Current Status of Indian Economy
Current Status of Indian Economy
Current Status of Indian Economy
Recent Developments
● India's nominal GDP is estimated to be at ● India's economy is primarily driven by
Rs. 232.15 trillion (US$ 3.12 trillion) in
domestic demand, with consumption and
FY22 Overview
investments accounting for 70% of
• Net employment rate needs to grow by
economic activity
1.5% per annum from 2023 to 2030 to ● ➤ India became the fifth-largest economy after
As of 2022, India's foreign exchange
achieve 8-8.5% GDP growth between 2023 strong economic growth in Q1 of FY 2022-23
reserves stood at US$ 524,520 million
and 2030 ● In 2022, gross Goods and Services Tax (GST) ➤ Real GDP in Q1 2022-23 is about 4% higher than
● McKinsey Global Institute estimates that
revenue collection was at Rs. 147,686 crore its corresponding 2019-20, indicating a strong
India needs to create 90 million non-farm
(US$ 17.92 billion recovery from the pandemic
jobs between 2023 and 2030 to increase ● In August 2022, overall IIP was 131.3; for
productivity and economic growth ➤ Rising employment and private consumption,
mining, manufacturing, and electricity were
● Minister of Commerce and Industry supported by consumer sentiment, will support
99.6, 131.0 and 191.3, respectively
estimates Indian exports to reach US$ 1 GDP growth in coming months
trillion by 2030 ➤ Increased capital spending on infrastructure and
asset-building projects will increase growth
Road Ahead ➤ Agriculture is picking up momentum with the
● With proactive administrative actions, revival of monsoon and Kharif sowing
flexible monetary policy and softening of ➤ India is the fastest-growing major economy in the
global commodity prices and supply-chain world and is expected to be one of the top three
bottlenecks, inflationary pressures in India economic powers in the next 10-15 years, backed
look to be on the decline overall. by its robust democracy and strong partnerships.
● CPI-C and WPI inflation reduction from April
➤ In FY 2022-23 (until October 28, 2022), Foreign
2022 already reflects the impact. In August
2022, CPI-C inflation was 7.0%, down from Portfolio Investment (FPI) outflows were at Rs.
7.8% in April 2022 and WPI inflation has 58,762 crore (US$ 7.13 billion)
decreased from 15.4% to 12.4% ➤ In September 2022, India's Consumer Price Index
● Despite continued global slowdown, India's (CPI) based retail inflation reached 7.41%
exports climbed at the second-highest rate
this quarter.
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