CHAPTER 3 History and Development of Guidance Final

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School of Graduate Studies
San Roque, Iriga City
Theories and Practices
in Guidance


History and
of Guidance
History and Development of Guidance
Biblical instruction tend to be helpful to participate their faith in God.

“Truly I say to you when ever you did this to one of the least
of my brothers, you did it to me”, Jesus was referring to those
people whom he said, “For I was hungry and you fed me, I was
thirsty and you give drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed
me into your house, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick
and you visited me, I was in prison and you went to see me.”
(Matthew 25: 35-40)
History and Development of Guidance

There are people who by nature or with inborn tendency are

helpful to others. This tendency could lead them to be in the
“helping profession” like the teachers, nurses, counselors,
lawyers, priests, among others.
Some through observation and imitation of models who are
helpful, learn to be helpful also.

A Travel History: Guidance in United States
How did the guidance develop? The guidance
movement in the
He was a civic-minded Frank Parsons worked European countries
leader in Boston, for the inclusion of In 1912, the Boston
and Great Britain
Massachusetts during the vocational guidance in Placement Bureau was
early part of 20th century. schools in 1909. founded. developed at about
the same time,
1 3 5
similar to those in the


The Father of
Vocational Movement.

2 4 6

He organized the The following year, 1910, In 1934, there were

Breadwinners Institute a vocational counselor branches of the National
with an organized was appointed in every Vocational Guidance
program for vocational elementary and secondary Association.
guidance in 1905. school in Boston.
Then he next organized
the Vocation Bureau of
Boston together with
5 MEYER Meyer Bloomfield.
Travel History: How did the guidance develop?
Guidance in the US and in In Russia, where work
Great Britain suffered a In London, the National Institute activities are integrated
setback during World War of Industrial Psychology provided in every school program,
II because young workers counseling through career masters. the aim was to produce
could readily obtain efficient and loyal
employment even without workers. Russian
vocational guidance. educational system
believes in the
In France the philosophy work, work,
school were subject In Germany the guidance movement had and more work. The
to strict a longer history than in other European vocational guidance
supervisions, and countries. bureau handles
under the Ministry Germany did not have a systematic counseling programs and
of Education in training for guidance worker, Counselors each bureau takes charge
Paris. were appointed if they were successful in of definite number of
their respective occupation. schools.

In 1922 vocational guidance was given recognition.

In 1930 the National Institute for Vocational Guidance was founded and duly recognized.

6 Guidance in Europe
Travel History: How did the guidance develop in the Philippines? In 2004, Guidance and Counselling
Act is hereby declared as a policy of
In school year 1939-1940, the the state to promote the improvement,
deans from four public high In 1954, the National advancement, and protection of the
In 1951, Congress proposed the guidance and counseling profession by
schools in Manila were chosen Teacher College was
establishment of functional undertaking and instituting measures
Counseling test was and assigned to look after the chosen by educators
guidance and counseling that will result in professional, ethical,
administered to the behavior and conduct of students to be the site of the
program to assist students in relevant, efficient, and effective
convicts in the Bilibid who were referred to them by the first Guidance
choosing their course and help guidance and counseling services for
Unknown Prison. classroom teachers. Institute.
them solve their personality the development and enrichment of
problems. individuals and group lives.

1925 1932 1934 1939 1940 1945 1951 1952 1954 2004 Present


Counseling test was also In November, 1945, The first Guidance

administered to the Institute was opened and the Bureau of
Dr. Sinforoso Padilla Public School Teachers started to send In 1952, division school At present, the so-called guidance
started a Psychological inmates of Welfareville. superintendents
teachers as pensionados for observation counselor is very important in
Clinic. and study guidance services abroad. recommended the academic institutions who would
establishment of provide necessary services to the
Behind its success that helped much in guidance services in the students with problematic situations
Psychological test was
making Filipino education officials public schools. personally and academically.
also used for guidance
guidance-conscious were the guidance
purposes in private
experts like Dr. Roy G. Bone, George H.
Bennett, UNESCO specialist in guidance,
Edward S. Jones and Dr. Henry B. Mc
Daniel of Stanford University.

The desire to help other people make better
Conclusions adjustments in life is both innate and
learned. It also has its biblical foundation.
In modern times guidance is based on the
scientific understanding of human
Guidance as a movement started form the
concern for people to get better jobs and
be happy in their jobs.

The need for vocational guidance especially among
the young workers was felt in the US, and about
the same time in European countries and Great
Conclusions Britain. This need for job placement was foremost
especially among the out-of-school youth.
Guidance movement spread rapidly to different
countries including the Philippines.
Guidance clinics, centers for testing, were
not only found in schools but also in
Bilibid Prisons and Welfareville.
Psychological tests are essential
instruments in guidance work. Interviews
are part of the process.
Answer the following:
1. What factors could make someone
Study Tips become guidance-conscious?
2. Trace the history and development of the
guidance movement?
3. As a student do you have any inclination
to help others? Cite situations.
4. How do you think does one feel after
helping somebody? Give reasons for your
10 answer.

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