PPP Week 2

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Week 2

ENGL 3690
Writing: Elementary School
Due Today
Pen Pal Letter
•Please post document in Dropbox (not a link) and also post in Writer’s Website
Reading Response Week 1 and Week 2, post in Dropbox
•Post in Writer’s Website
Independent Reading Reflections 1 & 2 (Please label them #1 and #2)
•Instructions in Elearning
•Submit document in Writer’s Website & Submit link in Dropbox
Due Next Week
Reading Response Week 3
•Post in Writer’s Website
Article of the Week
•This Week: Check Google Doc Sign-In Sheet
•Next Week: Check Google Doc Sign-in Sheet
Please Carefully Read the Content in Elearning
Understanding Assignments
• The consequence of not following instructions is loss of assignment points UGH!
Nobody wants that!
• Remember everyone has an extension on all assignments until Saturday at noon

• Read Assignment Instructions for understanding… take your time and re-read if you
need to
• Post your assignment correctly in the right place/file in Dropbox or Writer’s Website
• Use the notes on the files to help you post correctly

• If you need Accessible Files:

• There is a special place for Accessible Files in Content
• Remember to download before you read the file
Objectives & Goals:
• (L.5) Motivation and Engagement
• (L.12) Syntax
• (L.17) Composition
• Take notes in Writer’s Website
• 3 minute Quick Write, post in Writer’s Website
• What are Kagan Structures?
• In-Class Points
• Based on class activities posted in Chat Box
Learning Outcomes

Motivation and Engagement (L.5)

Students will practice techniques to encourage and assess
literacy motivation and engagement, selecting/using
research-supported instructional practices to develop
meaningful interactions with individuals and information,
combined with experiences.
Learning Outcomes
Syntax (L.12)
Students will select and use research-supported
instructional techniques to teach and assess syntax as a set
of principles that govern phrase and sentence structure,
which varies across languages and dialect (word order and
meaning, grammar, parts of speech, word order, varying
complexity of phrases and sentence, etc).
Learning Outcomes
Composition (L.17)
Students will select, craft, and assess instructional methods that
develop written composition abilities in a variety of motivating and
engaging contexts, including writing across the disciplines. Students
will explore the following instructional practices: setting writing
goals, offering/receiving/incorporating feedback, engaging the writing
process and strategies, and studying models and non-models of
writing for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Evidence-Based Practices in Writing
CCSS Reforms Best Practices in Writing
• Students learn to write, write to • The wisdom of professional
learn writers
• Gather, preserve, & transmit • The wisdom of teachers
• The scientific study of
• Writing about content areas
writing interventions
enhances learning by taking
ideas from text • Writing develops from a
• Reading & writing should be contextual/cognitive,
taught separately & together affective/motivational
What Are Some Best Practices in Writing?
Process Approach to Writing
What Can I do?
• Use technology

• Create a supportive • Write for different/real purposes

classroom (pg. 14) • Work together to compose

• Motivation/support • Teacher assessment

• write for real audiences • Teach writing strategies (pg. 18)
• write for different purposes • purpose & rationale (pg. 19)

• encourage responsibility • Acquire knowledge

• encourage ownership • reading, info gathering, genre

• student interactions • Teach foundational skills

• self-reflection • spelling, handwriting, keyboarding,
sentence construction
Types of Writing Strategies
 Planning/Prewrite
 Drafting
 Revising
 Editing
 Publishing
What questions do you have?

Use the
Chat Box
Setting Up the Writing Classroom
Chapter 2 of Best Practices outlines four
considerations for establishing the writing classroom:
1. Time
2. Community
3. Resources
4. Collection to Authentic Audiences & Purposes
Group Work
The class will be divided into 6
Then, together, come up with a
groups. Each group will read the
Summary to share with the group.
assigned section. Discuss the
Please post in the Chat Box.
information with your group..

Group 1: First column of Group 4: Second column

Slide 15
of Slide16
Group 2: Second column of
Slide 15 Group 5: Slide 17
Group 3: First column
of Slide 16 Group 6: Slide 18
The Writing Classroom
Devoting Productive Time Building a Positive Environment
• 60 minutes = • Creating opportunities for students to
• 30 min. instructional time plan, draft, revise and edit together
• 30 min. applying the skills • give and receive peer feedback

• Create routines for writing • To create an engaged community of

frequently writers teachers should:
• encourage self-regulation
• also helps reading comprehension
• demonstrate enthusiasm
• Writer’ Workshop
• encourage hard work using the skills and
• writing strategies equals success
• mini-lessons • foster social relationships and peer
• share with peers conferencing before asking an adult for
• 45 minutes over Literacy Block
• consider flexible seating
The Writing Classroom
Establish Opportunities to Support Peer Response and Review
Collaboratively Develop
Writing • Embed peer response and review
• Writing is individual and processes in regular writing assignments
collaborative for students • increased quality of writing
• partner writing (pg. 38) • Critical to build an effective writing
• teacher (adults??) supervise community in the classroom
• meaningful talk daily (Meeting Area) • teaching the writing
• group for support and diversity process/skills/strategies offer
• meaningful tasks (not worksheets)
opportunities for student to experience
• monitor with small group to model
activity for whole group talk • students become better writers themselves
• safe environment for students to become • students respond more effectively to their
emotionally invested in writing peers’ writing
Creating Opportunities to Write for
Authentic Audiences & Purposes
Writing is inherently social in nature
 Students should practice writing for
audiences beyond the teacher
 Classroom-based sharing
 Students volunteer to read works in progress
 Publish student work
 Write petitions
 Teacher acknowledges work during share-time
 Value of Class Meetings
Students are better writers when they see
their teacher writing too!
When teachers are excited about writing, so
are their students!
 Teachers model writing
 Write together as a class in collaboration
 Write for your students and share
 Leave notes on desks for students
 Journal writing where teacher responds
What do you think?
Quote from Cultivating Genius
Using their minds and pens as a form of literary
activism, they demand systems, structures,
curriculum, and instruction that is connected to
their lives.

Take Away Ideas

How would you define culturally responsive teaching?
What could you do in your Language Arts class (especially
in writing) to authentically embrace diversity? Post your
ideas in the Chat Box.
What questions do you have?

Use the
Chat Box
Exit Ticket Prompt

Read the Bullet Points from

pg. 47. Pick one question to
answer realizing that
someday you will be
designing your own Writing
Classroom. Please post your
answer in the Chat.
Have a great rest of the week!

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