Im MDM 3 J VCHRN 37 C F455
Im MDM 3 J VCHRN 37 C F455
Im MDM 3 J VCHRN 37 C F455
Introduction - Concepts and definitions: disaster, hazard, vulnerability, resilience, risks severity,
frequency and details, capacity, impact, prevention, mitigation.
Disasters - Disasters classification; natural disasters (floods, draught, cyclones, volcanoes,
earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, coastal erosion, soil erosion, forest fires etc.); manmade
disasters (industrial pollution, artificial flooding in urban areas, nuclear radiation, chemical
spills, transportation
accidents, terrorist strikes, etc.); hazard and vulnerability profile of India, mountain and coastal
ecological fragility.
Disaster Impacts - Disaster impacts (environmental, physical, social, ecological, economic,
political, etc.); health, psycho-social issues; demographic aspects (gender, age, special needs);
hazard locations; global and national disaster trends; climate change and urban disasters.
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) - Disaster management cycle – its phases; prevention, mitigation,
preparedness, relief and recovery; structural and non-structural measures; risk analysis,
vulnerability and capacity assessment; early warning systems, Post disaster environmental response
(water, sanitation, food safety, waste management, disease control, security, communications);
Roles and responsibilities of government, community, local institutions, NGOs and other
stakeholders; Policies and legislation for disaster risk reduction, DRR programmes in India and the
activities of National Disaster Management Authority.
Disasters, Environment and Development - Factors affecting vulnerability such as impact of
developmental projects and environmental modifications (including of dams, landuse changes,
urbanization etc.), sustainable and environmental friendly recovery; reconstruction and
development methods.
Vulnerability Profile of India
India is one of the ten worst disaster prone countries of the world. Disasters occur in India
with grim regularity causing enormous loss of life and property. According to an UN Office
for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) report 2017, India has been ranked as the world's most
disaster-prone country for displacement of residents
Almost 85% of the country is vulnerable to single or multiple disasters and about 57% of its area
lies in high seismic zones.
Approximately 40 million hectares of the country’s land area is prone to flood, about 8% of
the total land mass is vulnerable to cyclone and 68% of the area is susceptible to drought.
The five distinctive regions of the country i.e. Himalayan region, the alluvial plains, the hilly
part of the peninsula, and the coastal zone have their own specific problems. While on one
hand the Himalayan region is prone to disasters like earthquakes and landslides, the plain is
affected by floods almost every year. The desert part of the country is affected by droughts
and famine while the coastal zone susceptible to cyclones and storms.
Besides the natural factors, various human-induced activities like increasing demographic
pressure, deteriorating environmental conditions, deforestation, unscientific development,
faulty agricultural practices and grazing, unplanned urbanization, construction of large dams
on river channels etc. are also responsible for accelerated impact and increase in frequency of
disasters in the country.
The Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMPTC) has recently released the
third edition of the Vulnerability Atlas of India in 2019. It contains maps and tables for each
State and Union Territory of India for the following hazards: Earthquakes, Wind, Floods,
Landslide, Cyclone and frequency of thunderstorms. It also contains housing stock
vulnerability indicating the risk for each type of house.
A disaster is a serious disruption to the functioning of a community, which causes human,
material, economic and environmental losses beyond a community's ability to cope. It results
from the combination of hazards, conditions of vulnerability and insufficient capacity or
measures to reduce the potential negative consequences of risk.
A Hazard may be defined as “a dangerous condition or event, that threat or have the potential
for causing injury to life or damage to property or the environment.” A hazard is any source
of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone.
Natural hazards are naturally occurring physical phenomena caused either by rapid or slow
onset events which can be geophysical (earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis and volcanic
activity) hydrological (avalanches and floods), climatological (extreme temperatures,
drought and wildfires), meteorological (cyclones and storms/wave surges) or biological
(disease epidemics and insect/animal plagues).
Anthropogenic hazards are hazards caused by human action or inaction. They are
contrasted with natural hazards. Anthropogenic hazards may adversely affect humans, other
organisms, biomes, and ecosystems. Examples of such hazards include: pollution,
deforestation, use of herbicides and pesticides and chemical spillages.
Vulnerability may be defined as “conditions determined by physical, social, economic, and
environmental factors or processes, which increase the susceptibility of a community to the
impact of hazards.”
Economic Vulnerability
Vulnerability Social
Risk is a measure of the expected losses due to a hazard event occurring in a given area over a
specific time period. Disaster risk arises when hazards interact with physical, social, economic
and environmental vulnerabilities.
It considers the probability of harmful consequences, or expected losses (deaths, injuries,
property, livelihoods, economic activity disrupted or environmentally damaged) resulting
from interactions between natural or human induced hazards and vulnerable conditions.
Disaster is a sudden catastrophic event that causes wide spread damage and
immeasurable damage, loss, destruction and devastation to life, property ,
livelihood, economy and environment.
Features of Disaster
2. Man made disaster
Tectonic movements of lithosphere and sudden movement of earth surface and even
A Hazard may be defined as “a dangerous condition or event, that threat or have the potential for causing
injury to life or damage to property or the environment.” A hazard is any source of potential damage,
harm or adverse health effects on something or someone.
Natural hazards are naturally occurring physical phenomena caused either by rapid or slow onset
events which can be geophysical (earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis and volcanic activity)
hydrological (avalanches and floods), climatological(extreme temperatures, droughts and wildfires),
meteorological (cyclones and storms/wave surges) or biological (disease epidemics and insect/animal
Anthropogenic hazards are hazards caused by human action or inaction. They are contrasted with
natural hazards. Anthropogenic hazards may adversely affect humans, other organisms, biomes, and
ecosystems. Examples of such hazards include: pollution, deforestation, use of herbicides and
pesticides and chemical spillages.
Natural hazards - due to natural
1. Terrestrial (planetary) hazards :
Tectonic movements of lithosphere and sudden movement of earth surface and even oceanic plates resulting in
a)Endogenic hazards - due to high pressure and temperature beneath the earth surface produce
major internal forces to cause movement of the plates for a greater intensity and dimension. E.g.–
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
b) Exogenic hazards – atmospheric phenomenon or changes in it. E.g. – floods, storms.
1. Climatic hazards : This type includes the phenomenon of EI Nino, sea level
rise, glacier melting cause serious environmental effects.
2. Extra planetary hazards - occur due to collision of celestial bodies and the resulting
falling of debris on the earth surface.
c) Biological – bacteria, virus, medical waste, insects, plants, birds, animals and
humans. Pathogens, toxins.
2. Wild fire – forest fires created by wild fires cause combustion of biomass.
4. Thermal – discharge water industrial processes into water bodies like lakes,
streams, resulting in killing aquatic organisms.
Radiation – release of radio active materials into environment from agriculture,
industry, medicine.
Biological – complex and diverse interactions that occurring from organisms of the
same or
different species.
▶ Abiotic stressor –
2. Over Population
3. Deforestation
5. Photochemical Smog
Energy sources that induces man made hazards :
Hazards to people
Hazards to goods
Hazards to environment
Economic Vulnerability
Physical Vulnerability
Social Vulnerability
Environmental Vulnerability
Attitudinal Vulnerability
Process of analysis
disasters. Identify the strategies to reduce risk from long term basis.
Resilience :
The term resilience is the ability to revive the confronted with a disaster risk.
A Hazard may be defined as “a dangerous condition or event, that threat or have the
potential for causing injury to life or damage to property or the environment.” A hazard is
any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone.
The term resilience is the ability to revive after, the confronted with a disaster risk.
1. Saving from loss of lives to disasters .
2. Protection of infrastructure and livelihoods.
3. Promotes international collaboration.
4. Prevent disaster related conflicts among people.
(Organization for Economic co-operation and Development (OECD))
Reconstruction of damaged buildings:
To help the disaster victim to live safe and secure.
To help handicapped victims .
To restore the economic vitality of community.
To provide essential child care service.
To secure employment to people.
Concept of risk
UNISDR – The potential loss of life injury or destroyed or damaged assets which could
occur to a system, society or a community in a specific period of time, determined
probabilistically as function of hazard, exposure and capacity.
Risk is a measure of the expected losses due to a hazard event occurring in a given area
over a specific time period. Disaster risk arises when hazards interact with physical, social,
economic and environmental vulnerabilities.
•Risk Acceptance: It is an informed decision to accept the possible consequences and likelihood
of a particular risk.
• Risk Reduction:
It refers to the application of appropriate techniques to reduce
the likelihood of risk occurrence and its consequences.
• Risk Transfer:
It involves shifting of the burden of risk to another party. One of the most
common forms of risk transfer is Insurance.
In a simple sense the term risk refers to a condition where in the occurrence of an event
the potential to result in a negative impact on the livelihoods of people.
Risk assessment
Risk assessment involves the methodology of ascertaining the nature and magnitude of
damage and devastation resulting from disaster, which is expected in some areas during
a specified time period.
Identification of hazards
Risk mapping
Disaster risk management is the implementation of policies and strategies related to the reduction
of risk caused by any disaster. The main purpose objective of disaster risk management is,
To build up resilience
Hazard assessment
Vulnerability assessment
Capacity assessment
Levels of disaster
The devastation and damage to the lives, property and environment often used as a yard stick for defining
disaster but this may turn out to be ambiguous.
Severity of disasters
Number of fatalities
Economic loss
The term refers to different types of activities involved in improving the skills and infrastructure to
become more effective and sustainable in dealing with any kind of disaster. Structural and non
structural measures.
UNISDR - The process through which individual , organizations and societies obtain strength and
maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time.
UNDP – creating enable environment with legal frame works, institution developments, including
community, human resource development and strengthening of managerial systems.
Disaster risk reduction plan :
2. Disaster preparedness
3. Disaster response
5. Organize resources
6. Risk assessment
Building codes
Risk modeling to enable simulation of the consequences and the possibility of occurrence of
different events.
Risk time chart : simple illustration of livelihood of a disaster its severity and frequency to
understand the perspective of an impending disaster. It provides overview of disasters and evaluate
the risks caused by a disaster and incorporate strategies to create a safer world.
Tangible – loss of life, injury to people.
A Hazard may be defined as “a dangerous condition or event, that threat or have the potential for causing
injury to life or damage to property or the environment.” A hazard is any source of potential damage,
harm or adverse health effects on something or someone.
Vulnerability may be defined as “conditions determined by physical, social, economic, and environmental
factors or processes, which increase the susceptibility of a community to the impact of hazards.”
Vulnerability may be defined as “conditions determined by physical, social, economic, and
environmental factors or processes, which increase the susceptibility of a community to the impact
of hazards.”
Economic Vulnerability
Physical Vulnerability
Social Vulnerability
Environmental Vulnerability
Attitudinal Vulnerability
Process of analysis
disasters. Identify the strategies to reduce risk from long term basis.
Resilience :
The term resilience is the ability to revive the confronted with a disaster risk.
The term resilience is the ability to revive after, the confronted with a disaster risk.
1. Saving from loss of lives to disasters .
2. Protection of infrastructure and livelihoods.
3. Promotes international collaboration.
4. Prevent disaster related conflicts among people.
(Organization for Economic co-operation and Development (OECD))
Reconstruction of damaged buildings:
To help the disaster victim to live safe and secure.
To help handicapped victims .
To restore the economic vitality of community.
To provide essential child care service.
To secure employment to people.
Hazards are always prevalent, but the hazard becomes a disaster only when there is greater vulnerability
and less of capacity to cope with it. In other words the frequency or likelihood of a hazard and the
vulnerability of the community increases the risk of being severely affected.
Concept of risk
UNISDR – The potential loss of life injury or destroyed or damaged assets which could
occur to a system, society or a community in a specific period of time, determined
probabilistically as function of hazard, exposure and capacity.
Risk is a measure of the expected losses due to a hazard event occurring in a given area over a specific
time period. Disaster risk arises when hazards interact with physical, social, economic and
environmental vulnerabilities.
It considers the probability of harmful consequences, or expected losses (deaths, injuries, property,
livelihoods, economic activity disrupted or environmentally damaged) resulting from interactions
between natural or human induced hazards and vulnerable conditions.
•Risk Acceptance: It is an informed decision to accept the possible consequences and likelihood of a
particular risk.
• Risk Reduction:
It refers to the application of appropriate techniques to reduce
the likelihood of risk occurrence and its consequences.
• Risk Transfer:
It involves shifting of the burden of risk to another party. One of the most
common forms of risk transfer is Insurance.
In a simple sense the term risk refers to a condition where in the occurrence of an event
the potential to result in a negative impact on the livelihoods of people.
Risk assessment
Risk assessment involves the methodology of ascertaining the nature and magnitude of
damage and devastation resulting from disaster, which is expected in some areas during
a specified time period.
Identification of hazards
Risk mapping
related to the reduction of risk caused by any disaster. The main purpose
objective of disaster risk management is, to prevent the occurrence of new disaster
To reduce the existing disaster risk in a given situation to cope up with the residual
To build up resilience
Hazard assessment
Vulnerability assessment
Capacity assessment
Levels of disaster
The devastation and damage to the lives, property and environment often used as a yard stick for
defining a disaster but this may turn out to be ambiguous.
Quantification of disaster
risk :
Analyzing the previous disaster losses.
Risk modeling to enable simulation of the consequences and the possibility of occurrence
of different events.
Risk time chart : simple illustration of livelihood of a disaster its severity and frequency
to understand the perspective of an impending disaster. It provides overview of disasters
and evaluate the risks caused by a disaster and incorporate strategies to create a safer
Tangible – loss of life, injury to people.
The frequency of a natural hazard event is the number of times it occurs within
specified time interval.
Frequent hazards
Socio-economic Capacity:
In most of the disasters, people suffer their greatest losses in the physical and material realm. Rich people
have the capacity to recover soon because of their wealth. In fact, they are seldom hit by disasters because
they live in safe areas and their houses are built with stronger materials. However, even when everything
is destroyed they have the capacity to cope up with it.
Concept of capacity building
The term refers to different types of activities involved in improving the skills and infrastructure to
become more effective and sustainable in dealing with any kind of disaster. Structural and non
structural measures.
UNISDR - The process through which individual , organizations and societies obtain strength and
maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time.
UNDP – creating enable environment with legal frame works, institution developments, including
community, human resource development and strengthening of managerial systems.
It is the total effect, including negative effects (e.g., economic losses) and
positive effects (e.g., economic gains), of a hazardous event or disaster.
The term includes economic, human and environmental impacts, and may include
death, injuries, disease and other negative effects on human physical, mental and
social well-being.
Disaster risk reduction plan :
2. Disaster preparedness
3. Disaster response
Primary prevention is to reduce -avert- avoid the risk of the event occurring,
by getting rid of the hazard or vulnerability, e.g. to avoid overcrowding,
deforestation and to provide services.
Secondary prevention means to recognise promptly the event and to reduce its
effects, e.g. by staying alert to possible displacements of population; by being
ready to provide immunisation, food, clean water, sanitation and health care to
Mitigation embraces measures taken to reduce both the effect of the hazard and the vulnerable
conditions to it in order to reduce the scale of a future disaster. Therefore mitigation activities
can be focused on the hazard itself or the elements exposed to the.
Examples of mitigation measures which are hazard specific include water management in drought
prone areas, relocating people away from the hazard prone areas and by strengthening structures
to reduce damage when a hazard occurs.
In addition to these physical measures, mitigation should also aim at reducing the economic
and social vulnerabilities of potential disasters.
Save lives
Reduce economic disruption
Decrease vulnerability/increase capacity
Decrease chance/level of conflict
and it leads to RISK REDUCTION
Disaster mitigation planning :
1. Organize resources
2. Risk assessment
Building codes