Chapter 2 - Lesson 1
Chapter 2 - Lesson 1
Chapter 2 - Lesson 1
Consideration in Preparing Multimedia
A. Characteristics of Multimedia Presentations
1. Multimedia presentations are visually oriented (displayed on a monitor or
projected onto a screen).
2. They allow users to use different modalities such as:
a. Text
b. Graphics
c. Photographs
d. Audio
e. Animation
f. Video
Special features of computer-based
1. Custom navigation (linking) between slides, to other media and to the Internet
2. Can be made into hard copy printouts or transparencies.
3. Can be uploaded to the Web.
B. Steps in Making Effective Multimedia
1. Know the purpose of the presentation.
2. Know the audience
3. Gather information.
4. Use a variety of resources such as:
a. Textbooks
b. Digital resources
Scanned images, student work
c. Internet
5. Do not forget to cite sources.
a. Write the author`s name, title of the work and date of the publication
b. Include the website or Web page address of the source.
c. In general, non-profit educational use of online materials for a lecture qualifies
as `fair use` but it is better to ask the author`s permission to use such materials.
d. Always have full bibliographic references for all citations.
Asarta, CJ, Hill, AT, Meszaros, BT (2014) The features and effectiveness of the keys
to financial success curriculum. International Review of Economics Education 16:
6. Organize the information.
a. Contrast
Dark text on light background
White text on dark background
b. Use only one design and color scheme
throughout the slide presentation.
c. Avoid clutter
d. Avoid patterned or textured backgrounds.
7. Check technical issues.