Rule 138-A - 09sept21
Rule 138-A - 09sept21
Rule 138-A - 09sept21
The certification issued shall be valid until the student has completed the required
number of courses in the clinical legal education program to complete the law degree,
unless sooner revoked for grounds stated herein.
Section 4. Practice Areas of Law Student
Subject to the supervision and approval of a supervising lawyer, a certified law
student practitioner may:
Level 2 Certification
Within ten (10) days from receipt of the application, the Executive Judge of the RTC shall:
a. Evaluate the application together with its attachments, and
b. Recommend to the Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) the approval and issuance of the certification.
If the Executive Judge finds the application to be incomplete, the law school shall be notified and required to comply with the
requirements within five (5) days from receipt of notice.
"I, ( name ), having been granted a certificate of law student practice by the Supreme
Court under Rule 138-A of the Rules of Court, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will
maintain allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines, I will support the Constitution and
obey the laws as well as the legal orders of the duly constituted authorities therein; I will
do no falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in court; I will not wittingly or willingly
promote or sue any groundless, false or unlawful suit, or give aid nor consent to the same;
I will delay no man for money or malice, and will conduct myself as a certified law student
practitioner according to the best of my knowledge and discretion, with all good fidelity as
well to the courts as to the parties I represent; and I impose upon myself these voluntary
obligations without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me God."
Section 9. Duties of Law Schools
Through its dean or authorized representative, must:
a. Develop and adopt a Clinical Legal Education Program;
b. Develop and establish at least one law clinic in its school;
c. Endorse qualified students for certification as law student
practitioner under this Rule; and
d. Ensure compliance by law student practitioners and supervising
lawyers with the Code of Professional Responsibility
Section 10. Qualification of Supervising
Member of the BAR in good standing
1. Revocation of the law student practitioner’s certification; and/or
2. Disqualification from taking the BAR examination for a period to be determined by the Supreme
The supervising lawyer, Clinical Legal Education Program Head, and/or law school dean shall be
subjected to disciplinary action.
Section 14. Effectivity
Start at Academic Year 2020-2021
Shall apply to BAR Examination applicants commencing the 2023 BAR