DMAIC Project 3rd Sample - V1
DMAIC Project 3rd Sample - V1
DMAIC Project 3rd Sample - V1
Project Number
Project Champion:
Team Members:
List team member name, position and role on team
Note: This should be added at the beginning of the project. A timeline is established at the
beginning of a project to forecast timing, all timelines are to include an expected completion
date to plant goals.
other than
Project, can
be used to
create the
Potential X Matrix
Note: This matrix is a living document and should be updated when
changes to the project are necessary.
Define the Customer (Defect) Specification for the output being studied or the reason why the
project is important.
List the origin of the specification (e.g.: Drawings, Customer requirements, etc.)
When working with attribute data and a quality characteristic, identify the threshold, method of
attribute method and include photograph of the threshold when visual.
Note: The defect definition is identified on the Problem Definition page, this page is included
as support for defining the specification.
• A copy of the Minitab session window or Excel Workbook containing the study results
• All Appraisers versus Standard clearly identified with a callout identifying the study as
“Pass” or “Fail”
• Detailed description of what the results mean and list next steps if applicable
• Associated graphs for the study, which are to include the 95% confidence intervals
• Detailed description of what the results mean and what are the next steps if applicable
• Identify verification method and number of samples. Examples of Other methods, but
not limited to, include:
– Correlation
– Regression Analysis
– Two Sample T-Test
– Audit, etc.
• Detailed description of what the results mean and list next steps if applicable
Reminder - DPMO and Zst Score from process capability is used to establish “Current” on
Problem Definition Page
Note: The process performance and goals are identified on the Problem Definition page. The
information is listed here as support to that page and to physically tie the project goals to the
actual project improvement.
Note: Step 6 does not provide statistical significance in reducing the number of inputs.
Hypothesis testing is required to identify statistical significance. However, Correlation can be
used to eliminate inputs if input has no variation and no correlation back to the defect.
Note: Hypothesis testing is to relate to the problem definition, defect definition, process
capability and data type. If using discrete nominal data, do not use continuous tools.
Reference Hypothesis Test roadmap on following slide for appropriate test.
Demonstration of the appropriate statistical tools to determine the optimum process for the
KPIV’s validated in Step 7
Identify either targets or tolerances for project KPIV as appropriate (No exceptions when
– A setting for a critical KPIV determined through the use Hypothesis Tests that will
provide best results. Include method and setting.
Manufacturing Tolerances:
– Manufacturing Tolerances are “operating ranges” set for critical KPIVs of a continuous
nature where needed. Include method and settings.
For each improvement identified for and relating to the project include:
• Date of implementation
Concentrate on and include all appropriate documentation as identified in Step 3 for each
Refer to Lead Black Belt to Evaluate the Necessity of Repeating R&R if No Changes to
the Part/Process/Operator has changed that would affect the outcome. (This is most often
by passed on Attribute Gage R&R’s, that are performed on documentation.)
Note: After any change it is important to revalidate the MSA as a change in the R&R may
be realized. Without proof of the Measuring System at this step the data may not be
Include for all forms of control for each critical KPIV (No Exceptions):
Clear description of all forms of control for each KPIV
• When applied, include detailed description of poka-yoke, mechanical control and
associated pictures or drawings
Include for all forms of control for each critical KPIV (No Exceptions):
Evidence of a reaction plan if defect returns. A reaction plan should be developed with the
team, published, and understood by all personnel that are responsible for the process.
Evidence of meeting the project objectives for DPMO within 10% (Tie improvement amount
back to Step 5, the original project objective, for closure of the project and transfer to the
natural Process Owner)
Note: Step 12 is critical in verifying that we are monitoring the project output and controlling
the KPIV’s.
The Project List is to be used as a guide to assure each project contains all the
information Required in order to properly close a project and receive approval. If you
are unsure if a specific Element applies to your project, consult your Lead Black Belt.