Santoso Tumpar
Santoso Tumpar
Santoso Tumpar
The patient complaint of chest pain since 4 months ago, pain was felt at
the former WSD site (late February WSD, March miniWSD, and April
aff WSD). Shortness of breath since 2 years ago, influenced by activity
but not affected by the weather. Cough with white phlegm, history of old
cough since 6 months ago. Coughing up blood today there are spots,
history of coughing up blood 6 months ago. No fever, no history of fever.
No night sweats with activity. No headaches, no smell and taste
disturbances, no sore throat. Nausea and vomiting every time eat since
this morning. decrease in appetite,weight loss but it is not known how
many kilograms. defecation and urination within normal limits
ANAMNESIS Tuesday | August 14, 2012
S/Coughing up blood today there are spots, N acetyl cysteine 200 mg / 8 ho/
history of coughing up blood 6 months ago. oral
No Assesment Planning Diagnose Therapy Monitoring