Quarter 2 Week 1 MIL
Quarter 2 Week 1 MIL
Quarter 2 Week 1 MIL
3. Producers, audience,
Genre/ media codes
stakeholders, conventions
4. Symbolic, genre, technical, written
Editing/symbolic codes
5. Mise en scene, setting, editing, acting
What’s New
How well do you know?
Read each of the ff. situations and evaluate if the action
done is good or bad. If it is good, draw a thumbs UP
emoji, and if bad, a thumbs Down. Justify your answer
with a short explanation.
1. As a loyal friend, you should take part in the
bashing, spreading of hateful comments, and
sharing of related spiteful information about the
person who cyberbullied your friend.
2. Your friend has taught you online sites wherein you
can download recent movies for free. These sites are
not authorized however many are using them without
being caught. Although tempted, you did not visit any of
the sites and asked for the authorized sites instead.