3 - Shoulder Scaption

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(Deltoid and Supraspinatus)

Dr. Gulraiz
Grade 5 (Normal) to Grade 0 (Zero)

Position of Patient (All Grades):

Short sitting

Position of Therapist:
Stand in front of and slightly to the test side of patient. Hand
used for resistance is contoured over the arm above the elbow
(Grades 5 and 4 only).

Patient elevates arm halfway between flexion and abduction
(30° to 45° anterior to coronal plane)
Instructions to Patient:
Raise your arm to shoulder height halfway between straight-ahead and out to the side.
Hold it. Don't let me push your arm down.

Grade 5 (Normal):
Completes available range of motion and holds against maximal

Grade 4 (Good):
Completes available range and holds against strong resistance

Grade 3 (Fair):
Completes available range but tolerates no resistance other than the weight of the

Grade 2 (Poor):
Moves only through partial range of motion.
Grade 1 (Trace) and Grade 0 (Zero):
Palpable or visible contractile activity for Grade 1; no activity detected for Grade 0.

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