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Cloud Computing

Concept, Technology & Architecture

Chapter 08
Specialized Cloud Mechanisms

 10 mechanisms fulfill a specific runtime function

in support of cloud characteristics including:
 8.1 Automated Scaling Listener
 8.2 Load Balancer
 8.3 SLA Monitor
 8.4 Pay-Per-Use Monitor
 8.5 Audit Monitor
 8.6 Failover System
 8.7 Hypervisor
 8.8 Resource Cluster
 8.9 Multi-Device Broker
 8.10 State Management Database
8.1 Automated Scaling Listener

 The automated scaling listener mechanism is a service

agent that monitors and tracks communications between
cloud service consumers and cloud services for dynamic
scaling purposes.
 Automatic scaling listeners are usually deployed near the
firewall to track the volume of customer-generated
requests or processing demands.
 Automatic scaling listeners provide different types of
responses to workload fluctuation conditions, such as:
(i)Automatically scaling IT resources out or in based on
parameters defined by the cloud consumer. (auto-scaling)
(ii)Automatically notification of cloud consumer when the
workloads exceed current thresholds or fall below allocated
resources. (auto-notification)
Figure 8.1
Figure 8.1 Automated Scaling Listener

1) Three cloud service consumers attempt to access one

cloud service simultaneously (1).
2) The automated scaling listener scales out and initiates
the creation of three redundant instances of the service
3) A fourth cloud service consumer attempts to use the
cloud service (3).
4) Programmed to allow up to only three instances of the
cloud service, the automated scaling listener rejects the
fourth attempt and notifies the cloud consumer that the
requested workload limit has been exceeded (4).
5) The cloud consumer accesses the remote
administration environment to adjust the provisioning
setup and increase the redundant instance limit (5).
Figure 8.2 (1/2)
Figure 8.2 Case of DTGOV

1) A cloud consumer creates and starts a virtual server

with 8 virtual processor cores and 16 GB of virtual
RAM (1).
2) The VIM creates the virtual server at the cloud
service consumer's request, and the corresponding
virtual machine is allocated to Physical Server 1 to
join 3 other active virtual machines (2).
3) Cloud consumer demand causes the virtual server
usage to increase by over 80% of the CPU capacity
for 60 consecutive seconds (3).
4) The automated scaling listener running at the
hypervisor detects the need to scale up and
commands the VIM accordingly (4).
Figure 8.3
Figure 8.4
Figure 8.3 & 8.4 Case of DTGOV

 Figure 8.3 - The VIM determines that scaling up the

virtual server on Physical Server 1 is not possible and
proceeds to live migrate it to Physical Server 2.

6) The virtual server's CPU/RAM usage remains below

15% capacity for 60 consecutive seconds (6).
7) The automated scaling listener detects the need to scale
down and commands the VIM (7), which scales down
the virtual server (8) while it remains active on
Physical Server 2.
8.2 Load Balancer (1/2)

A common approach to horizontal scaling is to

balance a workload across two or more IT resources
to increase performance and capacity beyond what a
single IT resource can provide. The load balancer
mechanism is a runtime agent with logic
fundamentally based on this premise.
Load balancers perform a range of specialized
runtime workload distribution functions:
 Asymmetric distribution
 Workload prioritization
 Content-aware distribution
8.2 Load Balancer (2/2)

The load balancer mechanisms can exist as:

 multi-layer network switch
 dedicated hardware appliance
 dedicated software-based system (in server OS)
 service agent (controlled by cloud management software)
The load balancer mechanism is typically located on
the communication path between the IT resource
generating and workload processing.
The load balancer can be designed as a transparent
agent or as a proxy component.
Figure 8.5

 Figure 8.5 - A load balancer implemented as a service agent

transparently distributes incoming workload request messages across
two redundant cloud service implementations, which in turn maximizes
performance for the cloud service consumers.
Figure 8.6 Case of ATN Part number Catalog

 Figure 8.6 - New instances of the cloud services are automatically

created to meet increasing usage requests. The load balancer uses
round-robin scheduling to ensure that the traffic is distributed evenly
among the active cloud services.
8.3 SLA Monitor

The SLA monitor mechanism is used to specifically

observe runtime performance of cloud services to
ensure that they are fulfilling the contractual QoS
requirements that are published in SLAs.
The data collected by the SLA monitor is processed
by an SLA management system to be aggregated into
SLA reporting metrics.
8.4 Pay-Per-Use Monitor

The pay-per-use monitor mechanism measures

cloud-based IT resource usage in accordance with
predefined pricing parameters and generates usage
logs for fee calculations and billing purposes.
Some typical monitoring variables are:
 request/response message quantity
 transmitted data volume

 bandwidth consumption

The data collected by the pay-per-use monitor is

processed by a billing management system that
calculates the payment fee.
Figure 8.12 (1/2)
Pay-per-use implemented as
a resource agent.
 A cloud consumer requests the
creation of a new instance of a
cloud service (1).
 The IT resource is instantiated
and the pay-per-use monitor
receives a "start" event
notification from the resource
software (2).
 The pay-per-use monitor stores
the value timestamp in the log
database (3).
Figure 8.12 (2/2)
 The cloud consumer later
requests that the cloud service
instance be stopped (4).
 The pay-per-use monitor
receives a "stop" event
notification from the resource
software (5) and stores the
value timestamp in the log
database (6).
Pay-Per-Use Monitor Alternatives

In Figure 8.12, pay-per-use is implemented as a

resource agent. An alternative is to implement it as a
monitor agent, as shown in Figure 8.13.
In Figure 8.13,
1. A cloud service consumer sends a request message to
the cloud service (1).
2. The pay-per-use monitor intercepts the message (2),
forwards it to the cloud service (3a), and stores the
usage information in accordance with its monitoring
metrics (3b).
3. The cloud service forwards the messages back to the
cloud consumer to provide the requested service
Figure 8.13
Pay-Per-Use Case in DTGOV

DTGOV install 2 database: the billing event database

and the pricing scheme database to support billable
events and customizable pricing model.
The pay-per-use monitor polling agent periodically
supplies the billing system with billable event
A separate monitoring agent provides further
supplemental billing-related data:
 Cloud consumer subscription type
 Resource usage category
 Resource usage quota consumption
Figure 8.14
Explanation of Figure 8.14 (1/3)

1. The cloud consumer (CS_ID = CS1) creates and starts a

virtual server (VM_ID = VM1) of configuration size type
1 (VM_TYPE = type1) (1).
2. The VIM creates the virtual server instance as requested
3. The VIM's event-driven API generates a resource usage
event with timestamp = t1, which is captured and
forwarded to the pay-per-use monitor resource agent by
the usage monitoring agent (2b).
4. The pay-per-use monitor resource agent interacts with
the pricing scheme database to identify the chargeback
and usage metrics that apply to the resource usage. A
"started usage" billable event is generated and stored in
the billable event log database (3).
Explanation of Figure 8.14 (2/3)

5. The virtual server's usage increases and reaches the auto-

scaling threshold (4).
6. The VIM scales up the virtual server (VM1) (5a) from
configuration type 1 to type 2 (VM_TYPE = type2). The
VIM's event-driven API generates a resource usage event
with timestamp = t2, which is captured and forwarded to the
pay-per-use monitor resource agent by the usage monitoring
agent (5b).
7. The pay-per-use monitor resource agent interacts with the
pricing scheme database to identify the chargeback and usage
metrics that apply to the updated IT resource usage. A
"changed usage" billable event is generated and stored in the
pay-per-use log database (6).
8. The cloud consumer shuts down the virtual server (7) and
the VIM stops Virtual Server (VM1) (8a).
Explanation of Figure 8.14 (3/3)

9 The VIM's event-driven API generates a resource

usage event with timestamp = t3, which is captured and
forwarded to the pay-per-use monitor resource agent
by the usage monitoring agent (8b).
10. The pay-per-use monitor resource agent interacts with
the pricing scheme database to identify the chargeback
and usage metrics that apply to the updated IT resource
usage. A "finished usage" billable event is generated
and stored in the pay-per-use log database (9).
11. The billing system tools access the log database and
calculate the total usage fee for the virtual server as
(Fee(VM1)) (10).
8.5 Audit Monitor

The audit monitor mechanism is used to collect audit

tracking data for networks and IT resources in
support (or dictated by) regulatory and contractual
Figure 8.15 depicts an audit monitor implemented as
a monitoring agent that intercepts login requests
and stores the requestor’s security credentials, as
well as failed and successful login attempts, in a log
Figure 8.15
Procedures of an Audit Monitor

1. A cloud service consumer requests access to a cloud

service by sending a login request message with security
credentials (1).
2. The audit monitor intercepts the message (2) and
forwards the message to the authentication service (3).
3. The authentication service processes the security
credentials. A response message is generated for the
cloud service consumer, in addition to the results from
the login attempt (4).
4. The audit monitor intercepts the response message and
stores the entire collected login event details in the log
database, as per the organization's audit policy
requirements (5).
5. Access has been granted, and a response is sent back to
the cloud service consumer (6).
Audit Monitor in Innovartus

 Innovartus’ legal department is working on the

issue that the application can either not be
accessed by users or access is free of charge
depending on various geographical regions.
 Innovartis asks its cloud provider to establish an
audit monitoring system to intercept each inbound
message, analyze the HTTP header, and collect the
origin of the end-user.
Figure 8.16
Audit Monitor Procedures in Fig 8.16

 An end-user attempts access to the Role Player cloud

service (1).
 An audit monitor transparently intercepts the HTTP
request message and analyzes the message header to
determine the geographical origin of the end-user (2).
 The audit monitoring agent determines that the end-
user is from a region that Innovartus is not authorized
to charge a fee for access to the application. The agent
forwards the message to the cloud service (3a) and
generates the audit track information for storage in the
log database (3b).
 The cloud service receives the HTTP message and
grants the end-user access at no charge (4).
8.6 Failover System (1/2)

The failover system mechanism is used to increase

the reliability and availability of IT resources by
using established clustering technology to provide
redundant implementations.
A failover system is configured to automatically
switch over to a redundant or standby IT resource
instance whenever the current active IT resource
becomes unavailable.
8.6 Failover System (2/2)

 Failover system come in two basic configurations:

 Active-Active – redundant implementations of the IT
resources is required, and load balancing is among active
instance is necessary. (Figure 8.17-19)
 Active-Passive – a standby or inactive implementation is
activated to take over the processing from the IT resource
that becomes unavailable and the corresponding
workload is redirected to the instance taking over the
operation. (Figure 8.20-22)
Figure 8.17

 Figure 8.17 - The failover system monitors the operational status of

Cloud Service A.
Figure 8.18

 Figure 8.18 - When a failure is detected, the failover system commands

the load balancer to switch over the workload to the redundant Cloud
Service A implementation.
Figure 8.19

 Figure 8.19 - The failed Cloud Service A implementation is recovered or

replicated into another operational resource. The failover system now
commands the load balancer to distribute the workload again.
Figure 8.20

 Figure 8.20 - The failover system monitors the operational status of

Cloud Service A. The Cloud Service A implementation acting as the
active instance is receiving cloud service consumer requests.
Figure 8.21

 Figure 8.21 - The Cloud Service A implementation acting as the active

instance encounters a failure that is detected by the failover system,
which subsequently activates the inactive Cloud Service A
implementation and redirects the workload toward it. The newly invoked
Cloud Service A implementation now assumes the role of active instance.
Figure 8.22

 Figure 8.22 - The failed Cloud Service A implementation is recovered or

replicated into another operational resource, and is now positioned as
the standby instance while the previously invoked Cloud Service A
continues to serve as the active instance.
Figure 8.23 (DTGOV’s Example)

 Figure 8.23 - A resilient

virtual server is
established by replicating
the virtual server instance
in two different data
centers, as performed by
the VIM that is running at
both data centers. The
active instance receives
the network traffic and is
vertically scaling in
response, while the
standby instance has no
workload and runs at the
minimum configuration.
8.7 Hypervisor

The hypervisor mechanism is a fundamental part

of virtualization infrastructure that is primarily
used to generate virtual server instances of a
physical server.
A hypervisor is limited to one physical server,
while VIM provides administration features for
multiple hypervisors.
Figure 8.27

 Figure 8.27 - Virtual servers are created via individual hypervisor on

individual physical servers. All three hypervisors are jointly controlled
by the same VIM.
Figure 8.28 (DTGOV’s Example)

 A virtual server capable of

auto-scaling experiences
an increase in its
workload (1).
 The VIM decides that the
virtual server cannot scale
up because its underlying
physical server host is
being used by other
virtual servers (2).
Figure 8.29

 The VIM commands the

hypervisor on the busy
physical server to suspend
execution of the virtual
server (3).
 The VIM then commands the
instantiation of the virtual
server on the idle physical
server. State information
(such as dirty memory pages
and processor registers) is
synchronized (4).
 The VIM commands the
hypervisor at the new
physical server to resume the
virtual server processing
8.8 Resource Cluster (1/3)

The resource cluster mechanism is used to group

multiple geographically diverse IT resource instances
so that they can be operated as a single IT resource.

Figure 8.30 - The curved dashed

lines are used to indicate that
IT resources are clustered.
8.8 Resource Cluster (2/3)

 Resource clustering architectures rely on high-speed

dedicated network connections, or cluster nodes,
between IT resources to communicate about
workload distribution, task scheduling, data sharing,
and system synchronization.
 Common resource cluster types include:
 Server Cluster – increase performance or availability
 Database Cluster – improve data availability, requires
synchronization feature for data consistency.
 Large Dataset Cluster – data partitioning and
Figure 8.31

 Figure 8.31 - Load balancing and

resource replication are implemented
through a cluster-enabled
hypervisor. A dedicated storage area
network is used to connect the
clustered storage and the clustered
servers, which are able to share
common cloud storage devices. This
simplifies the storage replication
process, which is independently
carried out at the storage cluster.
Figure 8.32

 Figure 8.32 - A loosely coupled server cluster that incorporates a load

balancer. There is no shared storage. Resource replication is used to
replicate cloud storage devices through the network by the cluster
8.8 Resource Cluster (3/3)

 Resource clusters can also be regarded as one of

 Load Balanced Cluster – distribute workloads among
cluster nodes, while preserving centralized cluster
management platform.
 HA Cluster – maintain system availability in the event of
multiple node failures, requiring redundant
implementation. Failover system mechanism is also
Figure 8.33 (DTGOV’s Example)

 Figure 8.33 - An HA virtualization cluster of physical servers is deployed

using a cluster-enabled hypervisor, which guarantees that the physical
servers are constantly in sync. Every virtual server that is instantiated
in the cluster is automatically replicated in at least two physical servers.
Figure 8.34

 Figure 8.34 - All of the virtual servers that are hosted on a physical
server experiencing failure are automatically migrated to other physical
servers by the hypervisor.
8.9 Multiple-Device Broker

To overcome incompatibilities between a cloud

service and a disparate cloud service consumers
(multitenancy), mapping logic is required.
The multiple-device broker mechanism is used to
facilitate runtime data transformation so as to
make a cloud service accessible to a wider range of
cloud service consumer programs and devices.
Multi-device brokers commonly exist as gateways
such as:
 XML gateway
 Cloud storage gateway
 Mobile device gateway
Figure 8.35

 Figure 8.35 - A multi-device

broker contains the mapping
logic necessary to
transform data exchanges
between a cloud service and
different types of cloud
service consumer devices.
 This mechanism can also be
implemented as a service
agent that intercepts messages
at runtime to perform
necessary transformations.
Figure 8.36 (Innovartus’s Example)


 The multi-device broker intercepts incoming messages and detects the

platform (Web browser, iOS, Android) of the source device (1).
 The multi-device broker transforms the message into the standard
format required by the Innovartus cloud service (2).
 The cloud service processes the request and responds using the same
standard format (3).
 The multi-device broker transforms the response message into the
format required by the source device and delivers the message (4).
8.10 State Management Database

A state management database is a storage device

that is used to temporarily persist state data for
software programs.
As an alternative to caching state data in memory,
software programs can off-load state data to the
database to reduce the amount of runtime memory.
State management database allows software
programs and the surrounding infrastructure to be
more scalable.
Figure 8.39

 The cloud server accesses

the ready-made
environment and requires
three virtual servers to
perform all activities (1).
 The cloud consumer
pauses activity.
 Reducing the number of
virtual servers for scale in.
State data is saved in the
state management
database and one virtual
server remains active to
allow for future logins by
the cloud consumer (3).

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