Random Motor Project-By Himani Mali
Random Motor Project-By Himani Mali
Random Motor Project-By Himani Mali
Develop the regression equation for the Rocinante Develop the regression equation for the Marengo
models and Predict the number of unit sales of models and Predict the number of unit sales of
Rocinante36 model? Marengo32 model ?
• Bocinante36:
• Equation: Sales- 50.723-0.795*PRICE + 8.306*MILEAGE
• Estimated Sales at Rs 7 lakhs price 227.890 units
• Estimated Sales at Rs 8 lakhs price 227.095 units
• Marendo32:
• Equation: Sales-13.448-0.1.87*PRICE + 0.220*TOP SPEED
• Estimated Sales at Rs 41 lakhs price 25.295 units
• Estimated Sales at Rs 42 lakhs price 25.108 units
• Comments: If we increase the prices of both the models by Rs 1 lakh, the drop in number of
units for Rocinante 36 is of 0.795 units. Whereas the drop in number of units for Marengo32
is just 0.187 units. Therefore, increase of Rs1lakh will have negative/higher impact on sales of
Rocinante36 car model
Q-8) After developing the regression equation for both models (Rocinante and Marengo), if you
analyse the p values for coefficients in the regression results, you will notice that some of the
regression variables (top speed, mileage and price) are insignificant. Remove the insignificant
regression variables from your selection and rebuild the regression model using only significant
variables. Compare the Adjusted R square value for the new and old regression model. Do you
notice any change in Adjusted R square value? If yes, explain the reason for the change.
• Rocinante36: in this model, TOP SPEED is an insignificant variable and it we remove it and
rebuild the regression model, we see very minor difference between the old and new R and
Adjusted R square values. Saw slight increase in Adjusted R square value which states that
there was very slight or negligible effect on overall, regression analysis.