Laxative Easy Accessible Note
Laxative Easy Accessible Note
Laxative Easy Accessible Note
BIOLOGIC Aloe is the dried juice collected by Rhubarb consists Cascara is the dried Ispaghula consists of
AL incision, from the bases of the peeled bark of Rhamnus dried seeds of
SOURCE of the leaves of various species of Aloe. dried rhizomes purshiana DC., Plantago ovata
and roots of belonging to family Forskal,
Rheum Rhamnaceae. belonging to family
palmatum Linn., It is collected at least Plantaginaece
belonging to one year before use.
belonging to family Liliaceae family
Californian Buckthorn,
East Indian Cascara Buckthorn, Ispaghula, Ispagol,
Rhubarb, China Cascara Sagrada, Ishabgula, Spongel
Rhubarb, Turkey Kaskara Sakrada, seeds.
Rhubarb Kasukarasakurada,
Pursh’s Buckthorn,
Sacred Bark, Chittem
Boil 1 gm of drug with 100 ml water, allow it 1. Rhubarb It gives red 1. Ispaghula seeds when
to cool; add 1gm kieselguhr, stir it well and powder when colour with treated with ruthenium
filter through filter paper. treated with 5% red give
1. Borax Test: Take 10 ml of aloe solution and to ammonia pink potassium red colour due to the
it add 0.5gm of borax and heat; a green colour is hydroxide presence of mucilage.
coloured fluorescence is produced indicating produced. solu-
the presence of aloe-emodin anthranol. 2. With a tion.
2. Modified Anthraquinone Test: To 0.1 gm of solution of 5% 2. Add water to few seeds
CHEMICA drug, 5 ml of 5% solution of ferric chloride is potassium on a slide, mucilage
L TEST added followed by the addition of 5 ml dilute hydroxide it comes
hydrochloric acid. The mixture gives out and forms zone
is heated on water bath for 5–6 min and cooled. blood red surrounding the seeds.
An organic solvent (benzene or chloroform) is colour.
added and shaken. Separate the organic solvent
layer and add an equal volume of dilute
ammonia. The ammoniacal layer produces
pinkish red colour.
3. Bromine Test: To 5 ml of aloe solution, add
equal volume of bromine solution; bulky yellow
precipitate is formed due to the presence of
• The plant prefers light (sandy) and • prefers medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils,
medium(loamy) soils, requires well-drained requires
soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. • The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic soils.
• It cannot grow in the shade. • The plant grows at an altitude of 2,500–4,000 m.
• They are xerophytic plant. • It requires moist soil
• Seeds are sown in the spring in a warm green • Seeds are sown in autumn in a shaded cold
house. frame.
• The seed usually germinates in 1–6 months at • seedlings are pricked out and transferred into
16°C. individual pots and allowed to grow them on in
CULTIV • The seedlings are transferred to the pots the green house or cold frame for their first
ATION containing well-drained soil.. winter, then they are transplanted out in the
AND • The offsets will be available, usually in spring
COLLE spring. • Drug is collected in autumn in September or
• Young offsets are planted in the soil after the October from 6 to 15 years old plants.
CTION rainy season in rows situated at a distance of • Large rhizomes are made flats by making cut
60 cm. into longitudinal slices.
• The leaves are cut near the base, kept inside • In absence of the required climatic conditions the
of kerosene tins and taken them to a central drugs are dried artificially heated stones, which
place for the preparation of aloe. are previously heated by woodfire. Drug dried in
• In a single incision mucilage cells exert this way is called high dried
pressure on pericycle cells and the entire juice
from the leaves is drained out.
• Chinese or Turkey Rhubarb • The drug mostly occurs in • Colour ; Pinkish gray to
occurs in commerce in quilled, channeled or incurved brown
brownish-yellow pieces of of varying lengths and sizes. • Odour ;None
• usually 20 cm long and 1–4 • Taste ;Mucilaginous
various sizes, usually
mm thick, smooth or nearly so • Shape ;Ovate, boat
perforated, the holes often externally, covered with a shaped, cymbiform
containing a portion of the greyish-white layer, which is • Size; 1.5–3.5 mm long, 1–
cord used to hang the sections usually easily removed, and 1.8 mm wide.
of the root on during drying. frequently marked with spots • Weight of 100 seeds 0.15–
• The outer surface is generally or patches of adherent 0.19 g
CHARACTERIS powdery (the bark having lichens. • Appearance;Seeds are
TICS been removed) and shows a • Beneath the surface it is hard, translucent and
network of white lines. violet-brown, reddish-brown smooth,
or brownish, and internally a • the dorsal (convex
• The taste is astringent and pale yellowish-brown and surface) consist of a small
nauseous. nearly smooth. elongated glossy reddish
• characteristic odour. • Fracture is short and brown spot at the centre
granulanar in the outer part • while the ventral (concave
and fibrous in the phloem. surface)
• It has no marked odour, • has a cavity having nil urn
• but a nauseous, bitter taste. covered with a thin
whitish membrane
It is one of the ingredients of It is one of the It is one of the Sat Isabgol, Trifgol by
the preparations known ingredients of the ingredients of the Dabur, Sat-Isabgol by
as Diabecon, Evecare preparation known as preparations known as Dr Morepen.
(Himalaya Drug Company), Diet Master Herb Herbal Laxative
Mensonorm (Chirayu Tea (Health King (Trophic Canada Ltd.).
MARKETED Pharma) and Kumari Enterprise and Bal-
PRODUCTS Asava anceuticals Group,
(Baidyanath). Inc.).
• The cork consists of numerous layers of small, thin • Epidermis: Single layered, thick
walled flattened, polygonal OUR
prisms, TEAM
rows and having yellowish brown contents.
in radial walled transparent, tangentially
elongated cells containing mucilage,
• Next to cork few layers of collenchyma cells are which exudes if brought in contact
present. with water.
• Groups of irregular thick walled lignified stone cells • Pigment Layer: Usually collapsed
MICROSCOPY are in the cortex and 1–5 celled wide phloem rays and which is yellow in colour.
Click icon to addtangentially elongated
picture Click icon to lignified fibres inClick
add picture the phloem. • Endosperm:
icon to add pictureClick iconOuter
to addlayer consists of
The fibres are crystal fibres and surrounded palisade like cells which are thick
• by parenchyma containing calcium oxalate prisms. walled but inner cells are irregular
Crystal fibres are of diagnostic importance in and are also thick walled consisting
identification of the powdered drug. of aleurone grains and oil globules.
• Embryo: Have two cotyledons, with
three to five vascular bundles in
each, a portion of raphe remains
attached to the seed.
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