PPP Week 2
PPP Week 2
PPP Week 2
ENGL 3690
Writing: Elementary School
Due Today
Pen Pal Letter
•Please post document in Dropbox (not a link) and also post in Writer’s Website
Reading Response Week 1 and Week 2, post in Dropbox
•Post in Writer’s Website
Independent Reading Reflections 1 & 2 (Please label them #1 and #2)
•Instructions in Elearning
•Submit document in Writer’s Website & Submit link in Dropbox
Due Next Week
Reading Response Week 3
•Post in Writer’s Website
Article of the Week
•This Week: Check Google Doc Sign-In Sheet
•Next Week: Check Google Doc Sign-in Sheet
Please Carefully Read the Content in Elearning
Understanding Assignments
• The consequence of not following instructions is loss of assignment points UGH!
Nobody wants that!
• Remember everyone has an extension on all assignments until Saturday at noon
• Read Assignment Instructions for understanding… take your time and re-read if you
need to
• Post your assignment correctly in the right place/file in Dropbox or Writer’s Website
• Use the notes on the files to help you post correctly
Use the
Chat Box
Setting Up the Writing Classroom
Chapter 2 of Best Practices outlines four
considerations for establishing the writing classroom:
1. Time
2. Community
3. Resources
4. Collection to Authentic Audiences & Purposes
Group Work
The class will be divided into 6
Then, together, come up with a
groups. Each group will read the
Summary to share with the group.
assigned section. Discuss the
Please post in the Chat Box.
information with your group..
Use the
Chat Box
Exit Ticket Prompt