• Sea breezes. On a sunny day, particularly in an anticyclone with a light PGF, the land will
heat quickly.
• The air in contact will be warmed and will rise and expand so that pressure at about 1000
ft will be higher than pressure at the same level over the sea. This will cause a drift of air
from over the land to over the sea at about 1000 ft. The drift of air will cause the surface
pressure over the land to fall, and the surface pressure over the sea to rise.
• As a result there will be a flow of air from sea to land - a sea breeze.
• On average, sea breezes extend 8 to 14 NM either side of the coast and the speed is about
• 10 kt. In the tropics speed is 15 kt or more and the inland extent is greater.
• The direction of the sea breeze is more or less at right angles to the coast, but after some
• it will veer under the influence of the Coriolis Force .
Land breezes
• From mid-afternoon the land is starting to cool and this process will
accelerate after sunset.
• Overnight the situation will reverse and pressure will now be higher
on land than over the sea as the temperature reduces. This will give
rise to a wind now blowing from land to sea, the land breeze. The
land breeze can be expected within about 5 NM of the coastline and
with a maximum speed of about 5 kt.