Pol Takes
Pol Takes
Pol Takes
• “Hi” is an informal way of saying “hello.” Notice that the “i” sound in “hi” is extended, to show that Jane is very pleased to see
• “How’s it going?” is an informal way of saying “How are you?”
• “Fine, thanks—and you?” Notice the rising intonation on “and you?” This shows that Helen is interested in what Jane has to say.
• “Where are you off to?” is an informal way of saying “Where are you going?” Notice the falling intonation since this is an
information question, not a “yes/no” question.
• “To the library.” Notice that Helen does not say “I’m going” here because that information was already established in the question
“Where are you off to?”
• “Oh, no” is a way of saying “I sympathize with you” or “I understand you are not happy.”
• “See you later” is an informal way of saying “goodbye.”
• A dan AN disebut Indifiniite article( kt sandang tak tentu) yang berarti;
seseorang,seekor,sebutir,sepotong dll.
• A dan AN hanya digunahkan bersama Countable Noun:kt benda yang dapat dihitung
dalam bentuk singular:tunggal.
• A untuk benda yang diawali oleh bunyi mati:consonat sound dan AN bunyi
hidup:vocal sound, bila kata-kata itu diucapkan.
• examples: a chair a spoon a sweat a blood a university
• an ant an umbrella an egg a hour exercises : …….cat
……….arrow ……..powder ……ell
• THE disebut difinite article( kt sandang tentu/pasti) dan mengikuti benda yang dapat
hitiung dalam bentuk tunggal. THE memiliki dua bunyi: dibaca DE serta dibaca DI.
• THE/DE, apabila menikuti benda yang di awali oleh consonant dan THE/DI, apabila
mengikuti benda yang di awali oleh vocal.
The , biasanya di pakai untuk suatu: penemuan, sungai, tempat,alat musik atau
nama orang namun telah berubah fungsi e.g:brand atau mark.
THE/DE; the book, the radio, the musi , the united state of america, the guitar.
the yongky.
THE/DI ; the American, the information, the examination.
Tapi THE bisa juga mengikuti untuk suatu benda yang jamak(plural) asalkan kata
tersebut munculnya dua kali dalam suatu rangkaian kalimat.
The dog chases mice, the mice run into holes. The holes full of ten kilo litters.
Untuk penggunaan to be dengan verb, maka verb nya harus ditambakan ING. Yang artinya;
sedang berlangsung suatu pekerjaan/kegiatan.atau disebut juga progressive /continuous
form. Ia akan memiliki makna pasive:telah.(be+verb III)
Siti was told him about me= siti telah menceritakan ke Dia tentang saya.
Siti was not told him about me= siti telah tidak menceritakan ke Dia tentang say.
Was Siti told him about me ?= apakah Siti telah menceritakan ke Dia tentang saya?
Change into good English
1. Jamal adalah seorang pelaut.
2. Apakah kamu telah melihat sebuahjam tangan?
3. Merekah tidak pandai.
4. Ahmad, Dany dan saya adalah seorang tentara.
5. Kami ada di atas atap .
There is a boy,name is Donte al Kangean, where the class call him Donte Pe Ak. Pe ak
means(not briliant; dumb/stupid). He always makes troubles for the classroom event when
the killer/fierce; buas teacher itself teach. One day the fierce teacher comes for his lesson:
pelajaran. and he asks the student one by one about math. Then Donte turn=giliran.
Teacher: Donte, what is ten times=kali ten ..?
Donte : hundreds, sir!
Teacher :well done=bagus . One more, ok! Can you draw=mengambar triangle=segitiga
with=dengan the same=sama feet=kaki? .
Donte : No, sir ! I draw with my hand not with my foot.
Teacher : silly=dasar goblok Donte, Pe ak.
What is pharmacy !
Pharmacy is the science and practice of discovering, producing,
preparing, dispensing, reviewing and monitoring medications,
aiming to ensure the safe, effective, and affordable use of
medicines. It is a miscellaneous science as it links health sciences
with pharmaceutical sciences and natural sciences. Pharmacy is
the science and practice of discovering, producing, preparing,
dispensing, reviewing and monitoring medications , aiming to
ensure the safe, effective, and affordable use of medicines. It is a
miscellaneous science as it links healthy science with
pharmaceutical science and natural science. The professional
practice is becoming more clinically oriented as most of the drugs
are now manufactured by pharmaceutical industries. Based on the
setting, pharmacy practice is either classified as community or
institutional pharmacy. Providing direct patient care in the
community of institutional pharmacies is considered clinical
The scope of pharmacy practice includes more traditional roles such as
compounding and dispensing of medications. It also includes more modern
services related to health care including clinical services, reviewing medications
for safety and efficacy, and providing drug information. Pharmacists, therefore,
are experts on drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who
optimize the use of medication for the benefit of the patients.
An establishment in which pharmacy (in the first sense) is practiced is called
a pharmacy (this term is more common in the United States) or chemists (which
is more common in Great Britain, though pharmacy is also used). In the United
States and Canada, drugstores commonly sell medicines, as well as
miscellaneous items such as confectionery, cosmetics,office supplies, toys,hair
care products and magazines, and occasionally refreshments and groceries.
In its investigation of herbal and chemical ingredients, the work of
the apothecary may be regarded as a precursor of the modern sciences of
chemistry and pharmacology, prior to the formulation of the sciencetific
Your Turns
1. What is pharmacy ?
2. What is the scope of pharmacy ?
3. What do we call for some one who expert on
pharmacy ?
4. Why do we learn pharmacy ?
Mengenali subject dan verb
Dua pertanyaan sederhana untuk mengenali mana SUBJECT dan VERB;
1.Apa atau siapa yang memerluhkan action yang dilukiskan verb (the subject).
2.Apa yang dilakukan oleh subject ? Apa yang terjadi pada subject ? (the verb).
(cat: untuk kalimat yang diawali dengan there, subject terletak sesudah verb), dalam kailmat
di atas is dan are adalah linking verb.
6.The report was typed yesterday.
S : report
V : was typed
7.You will be arrested if you break the law.
S : you
V : will be arrested
8.Your purse could have been stolen while you were away from your desk.
S : purse
V : could have been stolen
Statement : statement mengungkapkan pernyataan dan berakhir dengan tanda baca titik
( . ).
Sales last year rose in May and fell in June.
The respresentative is here.
Question : question mengajukan pertanyaan dan berakhir dengan tanda tanya ( ? ).
Can you ship us the replacement parts by Wednesday ?
Command : command menyatakan perintah. Bentuk untuk jenis kalimat perintah dipahami
meskipuntidak dinyatakan.
Please examine your new check carefully.
Exclamation : exclamation disertai tanda seru ( ! ).
(it is) Wonderful !
That’s fantastic !
The types of verbs
Verbs (kata kerja) dapat berupa sebuah/sekelompok kata yang menyatakan apa yang dilakukan
oleh subject kalimat (:disebut action verb), dan disebut action verb contohnya
meet,write,speak stc. Verb ada pula berfungsi menghubungkan subject dengan kata-kata
yang mengidentifikasikan subject, dengan menyebutkan apa atau siapa subject
(noun/pronoun) atau menerangkan subject (adjective) dan disebut subject complement
(pelengkapak subject).
Verb yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung antara subject dengan complement disebut linking
verb,dan sering berupa kata kerja be ( is,am,are,was,were,be being,been).
Selain action verb dan linking verb, ada kata kerja yang berfungsi membantu pembentukan verb
phrase,disebut auxiliary/helping verb antara lain; can,may,must,shall.will,be,do.
1. Action verb : melukiskan action (tindakan) yang dilakukan olehsubject baik physical action
(:run,operate,produce,etc) maupun nonphysical action/mental action (:
love,wish,believe,etc). Dan action verb dibagi 2 jenis :
a. Transitive verb. Action verb yang memerlukab object.
anita typed the letter.
Mr. Joe read it twice.
b.Intransitive verb. Action verb yang tidak memerlukan object.
He works.
she cried.
Task : identifying the verb
1.A society use scarce resources to produce goods and service.
2.These resources include fuel and raw material.
3.The job of manager requires extensive training.
4.They distribute the products to people.
5.The exchange provide mutual benefit.
Task : recognizing which transitive or intransitive verb. And circle for intransitive verb and underline for
transitive verb.
1.I go to work every day.
2.Most people work.
3.The secretary walk to her desk.
4.The salesmen depart.
5.The engine failed suddenly.
2. Lingking verb : berfungsi menghubungkan subject dengan subject compliment (kata yang menerangkan
subject). Kata kerja be (am,is,are,was,were,be,been,being) lingking verb yang sering digunakan.
she is a manager.
they are consumers.
manager,consumers adalah subject compliment yang menerangkan apa atau siapa subject ( she,they).
Selain be ada beberapa verb yang berfungsi sebagai linking verb, semisalnya :
Linking verb: the man in the picture looked happy. (looked menghubungkan happy dengan man,
dimana kata sifat happy menerangkan man(subject). Kalimat ini berbicara tentang the happy
Action verb: shinta looked at the picture. (kata kerja looked menunjukan action yang dilakukan
oleh shinta (subject).
3.Auxiliary verb; kata kerja yang membantu kata kerja lain dalam pembentukan verb
phrase,passive dan penyesuaian tenses. Auxiliary verb dibagi 2 kelompok:
a.primary auxiliary verb:be (;is am,are,was,were,be,beiing),have (;has,had),do (;does,did).
b.modal auxiliary verb: can,could,may,might,shall,should,will,would,ought to,used to.
dan modal diklasifikasikan sebagai pure modals dan quasi modals.
pure modals (can,could,will,would,may,might,must,should)
dalam penerapanya disertai verb tanpa “to”.
can-could ; l can finish the work tomorrow.
will-would ; they would helped to finish the work.
1. Did he eat any fruit ?
2. Did Mike like to see the doctor?
3. Why did Mike go to the doctor?
4. Why Mike get faithless?
5. What do you think of the story ?
Have/has, mempunyai 2 fungsi;sebagai kata kerja
penuh(=mempunyai) serta sebagi kata kerja bantu(=perfect).
Dalam hal ini kita membahas HAVE/HAS sebagai kata kerja
Jeo and siti HAVE Siti HAS
Affirmative sentence Negative sentence Interrogative sentence
I have a cat I have not a cat Have I a cat ?
You have a bag. You have not a bag Have you a bag ?
He has a magazine. He has not a magazine Has he a magazine?
We have a lamb. We have not a lamb Have we a lamb?
They have a They have not a Have they a
handkerchief handkerchief handkerchief?
Joe has a nice kitten Joe has not a kitten Has Joe a kitten ?
That gun has six bullets That gun has not six Has that gun six bullets?
Tasks :
1.What is the relationship between the writer and Mr.Alif ?
2.What do you think of Mr. Alif ? And why ?
3.Where is this dialogue take place ?
4.Do the manager get mad ? And proof its.
5.What is Mr. Alif ?
Of and ‘s
Of and ‘s dapat digunahkan sebagai bentuk kepunyaan. Of digunahkan
untuk benda mati, ‘S untuk benda hidup(manusia dan binatang).
Dalam hal ini ‘S dapat juga digantikan dengan ‘ saja.
+ untuk nama orang yang berakhiran dengan huruf S, maka
ditambahkan ‘.
+ untuk nama orang yang berakhiran dengan huruf bukan huruf S,
maka ditanbakan ‘S.
OF ‘S=‘
Tom lives near the sea. He has a boat. Every Saturday he goes out in
his boat. Tom has a black coat and white hat. His boat is red.
One day he sees a big fish. He says ”the fish is going to eat me”!
Ok, please fill the blanks base on the story
Tom’s friends …….near the sea too. They……
boats. Every Saturday they……out in his
boats. Tom’s friends……black coats and
Their boats….blue. One day they……a big fish.
They…….”the fish is going to eat……!
What Time Is It?
NATASHA: What time is it? We’re going to be late!
TONY: It’s a quarter after seven. We’re on time. Don’t panic.
NATASHA: But I thought we had to be at the restaurant by 7:30 for the surprise party. We’ll
never make it there with all this evening traffic.
TONY: Sure we will. Rush hour is almost over. Anyway, the party starts at 8:00. But I do need
help with directions. Can you call the restaurant and ask them where we park our car?
• It’s a quarter after seven. This phrase is one of the most common ways of stating this time. It means: “It’s 15 minutes past 7:00.”
Another possibility here is to simply say: “It’s seven fifteen.” In general you can say: “It’s a quarter past the hour.” How do we
know the time of day? Look for context clues: “evening traffic.”
• In the dialog, Natasha and Tony are going to a surprise party. They need to be on time. Therefore there is an element of stress and
urgency. When someone is stressed for time you can use expressions like: Don’t worry. / Don’t stress. / We’re fine. / We will be on
• Natasha thinks the surprise party begins at 7:30. There are two different ways to express this time. You may say simply “seven
thirty” or “half past seven.”
• Rush hour is the time of day—usually in the morning and evening—when traffic is heavy because of people commuting to and
from their workplace by bus, by car, by subway, on foot, etc.
Definition of health
According to the World Health Organization,
health is “a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.” The apparent fullness of this
definition carries a powerful intuitive appeal: A
comprehensive definition of health should cover
all aspects of life, it would seem. However, the
WHO definition has been the target of criticism in
the medical literature since its first appearance in
that organization’s constitution in 1948.
The World Health Organization’s definition of
health is “a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity.” They assert that
physical and mental well-being is a human right,
enabling a life without limitation or restriction.
Improving and maintaining good health starts
with adopting healthy habits and like WHO, fit is
committed to helping people develop healthy,
sustainable changes for life.
Two aspects to health.
Most people accept that health can be devided into two
broad aspects: physical and mental health. For humans,
physical health means a good body health, which healthty
because of regular physical activity(exercises), good
nutrition, and adequate rest. And mental health refers to
people’s cognitive and emotional wellbeing. A person who
enjoys mental health doesn’t have a mental disorder.
According to WHO, mental health is “ a state of well-being
in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can
cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively
and fruitfully and is able to make contribution to his or her
Turn into taks
1. What is the definition of healthy ?
2. What is physical and mental health ?
3. What is the similarity of “disorder” ?
4. What is the aspects of healthy?
Adjectiive (kata sifat), dipakai untuk menerangkan kata benda. Adapun
adjective mempunyai tingkat perbandingan.(=Degrees of Comparison)
= Positive ( tingkat biasa )
= Comparative ( tingkat lebih )
= Superlative ( tingkat Paling )
• Untuk comparative /lebih untuk membandingkan dua benda + than. Dan untuk
• superlative/paling/ter…..+ the
• Untuk membanding dua benda yang yang mempunyai dua sifat yang sama =
• ……….as….adjective…..as………
• Joe is as tall as Hamdan : JOE SAMA TINGGINYA DENGAN HAMDAN
1. Jim is ( old,older,oldest) than Ben.
2. That house is (big,bigger,biggest).
3. Mr Joko is the (careful,morecareful, most careful) man.
4. Is george a (good,better,best) student ?
5. Anna is not (rich,richer, richest) than Betty.
6. Is Mary (short,shorter,shortest) than Jane ?
7. Who is the (lazy,lazier,laziest)in your class ?
8. This (bad,worse,worst) book is not mine.
9. Car is (expensive, more expensive, most expensive) than bicycle.
10. Is Paris the (beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful) city in the world?
Look deeply.
1. What Mr.White problem ?
2. What does his neighbor advise ?
3. What do you think of Mr. White ?
4. Where did Mr.White stay at first time?
Spelling of-ING/ED form
Verb that end-E co a) Hope - hoping – hope ING form: if word ends
Date – dating - dated in- e, drop the –e and add
–ing .
ED form: if the word ends
in –e ,just add – d
Ver b that end in A vowel One-syllable verbs 1 vowel --- 2 consonants
and A consonat b)Stop-stopping- stopped.
c)Rain – raining-rained
2 vowels ---1 consonat
Two syllable- verbs
d)listen-listening-listened 1st syllable stressed –
e) prefer-preferring-
preferred 2nd syllable stressed – 2
Verbs that end in two f) fold-folding-folded If the word ends in two
consonants Start-starting-started consonants,just add the
Verbs that end in-Y g)enjoy-enjoying-enjoyed If –Y is preceded by a
h)study-studying-studied vowel, keep the –Y.
If-Y is preceded by a
consonant:ING form:keep-
Y, add –ING.
ED form:change –Y to –i,
add -ED
Verbs that end in -IE i)Die – dying-died ING form:change-ie to-
Tie – tying -tied Y,add –ing.
ED form :add-d
Please change into ING and ED forms
Hold eat act employ
Boil plan help admit
Bore teem trim harm
Earn jeer hug loot
A drug, or pharmaceutical, is a substance used to prevent or cure
a disease or ailment or to alleviate its symptoms. In the U.S.,
some drugs are available over-the-counter while others can be
purchased only with a doctor's prescription. Drugs can be taken
orally, via a skin patch, by injection, or via an inhaler, to name
the most common methods. The pharmaceutical industry, which
is concerned with the development and marketing of drugs, is a
key component of the health sector, which is the most profitable
industry in the U.S. economy, with American drug companies
bringing in an estimated $334 billion in revenues for 2021.
A drug may also refer to an illegal or restricted substance used
by individuals recreationally or to get high.
Understanding Drugs
The development of new and improved drugs, or pharmaceuticals, is
a complex and costly business in the U.S. Some of the biggest
American corporations, such as Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Merck,
AstraZeneca, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, and Eli Lilly, are in the business
of researching, testing, manufacturing, and marketing new drugs.
In addition, biotechnology has evolved in recent years as a major
new branch of the drug business. Biotechnology companies
concentrate on research and development (HRD) of new cures based
on genetic manipulation. The big players in the field include Amgen,
Gilead Sciences, Biogen, and Novartis Corp.
In the United States, prescription drugs must be approved by
the Food and drug Administration(FDA). The agency's Center for
Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) acts as a consumer watchdog
How Drugs Get to the Market
• On average, it takes about 10 years and costs about $1 - $2+ billion for
a new drug (known in the pharmaceutical industry as a new indication)
to make it from its initial discovery to a doctor's office, according to
estimates from the U.S. government. The drug development process
has five main stages, including three phases of clinical trials:
• Development and discovery
• Preclinical research
• Clinical trials research
• Phase I trials
• Phase II trials
• Phase III trials
• FDA review
• Post-market safety monitoring (Phase IV trials)
Name Brand vs. Generic Drugs
Drugs sold in the U.S. may be name-brand or generic. A
name-brand drug can be patented for 20 years after its
discovery or invention. Once the patent expires, other
manufacturers can produce and market generic
equivalents of that drug.
Generic equivalents are increasingly prescribed as they
become available in the U.S. because of their relatively
low cost. Generics are required to have the same
medicinal ingredients, and therefore the same
therapeutic effects, to receive FDA approval for sale as
Drug Prices
The price of prescription drugs is a source of great financial
stress for many Americans, and therefore it has become one of
the biggest political issues of the era. Health insurance prevents
many Americans from bearing the full brunt of retail drug prices,
though the coverage varies widely. In any case, drug costs are a
major factor in the increase in health insurance premiums.
• The most expensive prescription drugs in 2022, according to
goodrx.com, a healthcare website, include Zokinvy,
Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome treatment, at $89,480
per month; Myalept, a treatment for lipodystrophy, at $77,496
per month; and Mavenclad, a treatment for relapsing forms of
multiple sclerosis, at $63,993 per month
• What is drug ?
• How do we implemented the drugs before ?
• Mention the differentiation between generic
drug and name brand?
Present tense = kebiasaan/kebenaran umum.
Often, always, usually, sometime ;diletakan setelah subject.
Every morning, every week, every year; diletakan di ujung kalimat(umumnya)
Untuk kalimat affirmative( + ) yang subjectnya: she, he it. Verb nya ditambah es/s.
Permitted Caught
• Hi, Alice, it’s John: Hi, ____, it’s ____ is a casual and friendly way to say hello on the phone.
Although “it’s” means “it is,” it is used to mean “I am” here.
• Oh, hi, John! Notice the rising intonation here. Alice is excited to hear from John and is very
pleased that he called her.
• I was wondering if you’d like to ... This is a polite and indirect way of asking “Do you want to …?”
John is nervous and does not want to appear too direct or bold. Notice how the question goes up
at the end, which shows that he is not overly confident.
• Sure! I’d love to means “Yes, I would love to.” Notice that Alice is very enthusiastic and friendly.
She wants John to feel comfortable about asking her out on a date.
• I was thinking about … / What do you think? Again, John does not want to appear too bold. He
wants to give Alice a chance to suggest a movie.
• Sounds great! Is an informal way of saying “That is a good plan.”
• I’ll pick you up is an informal way of saying “I’ll come to your house so that we can go together.”
FUTURE TENSE =kegiatana/kejadian yang akan datang.
Will:you,they,she,he,it dan Shall: I, we untuk British sistem
Will : they, we you, I, she , he, it untuk Amerika sistem
Will/Shall = Be going to
Tomorrow, next week, next month, tonight : diletakkan di akhir kalimat.
• Shall/will = be going to
• Siti will go to Jamaica next week.
• Siti is going to go to Jamaica next week.
• I will clean it up, mom.
• I am going to clean it up,dad
PRESENT CONTINUES TENSE=kegiatan/peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada saat
Keterangan waktu yang dipakai: Now, right now, at the moment, etc.
I Am Eating,
You Are Sitting, •Verb berakhir E,
begging maka E
He Is Washing, dihilangkan. Tapi
cleaning bila EE tetap
She Is Beginning,
permitting •Verb berakhir IE,
It Is Suffering, maka harus
attempting diubah menjadi
We Are Smoking,
You Are Agreeing,
They are Dying, tying
affirmative negative Interrogative
I am reading a novel. I am not reading a novel. Am I reading a novel ?
They are sitting in the They are not sitting in the Are they sitting in the
classroom. classroom. classroom?
Helen is sleeping in Helen is not sleeping in Is Helen sleeping in
bedroom. bedroom. bedroom ?
• Be (present/past)
• Nuraini is singing a song now.
• Dono and Dessy were bathing.
• when/while( 2 events).
• Abel was taking wash when her boyfriend came last night.
• When Doni was crying, Dessy danced.
• While Ratih crying, her boyfriend was laughing.
• Ratih came to my house when my boy was eating pudding .
PRESENT PERFECT=kegiatan/perestiwa yang berlangsung pada waktu lampau dan ada
hubungannya dengan sekarang.
For, since, to
B.Isilah AM, IS, ARE, DO, DOES, DID, SHALL, WILL, HAVE, HAS untuk kalimat-
kalimat di bawah ini!
• 1. Bill . . . . .wash his shirt tomorrow.
• 2. . . . . .you closed the doors?
• 3. The children . . . . .not always drink tea.
• 4. . . . . .she borrowed that book?
• 5. We . . . . . .go to beach next week.
• 6. The girls . . . . .not eating now.
• 7. . . . . . . Betty sing every night?
• 8. My father . . . . . .typing the letter now.
• 9. . . . . . .they meet you last month?
• 10. I . . . . . .not drawing a picture now.
Conditions of the hair, skin, or nails are very common and almost
everyone experiences symptoms of one or other dermatologic
condition at some point in their life. In fact, approximately one in
six of all visits to a general practitioner involves a problem of the
skin. Some of the most common dermatologic conditions include:
• Acne: pimples on the skin due to inflammation of the sebaceous
• Dermatitis: red, swollen and sore skin caused by irritation or
• Eczema: rough and inflamed skin that is itchy and may bleed
• Psoriasis: itchy, red, scaly patches on the skin
• Fungal infections: infection of the skin or nails caused by a fungus
• Warts: small hard growth on the skin caused by a virus
• Cold sore: inflamed blister near the mouth caused by herpes
simplex virus
• Skin cancer: uncontrolled growth of skin cells
Each of these dermatologic conditions has characteristic symptoms and should be
managed in a unique manner. Additionally, each case will vary considerably in severity,
which will influence the treatment decisions.
Therapies in Dermatolog
There are several types of dermatological therapies that may be used in the
management of skin conditions. These may include:
• Topical medications
• Systemic medications
• Dermatohistopathology
• Surgery
• Immunotherapy
• Photodynamic therapy
• Phototherapy
• Laser therapy
• Radiotherapy
Each of these therapies has a specific role to play in the management of certain
dermatological conditions. Topical agents are the most common type of treatment,
and can be applied directly to the affected area for the desired effect. However, other
types of therapy are important for other conditions or particular purposes.
Dermatology as a Profession
A dermatologist is a health professional who specializes in the field of
dermatology and is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of hair, skin, and
nail conditions.
Although the exact education and training requirements vary according to the
country of practice, a dermatologist usually needs to complete medical school
and residency (minimum of 6 + 3 years) before commencing a specialized
training program in the field of dermatology. The specialization in dermatology
typically takes at least four years of intensive study, research, and practice in
the field. Continued professional development is also required for
dermatologist to demonstrate ongoing competency and maintain their
registration to practice.
PLURAL FORM (BENTUK JAMAK) hanya berlaku bagi kata benda yang dapat dihitung
(countable noun); dog,cat,table,pen, arm chair. Dan tidak berlaku bagi kata
benda(uncountable noun)
+ Kata Benda yang berakhiran Y didahului oleh huruf mati,
dirubah dahulu menjadi I, laluh ditambah ES dan Y yang
didahului oleh huruf hidup, langsung ditambah S.
Singular Plural
Lady Ladies
Duty Duties
Baby Babies
Boy Boys
Day Days
Monkey Monkeys
+Kata Benda berakhiran O, di dahului oleh huruf mati maka
ditambah ES dan oleh didahului oleh huruf hidup cukup
ditambah S
Singular Plural
Hero Heroes
Potato Potatoes
tetapi Tetapi
Radio Radios
Folio Folios
kecuali kecuali
Piano Pianos
Photo Photos
Dynamo Dynamos
Soprano Sopranos
+Kata benda berakhiran F atau FE akan menjadi V bila mendapat
akhiran ES
……………………. …………………………..
…………………………. ………………………….
………………. …………………..
S di tambahkan pada kata benda lain yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan diatas.
Singular Plural
book Books
Cat cats
teacher Teachers
window windows
Bentuk jamak yang tidak beraturan
singular Plural
On phone “say it again..
LUKE: Hello? Hi, Stephanie, how are things at the office?
STEPHANIE: Hi, Luke! How are you? Can you please stop and pick up extra paper for the computer printer?
LUKE: What did you say? Can you repeat that, please? Did you say to pick up ink for the printer? Sorry, the
phone is cutting out.
STEPHANIE: Can you hear me now? No, I need more computer paper. Listen, I’ll text you exactly what I
need. Thanks, Luke. Talk to you later.
LUKE: Thanks, Stephanie. Sorry, my phone has really bad reception here.
• There are a few ways to express a lack of understanding and to request additional information. The most common ones are stated,
but you can also say “Excuse me” or simply “I can’t hear you.” In a more formal situation, try saying “I’m sorry?” or “I beg your
pardon?” (with a rising intonation).
• When asking someone to clarify information try saying Can you please repeat that? / Can you spell that for me? / Can you please
write down the address for me?
• Cutting out describes a difficulty in understanding a caller due to poor cellphone reception. If you are having trouble understanding
the caller, you can also say The line is breaking up / I am losing you. If the phone call is disconnected because of poor reception, you
can say The call dropped.
• Talk to you later is the equivalent in a phone conversation of “See you later” in a regular, face-to-face conversation.
• Reception here means the availability of cellular service, the possibility to receive and give calls on a cellphone. Cellphone
reception can be limited in remote areas, inside large buildings or underground (in the subway, for instance
Adverb,adalah kata keterangan yang di gunahkan untuk dalam kalimat untuk 1. menerangkan
kata kerja(bagaimana itu terjadi) dengan menambahkan ly
pada kata sifat.
Adjective Adverb
Honest Honestly
Fluent Fluently
Quick Quickly
Easy Easily
Lazy Lazily
hard hard
Tempat ,
In; untuk area yang luas.(umum). I saty in Cilegon.
On; area yang agak luas.(sedang). I stay on jalan Ahmad Yani Cilegon.
At ; area yang sempit (spesific). I stay at jalan Ahmad Yani no 17
Atau nama tempat tertentu : Montana, sumatra. Bandung, class.
in , untuk suatu bagian waktu
In June,in summer, by day .e.g. she takes a walk in the afternoon.
On , untuk nama hari/tanggal
On Sunday, on August 26, e.g. she boat will arrive on wednesday
At, untuk wktu yang tepat
At Two o’clock, at dawn, at noon. E.g. I usually get up at 4 o’clock.
What is adverb ?..
• Adverb of place : at: specific, Ratihhh lives at
jalan Cinta No.5 Cilegon ,
• in:luas/umum, Ratihhh lives in Cilegon. .on:
sedang, Ratihhh lives on Jalan Cinta Cilegon.
• ,under,near,top,beside,between,Ayu is
between Rezy and Ratihhh.Ayu is among the
D1 Students..among,above,on,at, in, under
neat, iinfront of, behind,close up.
• Adverb of time:at,in.on.every week,Every
night, I go to disco./I go to disco every
Kata sifat bilangan pada prinsipnya di bagi tiga :
1.Cardinal numbers ( bilangan pokok )
2.Ordinal numbers ( bilangan tingkat )
3.Fractions ( bilangan pecahan )
Once upon in china
10 : 30 siang
10 : 15 malam
01 : 58 malam
Talking about the Time
• Noun (benda) :
Watch/wrist watch : jam tangan
Clock : jam dinding