04
01 03 05
Identify &
discover 02 04
01 03 05
Identify & Recognize
discover 02 04
01 03 05
Design Apply
Identify & Recognize
discover 02 04
01 03 05
Design Apply
Identify & Recognize
discover 02 04 Improve
→ Ss can send T their outline, working process report
and group cooperation report
→ T can keep track of students’ working.
T announces Ss the social network platform (Facebook) to
upload the product and the day it is uploaded.
+ On the lesson’s day of the second week, T sets private
mode for 5 posts of 5 groups on Facebook.
+ T collects the total reactions of the post to decide the
2 bonus points.
+ In class, T requires Ss to show their video product.
+ Other Ss and T give comments, feedback and evaluation
to each group.
03 Scoring criteria
Category Points
5 4 3 2 1
Content & – Has an excellent – Has a very good – Has a good – Has a satisfactory – Has a very limited
Organization understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
(55%) concepts chosen. concepts chosen. concepts chosen. concepts chosen. concepts chosen.
– Has satisfactory links – Has irrelevant links
– Has very good and – Has good and relevant of concepts to the of concepts to the
– Has excellent and perceptive links of links of concepts to the materials chosen. materials chosen.
perceptive links of the concepts to the materials chosen.
concepts to the materials materials chosen. – Has satisfactory and – Has irrelevant and
chosen. – Has very good, – Has good and relevant relevant conclusions unsatisfactory
perceptive and conclusions drawn from drawn from the conclusions drawn
– Has excellent, relevant conclusions the analysis of the analysis of the from the analysis of
perceptive and highly drawn from the concepts and materials. concepts and the concepts and
relevant conclusions analysis of the materials. materials.
drawn from the analysis concepts and
of the concepts and materials.
Technical – Has an excellent – Has a good – Has a plausible – Has poor – Does not have
application application of application of application of application of application of
(5%) technology with technology with technology with technology and technology and
exceptional some creativity. creativity. lacks creativity. lacks creativity.
– Has no technical – Has rarely any – Has some – Has several – Has too many
problems. technical technical problems. technical technical
problems. problems. problems.
– Has clear sound – Has good sound – Has fine sound – Has bad sound – Has poor sound
quality and screen quality and screen quality and screen quality and screen quality and screen
resolution. resolution. resolution. resolution. resolution.
Presentation – Has excellent turn- – Has very good turn- – Has good turn-taking, – Has satisfactory – Has restricted
skill (30%) taking, highly proper taking, proper proper division of turn-taking, effort to show
division of tasks, division of tasks, very tasks, good and satisfactory division of collaboration during
excellent and smooth good and smooth smooth collaboration tasks, some evidence presentation among
collaboration during collaboration during during presentation of collaboration all members.
presentation among all presentation among among all members. during presentation
members. all members. among all members.
– Has very good,
fluent, accurate – Has good and – Has some – Has limited
– Has excellent, fluent, language use with accurate language use inaccuracies and language
highly accurate proper pace, clear with some hesitation hesitation that require competence that
language use with and confident tone. or some improper effort to understand. affects
proper pace, clear and pace, clear and comprehension.
confident tone. – Creative, confident tone.
humorous, original. – Has an effort to be – Has an absence of
– Creative, humorous, creative/ or humorous effort to be creative/ – No creativity,
original. but not always to the original. humor and
expected effects. originality.
Timing – Is finished in – Is finished in – Is finished in – Is too short – Is too short
(5%) around 5 minutes. under 6 minutes around 6 minutes (around 2 minutes) (under 2 minutes)
or over 4 minutes. or around 4 or too long or too long
minutes. (exceeds 7 (around 8
minutes). minutes).
Popularity – Has a total – Has a total – Has a total – Has a total – Has a total
(Bonus point) reaction of more reaction of 400 to reaction of 300 to reaction of 100 to reaction of under
(5%) than 500 counts. 499 counts. 299 counts. 199 counts. 100 counts.
– Receive a sum of – Receive a sum of – Receive a sum of – Receive a sum of – Receive a sum
more than 1000 from 700 to 999 from 400 to 699 from 200 to 399 of under 200
comments. comments. comments. comments . comments.
Group cooperation report form
1. 5/5 Students DO work - Students work in groups of 4 in week 1 to discuss reasons for types of pollution in Viet Nam.
Collaboration together. - Students work in groups of 6 with people who share the same type and conduct the project
through two weeks.
Students DO have shared All members in each group have the same duty or be in charge of one mission (edit video,
responsibility. make the scenario,...) to deal with the project.
Students DO make All members in each group discuss and decide what to do for each stage of their project: make
substantive decisions outlines, divide tasks, upload on the SNS (Facebook),...
together about the
content, process, or
product of their work.
Students’ work is When dividing work among members, each student will be in charge of one mission. For
interdependent. example, one person researches the real situation of air pollution in Viet Nam, and one person
carries out practical solutions. If a student working with solutions does not base on the
information/ context of students working with local issues, his/ her solutions can be considered
impractical or dogmatic. Furthermore, if a student making the presentation scenario makes the
outline for the video without considering the content, the product might be irrelevant to the
chosen aspects or some parts could be ignored.
2. Knowledge 5/5 The learning activity requirement Students analyze, synthesize, and evaluate their collected data
construction IS knowledge construction. related to pollution in Vietnam.
The learning activity’s main Students have to gather informative data to fulfill their project.
requirement IS knowledge
The learning activity DOES Students apply what they have learnt during the lesson about the
require students to apply their environment to make a video for their presentation.
knowledge in a new context.
The knowledge construction IS Apart from English skills, students are required to use their general/
interdisciplinary: geography, background knowledge about types of pollution in Viet Nam, which
chemistry or social study. can involve the knowledge of geography, chemistry, social study, or
environment along with applying their own experience and
understanding into finding solutions to each type of pollution in the
context of Vietnam.
3. Self-regulation 4/4 The learning activity IS long-term. Learning activity is long-term (2 weeks) and has both
learning goals and associated scoring criteria in advance
of completing their project.
Students DO have the opportunity Students submit their detailed outline of what they are
to plan their own work. going to include in their product within the first weekend
for the teacher to receive feedback and clearer
Students DO have the opportunity Students have the opportunity to revise their work based
to revise their work based on on other groups’ and teacher’s feedback after their
feedback. presentation.
4. Real-world 4/4 The learning activity’s main Students are required to present the real situation of
problem-solving and requirement IS problem-solving. pollution in Viet Nam and consider suitable solutions for
innovation each type of pollution in Vietnamese context.
The problem IS a problem in Students have to come up with solutions for specific
reality. problems: different types of pollution in Vietnam.
Students DO innovate (Students Students compile a plan of solutions/ actions for reducing
ARE required to implement their the pollution in Vietnam.
ideas in the real situation, or to
communicate their ideas to
people outside the academic
context who can implement
5. The use of 5/5 Students use ICT to learn Students use ICT directly to complete their product of the project: Using
ICT for learning or practice basic skills or the Internet to research data for the project, using Padlet to report the
reproduce information. group’s work for T and using Facebook to upload the video product.
Students use ICT to Students are required to use the Internet to find the information and
support knowledge proofs to support their work.
ICT is required for Offline resources of information related to the topic are limited and hard
constructing this to find because the context is in Viet Nam.
knowledge. → It is much more convenient and easier to find the needed data from
online resources.
Students do create an ICT Students are encouraged to create a video that provides the audience with
product for authentic information about different types of pollution in Viet Nam and solutions
users. for them in specific contexts.
6.Skilled 4/4 Students ARE required to Students produce a presentation with a set of relevant and
communication produce extended connected ideas. Students present their work in the form of a
communication or multimodal lecture, a story, a drama, a song, or a short workshop, which means
communication. students have to communicate with other members instead of
presenting alone.
Students ARE required to Students produce a presentation with a set of connected ideas as
provide supporting evidence. proof for the real situation of pollution in Viet Nam.
Students ARE required to Students have a chance to express their opinions or ideas about
design their communication solutions to reduce the pollution in Vietnam in front of the whole
for a particular audience. class as well as the Facebook’s users who approach their videos.