Welcome To A Presentation On: Corrosion Process & Cathodic Protection System
Welcome To A Presentation On: Corrosion Process & Cathodic Protection System
Welcome To A Presentation On: Corrosion Process & Cathodic Protection System
Corrosion Process
Cathodic Protection System
Presented By:
Date: 12/30/22 Sri Rajib Kumar Sarmah
Venue: Free Powerpoint Templates
Overview of Presentation
What is Corrosion?
Harmful effects of corrosion
Components of a corrosion cell
Commonly Affected Structures
Factors Affecting Corrosion Cell Formation
Corrosion Prevention Methods
Coating Types
Fundamentals of Cathodic Protection
Galvanic CP or Sacrificial Anode CP
Impressed Current CP System
Arrangement of Anodes for Impressed Current CP
Interference on Pipe Lines
Cathodic Protection of Storage Tanks
What is Corrosion?
Corrosion is the deterioration of materials by chemical
interaction with their environment. The term corrosion is
sometimes also applied to the degradation of plastics,
concrete and wood, but generally refers to metals.
Perforation of vessels and pipes allowing escape of their contents and possible
harm to the surroundings.
Loss of technically important surface properties of a metallic component.
On the night of the 2-3 December 1984 water inadvertently entered the
methyl-isocyanate storage tank, where over 40 metric tons of MIC were being
It is been estimated that at least 3000 people died as a result of this accident,
while figures for the number of people injured currently range from 200,000
to 600,000.
Components of a corrosion cell
–At anode metal goes into solution as metal ions (oxidation reaction) and Metal loss or corrosion occurs .
– At cathode metal deposition or reduction of gases occur s(reduction reaction)
- Little or no corrosion occurs at the cathode
– Ionized solution capable of conducting electricity
Components of a corrosion cell
• Anodic sites have a more negative potential than cathodic sites in the
same electrolyte.
• Current flow through the electrolyte is due to ion movement & current
flow through the metal is due to movement of electron.
Corrosion Type
Uniform or near uniform - Corrosion attacks all areas of the metal at
the same or similar rate.
Pitting - Very highly localized attack resulting in small pits that may
penetrate to perforation.
Corrosion Cell Caused by Old and New Steel Corrosion Cell Caused by Stressed and
Scratched Surfaces
Methods to Control Corrosion
Use of Corrosion resistant materials (plastic, stainless alloys, fiberglass).
Utilize coatings and linings that electrically insulate the structure from
the electrolyte (paints, plastic films, etc).
• Painting of surface by Anti-corrosive primers. Primers may be lead-
based or lead-free zinc rich primer types.
Cathodic protection
• Protection by coating alone is not recommended due to rapid attack of
metal at coating holidays (areas of coating defects).
The method consists of supplying electrons from external source to the corroding metal
so as to convert all anodic sites of the corroding metal to cathode where by only
reduction reaction occurs by consuming the supplied electrons.
Cathodic protection being electro-chemical technique, arrests all forms of corrosion
(Uniform Attack, Galvanic, Pitting, Stress Corrosion Cracking etc excepting H2
Galvanic Sacrificial Anode-Installation
Keys to obtaining enough cathodic protection
Determination of amount of current required
Theoretical calculations based on coating quality and environment.
Perform physical testing of current requirement.
Calculation of expected from of anode and determination of number of anodes
Sacrificial Anode CP
Advantages :
Little Maintenance cost
No external Power source
Robust system, reduced maintenance
Typically work best with electrically isolated structures.
Dis-advantages :
Limited driving voltage of 0.25 V to 1.25 V (driving potential based on the galvanic
Limited output makes it ineffective when trying to protect large uncoated surfaces.
Require a low resistivity electrolyte (e.g sea water) to function well. Not suited for
media with high resistive soil.
Require more no of anodes for protection
Require more quantity of anode material for securing long operating time.
Impressed Current CP System Components
1. Power Supplies
2. Control Amplifier
3. Anodes
4. Metal surface of protected material (Cathode)
5. Reference Electrode
Impressed Current CP System
High driving voltage (30 V to 75 V)
Capable of protecting large steel structures, when designed properly.
Requires less anodes then a galvanic system.
Output can be controlled using a permanent reference electrode, desirable when the
electrolyte resistivity is known to change due to seasonal changes.
Initial costs can be more expensive
Vulnerable components, such as Anode wires can be susceptible to damage
Requires an external DC power source along with an AC supply.
Need for regulation/control system
Risk of overprotection of highly charged materials
Risk of Coating damages – cathodic disboardment due to O2 release.
Need for/recommended protection shield around the anodes
System requires routine maintenance and monitoring.
Impressed Current CP Rectifier
A rectifier converts available AC power to low voltage DC power. Most
cathodic protection rectifiers are provided with a means to vary the
DC output voltage in small increments, or in some cases offer
complete control from zero to 100% of rated DC output.
Controller consist of
D.C. Power source:
-Automatic potential controlled transformer-rectifier of rating
25A/ 25V, 50A/ 50V, 75A/75V, 50A/75V, 100A/ 12V etc.
Reference electrode – mounted next to the or through
the metal surface to be protected.
Steel structures exposed to soil, fresh water and sea water are fully cathodically
protected when their interface potential to electrolyte is
• Minimum -0.850 volts (-850 mV) w.r.t. Cu/ CuSO4 for soil / fresh water and
• For large bare structure drawing high current, -0.850 V criteria may not be
achieved, for such cases minimum 100 mv potential shift is recommended as
protection criteria
• This is done by temporarily switching ‘OFF’ the C.P. Current and measure potential
within 1 sec from switching off. Potential so measured is termed as instant ‘OFF’
potential (see figure). Typical switching cycle is 12 sec ‘ON’, 3 sec ‘OFF’.
Typical Current Requirements for Cathodic Protection of Steel (Bare Surface)
Arrangement of Anodes for Impressed Current CP
Measurement of Pipe to Soil Potential (PSP)
By Structure to Electrolyte Potential or
By Line Current Measurement
Pipe line Casing & Casing Insulation Testing
There are three basic method by which ac voltage and current appear in
metallic structure near ac power line :
Resistive Coupling :
During power line faults to ground, a large AC current can be transmitted to the
earth through resistance coupling and then flows on and off the underground
These current which can be several thousand amperes, can cause substantial
physical damage to structure coatings, in extreme case where ac density is high,
steel piping has been known to melt. Normally these fault occur infrequently
and are of short duration
Interference due to Electromagnetic Induction:
Structure acts as the single turn secondary of an air core transformer in which over
head power line is primary. This type of induction may occur when the structure is
either above ground or below ground .
The induced voltage does not directly proportional to power line voltage. Hence,
relatively low voltage ac power line can produce electromagnetically induced
When a pipeline closely runs parallel to power line for some distance , induced
voltage peak would be expected where the pipeline and power line separates.
Problems of AC Interference
1. Danger to the safety of personnel under normal operation (15 volt limit)
5. Risk of damage to the coating from electrical stress under fault conditions
AC Interference mitigation methods include:
Corrosion rate expressed as mm /yr or mils/year (MPY) or mg/dm 2/day (MDD). The
above units represent average rate of metal penetration or weight loss of metal
excluding any adherent or non adherent corrosion products.