"I’m not the father of pinyin, I’m the son of pinyin. It’s [the
result of] a long tradition from the later years of the Qing
dynasty down to today. But we restudied the problem and
revisited it and made it more perfect."
In other words, Zhou felt that his written system was simply the
product of centuries of transliterating Chinese into romanized
Pinyin Becomes Official
Many students wonder if they can simply learn pinyin and avoid Chinese
characters altogether. This is extremely inadvisable!
For example, take the pinyin sound “guo.” This phonetic combination can
mean fruit ( 果 guǒ), country ( 国 guó), to cross [a road] ( 过 guò, as in 过马
路 guò mǎlù), cooking pot ( 锅 ), and a variety of other words. "Guo" is even
one of the 100 most common Chinese family names ( 郭 Guō).