Insulin Pump Calculations
Insulin Pump Calculations
Insulin Pump Calculations
Basal patterns for hormonal swings
Historical data records/
downloading / app sharing
Easy snack coverage
Greater independence
Technical coolness
Written Plan for Pump Use
Blood glucose checks or CGM
Record keeping of BG, Carbs,
insulin, activity and other issues
Site-change guidelines
Restart injections if needed
When to check ketones and
action to take
Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia
treatment guidelines
Example – On 30 units /weighs 70kg
Method 1
TDD x 0.75
30 units x 0.75 = 22.5
Method 2
Pt wt kg x 0.50
70kg x 0.50 = 35
Final daily dose
A1c 6.3% - Method 1
A1c 9.2% - Method 2
TDD = Total Daily Dose A1c 7.5 – Avg 1&2 (28.75)
TDI = Total Daily Insulin
Example – JR injects TDI of TDI , A1c 6.7%
30 x.75 = 22.5 units total
daily dose
22.5 x 0.5 = 11.25 units
for basal
11.25 divided by 24 hrs =
0.47 units/hr (basal rate)
Basal insulin
Drip of rapid insulin very few
If basal rate is set correctly, stable
BG between meals and hs
Can skip delay meals
Deliveredauto on 24 hour cycle
Temporary adjustments may
lower basal insulin during exercise
increase during sick days
Role of basal insulin in pumps
Keep glucose steady
On average, 5 different basal segments needed
Basal insulin rate not correct
Glucose rises or falls even when not eating
Fasting glucose is elevated or low
Correction bolus does not get glucose to target
To prevent hypoglycemia, no coverage for snacks
If person is eating to cover for in-between meal
Basal Insulin Needs
Dawn phenomena
Higher needs from 3-7am
for adults
Kids from Midnight to 7am
Basal rate can be adjusted
to match sleep and work
Traveling – change
clock in pump to match
new time
Typical Basal Needs
For adults: change in
Large Rise/Fall
basal rate 2 hour prior (>60 mg/dl) 0.1 0.15 0.3
to rising or falling
Repeat basal test after
Problem solving
If basal or bolus is more than
65%, usually indicates need
to recalculate
Prevent missed boluses
1 missed meal bolus over a month
raises A1c 0.5%
Get in habit of pre-blousing
Use reminder alerts on pumps
Bolus Rates - Same for each meal to start
Bolus rates
CHO Ratio
Start with 1:15 or
450 divided by TDD= I:C Ratio
1700 divided by TDD
Target Range: 95-140 mg/dl
Active insulin/insulin On Board
3-6 hours
Example – JR injects 30 TDI, A1c 6.7%
30 x.75 = 22.5 units total daily
22.5 x 0.5 = 11.25 units for
11.25 divided by 24 hrs = 0.47
units/hr (basal rate)
450 divided by 22.5 = 20/ CHO
Carb to Insulin Ratios
Dose based on:
Grams of carb in meal
Insulin carb ratio or fixed dose
Right dose?
Brings glucose to prebolus glucose level within 3-4 hours
If BG rises more than 60 points 2 hours post meal, needs
If BG falls more than 30 points 2 hours post meal, may
need adjustment
Adjust in small increments (10-20% ideal)
Calculating Bolus insulin
Based on glucose and carb MySugr app
• Unexplained
hyperglycemia Check for
• Ketone
Bolus with pump
When to contact clinical staff
Severe or repeated hypo
Signs of infection
Call pump company if technical
See pt in 1-2 weeks, download
device, troubleshooting
At 3-4 weeks review more
advanced features
Thank You
Please email us with any
[email protected]