LabVIEW Projects Developmentv5

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LabVIEW projects development for

critical missions and test benches

Mario Di Castro
Thanks to the precious inputs of Cédric Charrondière
Starting with LabVIEW at CERN
Documentation and code management
Development models and workflow
Requirements analysis
Software architecture and development
Testing and deployment
M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 2
Starting with LabVIEW at CERN
 Use NI trainings (on site + online)
 We propose “LabVIEW Programming Best Practices”
 Why?
 Teach LabVIEW to new comers almost every month
 Read standard code. Overlapping developers
 Maintain the code in medium and/or long term
 How?
 Short exercises to verify the use of best practices
 Make sure people read/understand the wiki
 Write documentation
 Use source control
M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 3
 At CERN we can identify 2 type of operational software written in LabVIEW

For Test benches For Critical Missions

LHC Goniometers LHC Collimators

 Both must follow a development model, but with different

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 4
Starting with LabVIEW at CERN
Documentation and code management
Development models and workflow
Requirements analysis
Software architecture and development
Testing and deployment
M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 5
Documentation and code management

Type of document Mandatory for test Mandatory for critical

benches mission

Functional specification


Hardware design

Software architecture

Software documentation

 Documentation volume and details have to be adapted to the

criticality, the portability and the time life of the project
 For critical missions, the use of documentation standards is
suggested (example: IEEE standards)
M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 6
Documentation and code management
 Source code control (svn, git)
 LV plugin available for svn, in the future also for git
 LV comes already with a merge graphical tool adaptable to any source code control tool
 Develop drivers and write documentation
 Develop communication layers and write documentation
 Develop user interfaces and write documentation

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 7

Starting with LabVIEW at CERN
Documentation and code management
Development models and workflow
Requirements analysis
Software architecture and development
Testing and deployment
M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 8
Development Models
Models/standards can be used to provide basic beginning
framework for software process improvement
Encapsulation of best practice avoiding repetition of past
They provide continuity
Mandatory for operational projects

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Development Models - EVOLUTIONARY
 Specification not well defined and changing during the
 Mostly used at CERN

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Development Models – EVOLUTIONARY
 Good solution for short term system
 Low quality software
 Hard to maintain and to scale

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Development Models – EVOLUTIONARY
 Good solution for short term system
 Low quality software
 Hard to maintain and to scale
 Could be a good choice for research projects

Research in robotics and image processing

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 12

Development Models - WATERFALL
 Easily understandable and applicable in all context
 Rigorous model
 The system can become stable only at the end of the process

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Development Models - WATERFALL
 Easily understandable and applicable in all context
 Rigorous model
 The system can become stable only at the end of the process
 Mostly recommended for test benches, monitoring and short
life projects
LHC TDIs monitoring tool

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 14

Development Models – V MODEL
 Engineering design on each step
 Risk analysis
 Requirements instability could cause long term

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 15

Development Models – V MODEL
 Engineering design on each step
 Risk analysis
 Requirements instability could cause long term
 Mostly recommended for critical missions

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 16

Development Models – V MODEL
 Engineering design on each step
 Risk analysis
 Requirements instability could cause long term
 Mostly recommended for critical missions
LHC Collimators control

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 17

Development Models – V MODEL
 Engineering design on each step
 Risk analysis
 Requirements instability could cause long term
 Mostly recommended for critical missions

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M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 18

Starting with LabVIEW at CERN
Documentation and code management
Development models and workflow
Requirements analysis
Software architecture and development
Testing and deployment
M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 19
 Fundamental step in a project workflow
 Drives the software architecture and implementation

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Requirements tracking tool

Suggested for critical mission

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 21

Failure mode and criticality analysis

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 22

Failure mode and criticality analysis
Example of the criticality for the LHC Collimators control for their
machine protection function. LHC beam parameters:
 Stored energy 350 MJ per beam (factor 100 higher than others) …
 Beam transverse density ~1 GJ/mm2 (factor 1000 higher than others) …
 This makes the LHC beam highly destructive!!! Collimators are the closest
elements to the beam ...

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 23

Failure mode and criticality analysis
Probably of the failure occurring
Impact to overall system health
Potential costs due to a failure
Mandatory for critical mission
Not needed for test benches

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 24

Starting with LabVIEW at CERN
Documentation and code management
Development models and workflow
Requirements analysis
Software architecture and development
Testing and deployment
M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 25
 Software architecture and implementation depends on the requirements
 Timing
 Criticality, reliability and availability
 Acquisition/Monitoring
 Control
 Inter process communication layer
 Portable
 Modular
 Library based
  Reusability of the code. LabVIEW Object Oriented (OOP) could be a
 Fail safe and redundancy

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 26

 Software architecture and implementation are fundamental for a
successful project!
 Follow LabVIEW programming best practice
 Architecture models and template

State machine Producer consumer Messages handling

Software architectures are part of the CERN standard NI

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 27

Strongly suggested for critical missions

Identify a group of people who are given responsibility and
authority for improving organizational processes
LV architect supervising LV developers
Notifications tool for tasks assignments (Jira)
CODE review!

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 28

Starting with LabVIEW at CERN
Documentation and code management
Development models and workflow
Requirements analysis
Software architecture and development
Testing and deployment
M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 29
TEST and Validation
Models/standards for testing and validation of the code are
fundamental for a successful project commitment

Example of test model used for the LHC Collimators control

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 30

TEST and Validation
 Unit test
 System integration
 Formal review (deadlock, starvation…)
 System test
 NI Tracetool for timing performance
 Regression test (updates compatibility test)
 Acceptance test (Alpha test)
 Operational test (Beta test)
 Reliability runs (long terms memory leak)
 Offline System replication (mock-up)
 Ad-hoc test tool
 LHC collimator test sequencer

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 31


Test-bench/mock-up first
Real conditions
Dry runs first
Monitoring tool to track errors and operational
 RADE logger

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 32

LabVIEW is a great user friendly control tool used worldwide in
labs, industry and accelerators domains
Projects development must follow a rigorous workflow to benefit
from LabVIEW modularity and readability
Software maintainability and portability can be guaranteed using
tools like SVN, Jira, Requirements Gateway etc.
Project architecture and tests have to be adapted to the requirements
Failure mode, criticality analysis and redundancy are fundamental
for critical projects
Documentation is a daily task for the developers
We can provide the tools to make a GL program a powerful tool for
robust test benches as well as a solution to control critical equipment

M. Di Castro, CERN LabVIEW users meeting, November 21st 2016 33

Thank you

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