Software Engeenering Past Paper 2013
Software Engeenering Past Paper 2013
Software Engeenering Past Paper 2013
Answer the following questions. (4*5)=20
Differentiate between Software Engineering & Software Process?
Software Engineering:
1. Software engineering is the study & application of engineer to design ,
development and maintanence of software.
2. Software engineering is an engineering discipline which is concerned
with all aspects of software production.
3. Software engineering should adopt a systematic & organized approach
to their work & use appropriate tools depends on the
Software Engineering:
• Problem to be solved.
Software Process:
If A=0 then
If B>C then
End if
End if
Below diagram show that has seven node and eight edges.
Cyclometic Complexity=8-7+2=3
Flow Graph:
Q2:Long Question (10*3)=30
1.Basic model:
This model would be applied early in project
development.It will provide a roughly estimate early on that should be
refined later on with one on other model.
2.Intermediate model:
This model would be used after you have more
detailed requirements for project.
3.Advanced model:
when your design is complete, you can apply this
method to further refines your estimate.
Modes: Within each of these models there are also three modes.
Calculate the project cost by using CoCoMo:
1. Organic P
It belongs to small & simple software projects which are handled by a small team with
good domain knowledge and few rigid requirements.
Example: Small data processing or Inventory management system.
2. Semidetached
It is an intermediate (in terms of size and complexity) project, where the team having
mixed experience (both experience & inexperience resources) to deals with
rigid/nonrigid requirements.
Example: Banking software or Traffic light control software.
Calculate the project cost by using CoCoMo:
3. Embedded
This project having a high level of complexity with a large team size by
considering all sets of parameters (software, hardware and operational).
Example: Banking software or Traffic light control software.
Equation used:
PM is the efforts in persons month
Calculate the project cost by using CoCoMo
a b c d
Organic 2.4 1.05 2.5 0.38
Cost drivers:
The EAF is used to tailor your estimation based on condition of the
development environment. For the intermediate there are 15
different cost drivers that can be used to calculate your EAF.
They are grouped into four categories:
• Project attributes . Personal attributes
• To perform the debugging process easily and efficiently, it is necessary to follow some techniques. The
most commonly used debugging strategies are,
Debugging by brute force is the most commonly used technique. This is done by taking memory dumps
of the program which contains a large amount of information with intermediate values and analyzing them,
but analyzing the information and finding the bugs leads to a waste of time and effort.
Induction strategy includes the Location of relevant data, the Organization of data, the Devising
hypothesis (provides possible causes of errors), and the Proving hypothesis.
Deduction strategy includes Identification of possible causes of bugs or hypothesis Elimination of
possible causes using the information Refining of the hypothesis( analyzing one-by-one)
The backtracking strategy is used to locate errors in small programs. When an error occurs, the program is
traced one step backward during the evaluation of values to find the cause of bug or error.
Q4: Draw a zero level(context level)and level 1 DFD for a simple
calculator having four functions (add,subtract,multiply and
USER Input data -ate
Calculated result
Level 1 DFD:
USER Input data conversio
subtra Divi
Add tipl
ct de
END result