Govt. Acctg Chp. 10
Govt. Acctg Chp. 10
Govt. Acctg Chp. 10
Learning Objectives
1. State the initial and subsequent
measurements of items of PPE of
government entities.
2. Describe the following and state their
peculiar accounting requirements: Heritage
Assets, Infrastructure Assets, and
Reforestation Projects.
3. Account for Borrowing Costs by a
government entity.
Property, Plant and Equipment
a. tangible assets;
b. held for use in the production or supply of
goods, services or program outputs, for
rental to others, or for administrative
purposes, and not intended for resale in
the ordinary course of operations; and
c. expected to be used for more than one
reporting period
b. Replacement costs
– The carrying amount of the old part is
derecognized and charged as loss.
– The cost of the new part is capitalized.
– If the carrying amount of the old part
cannot be determined, the cost of the new
part is used as the basis.
• Indications of Impairment:
• 1. External Sources of Information
• 2. Internal Sources of Information