Vertical Curve
Vertical Curve
Vertical Curve
Vertical alignment
Vertical Curves
Vertical curve is a parabolic curve that is applied to make a smooth
and safe transition between two grades on a roadway roadway or a
highway highway.
The design involves the selection of suitable GRADES for the tangent
sections and the design of the VERTICAL CURVES.
highway safety.
urban/rural location
Types of vertical curves
Vertical curves can be classified in to the
following two groups
y=elevation of a point on the curve
y0=elevation of the beginning of the vertical curve (BVC)
g1=grade just prior to the curve
X=horizontal distance from the BVC to the point on the curve
r=rate of change of grade
The rate of change of grade is given by:
Where G2 is the grade just beyond the end of the vertical curve
Note that r (and hence the term rx²/2 ) will be positive for sags and
negative for crests.
L is the length of the vertical curve measured in a horizontal plane
(not along curve center line, like horizontal curves).
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