Sleek Battery Electric Bike, Battery Bicycles, Sleek Battery EBike Helm Bike

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Electric Bikes Made Simple, Sleek and Practical.


Helm is a small e-bike company

with big goals. We promote
sustainability, wellness and
community, not only through the
benefits inherent in e-biking,
but by mindfully impacting our
communities. By focusing
on giving back and connecting
enthusiastic e-bike riders around
the world, we hope to transform
cities into more bike-friendly and
communal living spaces.
Helm City

An electric bike with the soul

of a conventional bike.

Helm City reflects the most

necessary components that one should
have in order to take on city streets.
From the lightness of the frame to the
style and size of the battery, it’s a simple,
sleek and practical e-bike that stays true
to what city bikes are.

An electric bike with the soul

of a conventional bike. Power it up,
set your assist level and ride.

Matte black finishing and internally

routed cables gives our classic bike
frame a clean modern look.

The removable battery and lightness of

our electric bike makes it perfect for
urban commuting.


Take the battery inside with you Reliable all weather

and charge your devices on the go braking and greater stopping
with the usb charging port. power puts safety first
when you need to stop at a
moment’s notice.


Five levels of pedal assist allow Power up the Helm, view

you to use the motor on your your speed (up to 18mph or
bike to help you pedal easier 29 km/h), trip distance and
and faster. Get there with no overall mileage on this
sweat. beautiful display.


Matte black finishes and Block the splashing of water

internally routed cables gives or mud and stay dry.
our classic bike frame a clean
modern look.


One of the lightest electric Thumb throttle gets you from a

bikes on the market. complete stop to cruising
speed in seconds.

FRAME Aluminum

SIZES 55cm classic small/medium. 60cm classic large/x-large.

WEIGHT 38lbs

RANGE 15-35 miles


BATTER 36V / 7Ah (Samsung)


RIMS 700C, 32mm, alloy

TIRES Kenda, K-193, 700C x 32mm

MOTOR 36V / 250W

WARRANTY 12 months (including battery and motor)

Our Mission

Our mission at Helm rests on

three pillars: sustainability, wellness
and community.

It is of paramount importance to this

mission to build and give back to our
community. We invite you to join us
to help build a sustainable and
healthy world.

Let’s ride better and do better,

Meet Our Brand Ambassadors


Electric bikes are zero-emission vehicles and run on clean

energy. As such, they are considered sustainable products.
True sustainability is reached only by meeting the demands
of the present without damaging the potential of future

Pathway to Paris is a non-profit

organization dedicated to raising
consciousness on the urgency of
climate action and offering
concrete actions to implement the
Paris Agreement’s aims. Led by
founders Jesse Paris Smith and
Rebecca Foon, Pathway to Paris is
on the frontlines fighting to
preserve the world for future
generations. Both talented musicians;
Rebecca and Jesse use their music to
inspire change in our attitudes around
sustainabil- ity and to halt the
effects of climate
change with Pathway to Paris being
the lead instrument. Helm is honored
to be partners with such wonderful
people and an equally essential
Meet Our Brand Ambassadors


Biking for us at Helm has always been a way to stay

fit and recalibrate our minds after a hectic day
navigating our daily lives. Our desire to share this
mindset with others is a fundamental reason Helm
exists today.

Maillard Howell is the founder

of Dean Crossfit and the
head of fitness at Reebok.
Since 2014, Maillard has been
training and inspiring everyone
from grandmothers to competi-
tive weightlifters at his Brooklyn
gym Dean Crossfit. His work
and focus on physical and mental
health is an inspiration to us all
and we are proud to call him
Meet Our Brand Ambassadors


We are bringing together like minded individuals who make a

positive difference in their communities. Creating and
cultivating these connections pushes us to do our very best
and reminds us that even the smallest endeavor can have an
outsized impact beyond our expectations.

Adam Gyorgy is an internationally

renowned classical pianist.
His organization, the Adam Gyorgy
Foundation, seeks out young people
around the world with musical talent.
The idea is to nurture these youths
through summer programs and
sponsored debuts at their annual
concerts at New York’s Carnegie Hall.
By using music as the lingua franca,
Adam creates a community for gifted
young musicians and uses his
influence to enable tomorrow’s
musicians to connect beyond
borders, cultural differences and
class systems. We are humbled,
inspired and happy to call him
a friend.
What are we doing to help The Children’s Defense
Fund (CDF) is a non-
our community? profit child advocacy
organization that has
worked relentlessly for
more than 40 years to
Helm is proud and excited to be a part ensure a level playing
field for all children.
of The Children’s Defense Fund’s CDF champions policies
and programs that lift
mission and family. children out of poverty;
protect them from abuse
and neglect; and ensure
their access to health care,
In many ways, getting on a bike can call to mind quality education and a
moral and spiritual
childhood memories — simpler moments foundation. Supported by
foundation and corporate
suspended in time. These childhood bikes grants and individual
influenced our past. At Helm, we’re donations, CDF advocates
determined our e-bikes should promote wide on behalf of children
to ensure children are
sustainability and help define the future. We always a priority.
believe in protecting and promoting future
generations; there is no question that we must give
our children a sustainability: meeting the demands
of the present without undermining the potential
of future generations. We will do our part by
donating 10% of all future profits to CDF.
We will champion these issues as a company
because we owe it to our children to do better.

“Climate Week Block Party at the Garden” in A gathering for local

partnership with Pathway to Paris and the climate action in NYC
included musical perfor-
Elizabeth Street Garden. mances from Patti Smith,
Nikolai Fraiture, DJ Lenny
Kaye, Jesse Paris Smith, DJ
Jonathan Toubin, Acapella
Soul and more.

Saturday, September
25, 2021
2:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Helm collaborated with The Adam Gyorgy Foundation to The New York Franz Liszt
International Piano
present the New York Franz Liszt International Piano Competition celebrates
Competition Gala Concert at the Weill Recital Hall at Franz Liszt’s legacy by
Carnegie Hall. offering a solo recital to
the 1st Prize Winner.
Derek Wang i s a N e w York-bas ed s olo is t , col laborat or, a nd co m m uni c at o r w hos e

co m m it me nt t o w hol e hea r t ed lis t ening i nfor ms his loving inquiry i nt o bot h clas s ic a nd
ne w s co res . D ere k re ceived his Ba c he lo r of M us i c de gree at T he Juilliard Schoo l in 2 020
a nd w a s a w ar de d t he Pet er M e n ni n Priz e fo r o ut s t andi ng ac hi ev e m e nt a nd l e a de r s hi p i n
mus i c up o n gradua tio n. H e is currently purs uing a Ma s t e r o f Mus i c at Juilliard as a Kovner

October 8, 2021
Fell ow s hip recipi ent . In t he s um m e r of 2021, D e rek c om pl e t e d his s e co nd ye ar of a
fel low s hip pos i t i on a s pia nis t of t he A s pe n Co nt em po ra ry E ns em bl e at t he A s pen Mus ic
P RESEN TS Fes t ival a nd School under co nduc t o rs D o nal d Crocket t a nd T imot hy Weis s .

8:00 PM
In a ddi t i o n t o l eadi ng conce rt venue s a cr os s Ne w Yo r k Cit y, D e re k has a l s o pe rfo rme d i n
DEREK WANG m a n y of it s m a j o r ce nte rs of vi s ual art , includi ng t he Gre a t Hal l of t he M et r o po l i t a n
M u s e u m of Art, t h e ro t unda of t he Gugge nhe i m M us e um , L e hr m a n Hall at t he M o r ga n
piano Library a nd Mus eum , a n d t he Wes t Galle ry of t he F rick Colle cti on.

D e re k a ppe a re d o n a n e pis o de of N at i o nal Publ ic R adio’ s hi t Tiny D es k o nl i ne video s erie s

PROGRAM : as e m ce e a n d ac c om pa nis t fo r F r o m t he Top, Am eri ca’s l eading s how c as e fo r yo ung
mus ici ans , i n June 2018.

Waltz fr om G o u n od 's Fau st In 2020, D ere k pa rt ne re d w it h vio linis t Sophia St oyanovich t o l aunc h A m e ri c an St ories , a
po dc as t s eries that ex a m ine s a nd celebra tes A me ri c an ident ity t hrough m us i c i n
Transcendental Etu de No. 12 in B-flat Min or, "Chasse-Neige" performa nce, i ll um i na t e d by pe rs o na l his tories a n d re flect ions f r o m fea t ure d gues t s of all
w alks of life.

"Station 8: Les f emm es d e Jérusalem" f rom Via crucis, S. 504a

D ere k w a s s e lect ed a s t he final is t o f t he pres ti gious F ra nz Li s z t Internat ional Pi a no
Com pe t i t i o n in B uda pes t, H unga ry i n Se pt ember. H e t hen t o o k t he c om pe t i t i on pro gra m
Variations on t he Cantata "Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen" a nd w o n t he N e w Y o rk c ha pt e r of t he F r anz Lis z t Int ernat iona l Pia no Com peti ti on.
(after J.S. Bach)
D e re k gre w up ne a r B o s t on a n d love s bas eba ll, bird-w at ching, a nd Shakes pe are.

O ve rt ur e t o Wagner's Tann häuse r

The New York Franz Liszt In ternation al Piano Compe tition cel ebrat es Fr a nz Lis z t 's
l egacy by offe ri ng a s o l o recit al t o t he 1s t Priz e Winne r. Judges s e lect ing t he w inni ng
(55 minutes, n o intermission) pe rfo rm e r inc lude concert pi anis t a n d a rt is t ic dire ctor A d a m Gyorgy ( Fra nz Lis z t Priz e
2020), Dr. G a bo r Farkas ( Hea d o f Pi ano Faculty, F ra nz Lis z t A c a de m y of Mus i c i n
B udapes t) , a nd Dr. St eve n Spo o ne r ( Peabo dy Conse rv atory) .

O ctob er 8, 2021, 8PM
Meet the Founders

Helm arose from an idea that

its founders, designer Sarah
and avid biker/entrepreneur Kevin,
had about personal transportation
during the pandemic. Informed
by their individual interests and
talents, Helm aims to offer e-
bikes that are practical, beautiful,
a path to better commutes and
connected communities.



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