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Domestic Violence

& Abuse
What is Domestic Abuse ?

• We define domestic abuse as an incident or pattern of incidents of

controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behavior,
including sexual violence, in the majority of cases by a partner or ex-
partner, but also by a family member or carer.
What is Domestic Violence?

• Abuse becomes violence when it causes you to fear for your life.
Violence impacts every part of us—physical, emotional, spiritual and
mental. Violence takes control of our lives and bodies away from us,
at least for a few moments
• In the 19th century, the
term didn’t even exist.
It wasn’t until the 20th
century that federal
and state law defined
and banned forms of
domestic abuse
against a number of
designated victim
• Major change to the laws came with the Women’s Movement in the
1970s. As a result, legislative bodies began to modernize their
definitions, with the term “domestic violence” first being used in
• Although abuse does
commonly occur
between partners in
an intimate
relationship, the term
can also describe
abuse by a parent
towards a child or
between siblings. And
while violence is
certainly a type of
abuse, other things
like sexual abuse and
emotional abuse are
now recognized as
domestic abuse
Prevalence in Pakistan
• In a study by Zakar et al., of 373 randomly selected married women of
reproductive age interviewed in Pakistani ospitals, 60.8% reported as
current victims of severe psychological violence with 15% having been
victims in the past.
Worldwide Survey

• According to various national surveys, the percentage of women who

were ever physically assaulted by an intimate partner varies
substantially by country: Barbados (30%), Canada (29%), Egypt (34%),
New Zealand (35%), Switzerland (21%), United States (33%
Percentage of abusers
• According to the CDC, 1 in 4
women and 1 in 7 men will
experience physical violence
by their intimate partner at
some point during their
lifetimes. About 1 in 3
women and nearly 1 in 6 men
experience some form of
sexual violence during their
• A survey carried out by the Thomson Reuters Foundation ranked
Pakistan as the third most dangerous country in the world for women,
after Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Which province show more cases of
domestic Violence in Pakistan
Pakistan: Punjab records highest number of
cases of women abuse.
Whereas Sindh becomes notorious for
escalating honour killing cases of women
With 111 such cases in 2021 and 88 in
current year.
Over 380 women Complained About kidnapping, abduction , rape and
murders . Further complain pertaining to property matters including
inheritance matters of property stood at 1 ,424.Complaints around
family issues involving divorce, khula ,maintenance or custody of
minors by women in Punjab came to around 1050.
Types of Violence
Physical Violence. Physical violence occurs when someone uses a part of their
body or an object to control a person’s actions.
Sexual Violence. …
Emotional Violence. …
Psychological Violence. …
Spiritual Violence. …
Cultural Violence. …
Verbal Abuse. …
• Financial Abuse
• Highest among them is
emotional violence (26%),
followed by physical
violence (23%). Pakistani
society is predominantly a
patriarchal society, a
system in which power
relationships are
dominated by men and in
which women are kept
subordinate in a number of
Causes of domestic Violence in Pakistan.
• The factors associated with
domestic violence in Pakistan
are low-economical status of
women, lack of awareness
about women rights, lack of
education, falsified beliefs,
imbalanced empowerment
issues between males and
females, male dominant social
structure and lack of support
from the government.
Is it gender specific
One study of 96 cases of domestic abuse recorded by the police found
that men are significantly more likely to be repeat perpetrators and
significantly more likely than women to use physical violence, threats,
and harassment.
Most common causes of domestic Violence are,

Poverty and unemployment.

Young parents.
Relationship Retention Behavior.
Historical Factors.
Cultural Factors.
• Self Defense
Gender Based Violence
• Domestic Violence is the
most common type of
gender-based violence. In
most contexts, domestic
violence is used to describe
intimate partner violence
(IPV): violence that occurs
between two individuals in an
intimate (sexual and/or
romantic) relationship.
Violence against women and girls (VAWG)

Violence Against Women and Girls

(VAWG) is a subset of gender-based
violence, focused—as the name implies
—specifically on GBV directed at women
and girls. VAWG includes many types of
violence, from female genital mutilation
to psychological abuse. Its most extreme
form is femicide.
• Femicide is the killing of a woman because of her gender, and it is the
gravest form of gender-based violence.
Reported Cases
• More than 700 million worldwide have experienced
intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence during
their lifetime (UN Women).
• 13% of women experienced intimate partner violence in
the last 12 months (UN Women).
• 7% of women were sexually assaulted outside of their
intimate relationship (World Bank).
• 137 women are killed by a family member each day (UN
• 38% of murders of women are committed by a male
intimate partner (World Bank).
• Just 40% of women who experience violence seek help; and just 10%
seek help from the police (UN Women).
Laws and Legislations.
The bill for Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2020 has
been introduced in the National Assembly by Ministry of Human Rights
on 8th of July 2020, with the aim to ‘establish an effective system of
protection, relief and rehabilitation of women, children, elders and any
vulnerable persons against domestic violence’.

According to the bill, if an offence falling under the PPC is committed in

a domestic relationship, the crime shall be punishable as under the
• A fine ranging from Rs20,000 to Rs100,000 would also be imposed on
the perpetrator of domestic violence, that would be paid as
compensation to the aggrieved person. In case of default in payment
of fine, the perpetrator may be awarded three months imprisonment.
Government of Pakistan Ministry of Human Rights.

Every woman/girl has the right to live her life safely and free of
violence," the ministry stated in a tweet, adding: "Help us end violence
against women and girls with our national 1099 helpline app."
• The ministry urged people to raise their voices and report any act of
abuse or violence.
Helpline number
• The helpline number where women register their complaint in
Punjab is 1043.
• The National women’s helpline Center is 1099.
• In previous year National women’s helpline received a total of 1890
complaints from women across Pakistan.
• In Sindh , Suhai organization works for the women and girls who face
abuse or harassment or becomes a victim of honour killing.

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