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7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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 Success encompasses a balance of personal and
professional effectiveness.

 Before you can adopt the seven habits, you need to

change your perception and interpretation of how the
world works.

 Between what happens to you and your response to it is

your freedom to choose that response.
 Proactive people work on the things they can do
something about.
 Management is doing things right; leadership is
doing the right things.
BIG IDEAS  A paradigm is a way to “see” the world.
DISCUSSED  We see the world, not as it is, but as we
IN THE BOOK are conditioned to “see” it.
 To make relatively minor changes in your life, focus
on your attitudes and behaviors. To make significant,
quantum change, work on your basic paradigms.
1.Be proactive
The 7 Habits of 2.Begin with the end in mind
Highly 3.Put first things first

Effective 4.Think win/win

5.Seek first to understand
People then be understood
7.Sharpen the saw
• Being proactive means we are in control. The
rules by which we live our lives are ones we

• To be proactive and accept responsibility for

your decisions, one should use self-awareness.

• We must concentrate on the Circle of Influence

that is located inside our Circle of Concern in
order to be proactive; in other words, we must
work on the issues that we have control over.
Our Circle of Influence will grow as a result of
the positive energy we generate.
2. Begin with the End in Mind

• Start with a clear destination in mind. Covey says

we can use our imagination to develop a vision of
what we want to become and use our conscience to
decide what values will guide us.

• Most of us find it rather easy to busy ourselves. We

work hard to achieve victories — promotions,
higher income, more recognition. But we don't
often stop to evaluate the meaning behind this
busyness, behind these victories — we don't ask
ourselves if these things that we focus on so
intently are what really matter to us.

• This habit suggests that, in everything we do, we

should begin with the end in mind. Start with a
clear destination. That way, we can make sure the
steps we're taking are in the right direction.
3. Put First Things First
• In order to manage ourselves effectively, we must
put first things first. We must have the discipline to
prioritize our day-to-day actions based on what is
most important, not what is most urgent.

• This habit is about actually going after these goals,

and executing on our priorities on a day-to-day,
moment-to-moment basis.

• In order to maintain the discipline and the focus to

stay on track toward our goals, we need to have the
willpower to do something when we don't want to
do it. We need to act according to our values rather
than our desires or impulses at any given moment.
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

• Covey says before we can offer advice, suggest

solutions, or effectively interact with another
person in any way, we must seek to deeply
understand them and their perspective through
empathic listening.

• This habit says that we must seek first to

understand, then to be understood. In order to
seek to understand, we must learn to listen.

• We can't simply use one technique to understand

someone. In fact, if a person senses that we're
manipulating her, she will question our motives
and will no longer feel safe opening up to us.
4. Think Win-Win
•In order to establish effective interdependent relationships, we must commit to creating Win-
Win situations that are mutually beneficial and satisfying to each party.
•The best option is to create Win-Win situations.
•The Win-Win or No Deal option is important to use as a backup.
•When we have No Deal as an option in our mind, it liberates us from needing to manipulate
people and push our own agenda.
•In solving for Win-Win, we must consider two factors: Consideration and courage.
•"To go for Win-Win, you not only have to be nice, you have to be courageous."
•Win-Win: Both people win. Agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying to both
6. Synergize
• By understanding and valuing the differences in
another person's perspective, we have the
opportunity to create synergy, which allows us to
uncover new possibilities through openness and

• The combination of all the other habits prepares

us for this habit, which is the habit of synergy or
"When one plus one equals three or more and the
whole is great than the sum of its parts.“

• For example, if you plant two plants close

together, their roots will co-mingle and improve
the quality of the soil, so that both plants will
grow better than they would on their own.
7. Sharpen the Saw
• To be effective, we must devote the time to renewing
ourselves physically, spiritually, mentally, and socially.
Continuous renewal allows us to synergistically increase our
ability to practice each habit.

• This habit is focused around renewal, or taking time to

"sharpen the saw.” It surrounds all of the other habits and
makes each one possible by preserving and enhancing your
greatest asset — yourself.

• As we focus on renewing ourselves along these four

dimensions, we must also seek to be a positive scripter for
other people. We must look to inspire others to a higher path
by showing them we believe in them, by listening to them
empathically, by encouraging them to be proactive.
• The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People puts forward a principle-centered
approach to both personal and interpersonal effectiveness.

• Rather than focusing on altering the outward manifestations of your

behavior and attitudes, it aims to adapt your inner core, character, and

• The seven habits in this book will help you move from a state of
dependence, to independence, and finally to interdependence. While
society and most of the self-help books on the market champion
independence as the highest achievement, Covey argues that it’s
interdependence that yields the greatest results. 
Anupam Mittal

Founder of people group which comprises:

3.Mauj mobile
3.People pictures
Anupam has taken People Group from one milestone to the next, and
the company is now acknowledged as one of the most inventive in the
country. He is known for his strong commercial acumen and attention
to detail.
Received the Karamveer Puraskar
Listed in ‘50 Most Powerful People in India’ by Business Week
Listed in ‘Top 100 NRIs in North America’
Awarded as the ‘Entrepreneur of Year’ by IT People
Listed as ‘25 People to watch out for’ by ‘The Week’ Magazine
Listed in the ‘IMPACT Digital Power 100 list’ for the years 2012, 2013,
and 2014
• Mittal recognized the potential of the Internet to bring people together and started
Shaadi.com to help people find their perfect match.

• The company has been very successful, and Shaadi.com is now one of the largest
matchmaking websites in the world, with over 35 million members across the globe.

• Anupam Mittal came into the limelight after becoming shark (investor) in the business
Reality show Shark Tank India Season 1.

• Anupam had at a very early stage seen that, it was not humanly possible for him to start any
more companies after a certain point and hence, he had taken the route of Angel

• Since a long time now, Anupam has been ruling the Angel Investment market with the
valuations of the companies he has invested in, hitting the roof.

“My vision is to be an honest, empathetic and impactful

project leader and to be recognized internationally within
my industry. I am committed to growing as a leader and
delivering value-added projects to the end users. My
mission is to create and lead a dream team where
everyone is playing to their strengths.”
Thank you

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