ICT Lesson (Starting Graphs)

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ICT Lesson
Tr. K y i S i n S i n A y e

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Introduction title
– Starting style

• A graph is an image that shows numerical information (information about the numbers of
• There are lots of different types of graphs.
• Bar chart
• Pie chart
• In this module, use Microsoft excel to learn how to collect data and make graphs from the data.


Graph : a diagram that shows numerical information in a visual way.

Information : a fact about something or someone.
Bar chart/graph : a graph with vertical bars that shows how many items there are.
Pie chart/graph : a graph where the whole circle is the grand total, and each slice is a
part of the whole.
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Bar to edit Master title style

• In the bar chart, green is the highest bar, which means it has the
greatest number.
• The following bar chart shows the favorite color of the students.

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Pie to edit Master title style

• In the bar chart, green is the highest bar, which means it has the
greatest number.

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Click1to– Classifying
Skill edit Masterinformation
title style

• Classifying data means arranging it into groups.

• One hobby that your friend has is reading. Think about how
you could sort your friend’s books.
• For example, they could be put into these groups;
• The colour of the front cover Keyword:

• The name of the author Classify : to put objects

• The type of the book (for example fiction or non-fiction). into certain groups.
Data : a number, word or
• Can you think of other ways you could classify (sort) them?
fact that does not have
any meaning. It needs to
be put into a context to
be understood.
Sort : to put into an order
or to put into groups.

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Activity 1.1
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• Look at the image below.

• How could you group the items in this picture?

• One way is to sort them by type of animal. In case, the groups would be: 6 6

• Giraffe, lion and penguin

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Activity 1.2. Master title style
• Look at the image showing fruit.
• The fruit can be grouped in lots of ways.
• Two ways are types of fruit, or colour.
1. Write the names of all the different types of fruit in the image.
2. Write the names of all the different colours in the image.
These are both correct ways of classifying the information in the image.
3. Write any other ways of grouping the fruit that you can think of.

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Click2to– Counting
Skill edit Master title style

• When your data is in groups (classified), you can

count how many pieces of information are in each
• This is the total number of items for that group.
• There are different ways of counting information,
such as using a tally or creating a data table.

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• Activity 2.1.
• A tally chart helps you keep track when you have a lot of items to count.
• When counting items, put a | for each item. When you reach five, put a line through the four lines, like

• It is easier to count up in fives than trying to count lots and lots of single lines.
• How many does represent? ________________

• How many does represent? ______________

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Activity 2.2. Master title style
• A tally chart shows all the different groups that you are counting. It has space for you to write the tally for
the number of images.

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Activity 2.2 Master title style

• The table has the groups for the animals in this picture.
• Use a tally to count how many of each animal is in the picture.

Animal Tally

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Activity 2.3. Master title style

• A data table shows how many animals are in each group.

• Complete it by adding each tally and writing the number. This gives you the total.
• Use your tally form Activity 2.2 to write the total number of each animal in the table.

Animal Total

Activity 2.4.
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• Complete the data table for the fruit in the picture.

1. Write the names of all the different colours in column 1.
2. Add the tally for each colour in column 2.
3. Write the total for each colour in column 3.

Colour (1) Tally (2) Total (3)

Skill 3 – Creating a pictogram
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• A pictogram uses pictures to represent (show) data. One picture can be for one or more pieces of data.
• For example, one picture could mean ten lions.
• A pictogram has a key to show what each picture represents.
• For example two lions would be represented by: Pictogram : a word or phase that is shown using
pictures instead of words. In a graph pictogram,
images are used to represent objects.

• Key
• = one lion
• You can create a pictogram of the fruit in this picture by:
• Writing down the groups of fruit
• Drawing the same number of images of each fruit as there are in the picture. There are three bananas so you need
three pictures of bananas.
• Key
• One image = one fruit 1414
Click to 3.1.
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• What does the following pictogram represent?

• Key
• = one penguin

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Activity 3.3. Master title style

• On a piece of paper, draw a pictogram to show the number of animals in this picture.

Click4to– Using
Skill edit Master titleExcel
Microsoft style to create tables
• Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program.
• A spreadsheet program is a special type of software that lets you work with numbers. You can
enter data into it.
• It can do your maths for you too (if you know the correct commands).
• A spreadsheet is made of lots of rectangles called cells.
• You can write text in a cell by clicking on it and then typing in it.
• To write in a different cell, you can click on it and then type in the cell.

Click to edit Master title style
• Activity 4.1.
• Your class is doing a topic on healthy eating and you and your friends have been asked to
bring an item of fruit to add to the ‘healthy eating’ table.
• The picture shows the fruit collected by the class.

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Activity 4.1. Master title style
• Your teacher has asked you to represent the fruit in a graph. Your teacher will give you the file

• Enter the names of each colour shown in the picture in column A. Each colour should be in a
new cell.
• Enter the total number of each column in column B. 1919
Click to edit
Activity 4.2. Master title style
• Your class is going on a visit to the zoo. Your teacher asks all of you to draw the animal that you
would most like to see.
• The picture below shows the set of animals that was drawn by the class.

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Activity 4.2. Master title style
• Build a file, name with ‘zooAnimals.xlx’.

• Write the names of the animals in the image in column A.

• Write the total number of each animal in the image in column B.
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Activity 4.3. Master title style

• You can make pictograms in Microsoft Excel as well.

• You are going to make a pictogram for the number of animals in this image.

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Activity 4.3. Master title style

• Open the file ‘animals_1.xlsx’.

• Drag the pictures of the animals to the boxes to show how many of each animal are in the
picture above.

Click5to– What
Skill edit Master title style
is graph?

• Graphs are used to make complicated data easier to understand.

• This graph below shows how many umbrellas were sold in a shop in India over a year.

Click5to– What
Skill edit Master title style
is a graph?

• The vertical axis (y-axis) shows how many were sold.

• The horizontal axis (x-axis) shows the years.

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• Activity 5.1.
• In which year(s) were the most umbrellas sold? It is a good idea to
• In which year(s) were the fewest umbrellas sold? write in full sentences
in all of your answers,
for example, ‘The data
• Activity 5.2. shows that …....’
• What other information can you see from the graph?
• Do the bars go up and down in a pattern? Or are they all mixed up?

• Activity 5.3.
• Image you won shop. You are thinking about selling umbrellas.
• In which months do you need to have the most umbrellas to sell?

Click6to– Adding
Skill edit Master
data title
to a style
• You can create a graph from the data in a spreadsheet.
• You first need a data table. Here is a spreadsheet:

• There is a data table and an empty graph.

• The graph is empty because there is no data in the table.
• When you enter data into the table, the graph will change.
Click to edit
Activity 6.1. Master title style
• Open the file ‘colours_2.xlsx’.
• Enter the following numbers into the table:
• Orange – 2
• Red – 6
• Green – 8
• Yellow – 1
• 1. Describe what happened to the graph.
• 2. Write the changes that happen to the graph.

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Activity 6.3. Master title style
• This picture shows lots of shapes.
• There are five different types of shapes shown here.

• Create the file ‘shapes_1.xlsx’.

• Complete the data table in the file to create the graph.
Click7to– Choosing
Skill edit Master title of
a type style

• There are different types of graph.

• Each graph has its own purpose, for example when it should and shouldn’t be used.
• For this module, only need to know about two types of graphs: bar graphs and pie charts.

Bar graphs
• A bar graph shows how many of something there are.
• It has two axes:
• X-axis (along the bottom of the graph – horizontal)
• Y-axis (up the side of the graph – vertical).

Click7to– Choosing
Skill edit Master title of
a type style
Pie Charts
• A pie chart shows you what proportion of the grand total each item is.
• The whole circle is the total number, then each slice is a proportion of the grand total.
• The picture below shows a pie chart.

The grand total is

100. That is the
whole circle.

This is the key (also called

a legend). It tells you what
each slice of the pie is: for
example, the blue slice of
the pie is for the C.
This slice is 40%
out of 100.

Click to edit
Activity 7 Master title style
• Activity 7.1.
• Find out how many people in your class wear glasses, and how many do not.
• 1. Would you show this information as a bar graph or a pie chart?
• 2. Why did you choose this one?

• Activity 7.2.
• Find out how many portions of vegetables each member of your class ate in the last week.
• 1. Would you show this information as a bar graph or a pie chart?
• 2. Why did you choose this one?

Click8to– Creating
Skill edit Master title style
a graph form a data table
• Before you can create a graph, you need to highlight the whole data table, including the titles.

Click8to– Creating
Skill edit Master title style
a graph form a data table
• Then click on Insert at the top of the screen.
• You can click on the icon that shows the graph you want. You are going to use the bar graph.

Click8to– Creating
Skill edit Master title style
a graph form a data table
• If you click on the bar graph, a menu appears. Choose the first option.

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Activity 8.1. Master title style
• Open the file ‘shape_2.xlsx’.
• Complete the file.
• Complete the data table for this picture.
• 1. Write the names of the shapes in column 1.
• 2. Write the total number of each shape in column 2.

Click to edit
Activity 8 Master title style

• Activity 8.3.
• Create a bar graph for the data table you have just completed.

• Activity 8.4.
• Create a pie chart for the same data table you have just completed.
• You should now have one bar graph and one pie chart.
• Save this file to use later for Activity .9.4.

Click9to– Adding
Skill edit Master title style
the x-axis and titles to a graph
• When you have created a graph, you need to make sure it has appropriate titles and labels.
• A bar graph needs a title to tell you what the graph is about.
• It has two axes. Each axis needs a label.

Click9to– Adding
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the x-axis and titles to a graph
• A pie chart has a title. This tells you what the chart is about. A pie chart does not have axes, but
should have a key (Microsoft Excel will do this automatically for you).

• To add a new title to a bar graph or a pie chart:

• 1. Click on the graph.
• 2. Click, or double-click on the title.
• 3. Delete the text.
• 4. Write your new title.

Skill 9 – Adding the x-axis and titles to a graph
Click to edit Master title style
• To add axis labels to a bar graph:
• 1. Click on the Design tab.
• 2. Click on the Add Chart Element button.
• 3. Click on ‘Axis Titles’.
• 4. Choose ‘Horizontal’ to add an x-axis label.
• 5. Choose ‘Vertical’ to add a y-axis label.
• You can then click on the label, delete the text and add your own.

Click to edit
Activity 9 Master title style
• Activity 9.1.
• Open the file ‘animals_2.xlsx’.
• The file has a data table and two graphs: a bar graph and a pie chart.
• Change the title of each graph to ‘The number of each animal’.
• Activity 9.2.
• Add an x-axis label to the bar graph.
• Give it the title ‘Animals’.
• Activity 9.3.
• Add an y-axis label to the bar graph.
• Give it the title ‘Numbers’.
• Activity 9.4.
• Add titles and axes to the graphs you made in Skill 8.

Skill to –edit Master
Drawing title style from a graph
• Graphs let you view data more easily than looking at tables of numbers.

Bar graph
• The highest bar is the item that has the largest number.
• The lowest bar is the item that has the smallest number.
• If the bars are very close in height, then there is not much difference between them.
• If the bars change a lot (with some being very high, and others low) then there is mor of a
different between them.

Pie chart
• The largest slice is the item that has the largest number, or the largest proportion.
• The smallest slice is the item that has the smallest number, or the smallest proportion.

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Activity 10.1Master title style
• Use the graph to answer the questions.

• 1. Which of these colours has the largest number? _________________

• 2. Which of these colours has the smallest number? _________________
• 3. List the colours from the largest number to the smallest number.
• _____________________________________________________________
• _____________________________________________________________
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Activity 10.2.Master title style
• Use the pie chart to answer the questions.

• 1. Which character has the highest number?

• 2. Which character has the smallest number?
• 3. Which character has the largest proportion of the pie?
• 4. List the characters from the smallest number to the highest number.
Click to edit Master title style
• Activity 1.
• Create a data table to store these subjects:
• ICT, Maths, English, Other
• Add two more subjects of your choice.
• Activity 2.
• Ask the members of your class what their favorite lesson is.
• Write the totals in your data table.
• Activity 3.
• Decide if a bar graph or pie chart is most appropriate.
• Create a graph or chart to show the favorite lesson of each member of the class.

Click to edit Master title style
• Activity 4.
• Add a useful title for your graph.
• If you have created a bar graph, add axis labels.
• If you have created a pie chart, add a key (unless your version of Microsoft Excel has done this automatically).

• Activity 5.
• 1. Which lesson is the most common?
• 2. Which lesson is the least common?
• 3. Are there any lessons that are liked by a similar (or the same) number of people?
• 4. Is there one lesson that more than half the class like the most?

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Changing theMaster title style
bar colours
• Activity 1.
• You can change the colours of the bars (or pie slices) on graph.
• Change the colour of the bar by clicking on it, twice. (The first click selects the graph, the
second click selects the bar.)
• It will have a circle in each corner of the bar.

Click to edit
Changing theMaster title style
bar colours
• Right-click on the bar. The format menu will appear.

• Repeat this with each bar.

• This works the same for a pie chart. Click twice on the section of the pie to change its colour.
Click to
Final edit Master
Project titlegraphs
– Creating style about your friends hobbies
• Some people have lots of hobbies (things they like doing in their spare time).
• You will need to find out what answers to the following questions are.
• 1. Are there more people who have a favourite hobby of reading than playing games?
• 2. Is the favourite hobby of people in your class playing sport?
• 3. Do more people have a favourite hobby of reading comics or novels?
• 4. Do more people have a favourite hobby of watching TV or playing computer games?


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