Work at Height Training
Work at Height Training
Work at Height Training
A skilled contractor uses a travel restraint
system when performing work on a roof
Level 4: Fall Arrest System
Level 4 systems minimize injury once a fall
has occurred rather than avoiding it in the
first place. They should NOT be used
the operator is trained, has a high level
of skill, and undertakes ongoing training.
systems undergo regular inspection.
there is at least one other competent
person present to perform a rescue in
case of a fall.
Level 5: Use A Ladder Or Administrative
Controls Continued
Activities where you already know the risks and know how to control them.
Tasks that involve fall hazards of 2 metres or more above the ground (measured
from the feet).
Tasks that involve fall hazards of 1.5 metres below ground level (measured from
the feet).
Eliminate the need to perform tasks that expose persons to
a risk of falling
The new five level hierarchy of controls is to be followed to
decide upon control measures
Stay off ladders if at all possible – they should be used as
a last resort
Under no circumstances should chairs, tables, shelves etc.
be used to gain access to heights.
Only persons who have been trained and who are deemed
to be competent should perform activities that involve fall
Allocate budget and resources to ensure that fall hazards
are eliminated or minimised