The Hague Summit in 1969 To Revive Integration Momemtum

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The Hague Summit in 1969

to revive integration momemtum

• First Enlargement of EC in 1973: the UK, Denmark and
• Argued for more common policy: CAP in 1972
• In 1970 EPC: collaboration and coordination of for. policies of
MSs: a more united presence in int. affairs
• Summitry as a new style of EC decision-making: formalized in
1974 with the estab. of European Council.
• In 1979 first direct elections for the EP in as required by the
Rome Treaty.
• Called for a move towards EMU: Werner report in 1970
aimed EMU in 3 stages by 1980
Problems in 1970s and in the first half of 80s

• Both unemployment and inflation in Europe in 70s;

oil crisis in 1973: focus diverted to national eco
issues from integration aim.
• The objective of EMU failed, after 1979 relaunch of a
monetary policy: some stabilization in currency
fluctuations, inflation and unemployment with EMS
and ERM: quite modest compared to EMU: so return
of EMU to the EC agenda at the end of 80s.
• Completion of a common market was far from
The Single European Act in 1985
• Concerns that the EC’s int status declined in
eco and pol sense
• Undrestanding that competitiveness could
only be achieved through more integration
• In 1985 MSs agreed to estab of a single
internal market by 1993 and to a major
revision of the Rome Treaty.
• New policy competences in the areas of environment, R&D, eco and soc cohesion
• Expansion of existing policy competences as in soc policy
• Expansion of dec making role of the EP through intro of cooperation procedure
for internal market issues; intro of assent procedure
• Extension of the use of QMV in the Council
• Estab of Court of First Instance to assist ECJ
• Formal recognition to the Eur Council and EPC but they were not still
communitarian, out of EC structure tecnically.
• It renewed dynamism at the second half of 80s for further steps towards a union:
• Mitterrand, Kohl and Delors took the lead, Thatcher resisted.
• Two new IGCs on EMU and political union.
• Out of these TEU emerged in 1991.
TEU (Maastricht Treaty)
• Agreed in Dec 1991
• Entered into force on Nov 1, 1993.
• Designed
1. to expand the scope of Eur integration
2. to reform the EC’s institutions and dec making
3. to bring about EMU
TEU created three-pillar structure for the EU

• 1. EEC (renamed the EC) + ECSC+ Euratom: supranational,

communitarian method of decision making
• 2. CFSP: Common Foreign and Security Policy:
• 3. Cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs:
• Mix of supra. integration and interg. Cooperation: the EU
but fell short of what is considered a ‘union’ which is a pol
and legal entity with a coherent and uniform structure.
• EMU in three stages by the end of 1999. Euro introduced in 2002.
• Convergence criteria
• It created a three-tier EU: full participants, those that fail to meet
convergence criteria and those the UK and Denmark that opted-out.
• Closer integration in social policy among only 11 MSs except the UK: the
UK’s opt out from ‘Social Charter’
• Denmark was granted de facto opt-out from implementation of for pol
decisions and actions having defence implications.
• Semi-permanent differentiation bw MSs. Previously it had been
temporary and not treaty-based.
• Fears that the Maastrict opt-outs would lead to an ‘a la carte’ Europe:
MSs picking and choosing the areas in which they are willing to pursue
closer integration.

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