Location-And-Site-Selection FRANCHISING

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Site Selection

• A well-established
company will always
want to ensure that
their franchisees
• Location one of the most
choose good locations.
important aspects to
Either they may
consider for prospective
provide location
assistance or will
• A poor location can have involve some third
a negative impact on party professionals to
profitability and business help the franchisee
expansion. As a identify a prime
prospective franchisee, location
you wouldn’t have
sufficient experience in
what makes an ideal
location for your

Important Factors

Speak to Your Franchisor


Start by speaking with your You can also refer to the

franchisor to find out what Franchise Disclosure
site selection and real estate Document for specific site
support they can provide to selection guidelines that they
you. may have.
Not all franchisors will assist
with site selection, but they
may provide guidance on
preferred term of lease (usual
term, preferred square footage,
parking requirements, and
other information).
The franchisor that you’re working with
should provide good location criteria to
help franchisees acquire the best
location. They may suggest that you find
a site that will require their approval.

Identify the Presence of

You need to consider what existing competition is in
the territory and how close they are to the location
you’re considering. A new business may have
difficulty attracting customers when there is a
similar and more established business in close
range. Under intense competition, the new
franchise arrival will benefit from offering a unique
product or service and a high level of customer

Determine Access to the Your customers are more

Location likely to visit your location if
Make sure you understand it’s easy to access. Develop
how much money will be your understanding of your
customer; what’s important to
required to develop and Know What You Can
them; and, what type of
occupy the site. access they’ll need. The
franchise should be visible,
and the area should match
the brand image of the

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