Chapter # 7 Foreign Exchange Market
Chapter # 7 Foreign Exchange Market
Chapter # 7 Foreign Exchange Market
It is a market where transaction in foreign currencies takes place. It is a medium of international trade. In fact, it is an institutional arrangement for transacting business in international currencies. Kindleberger defines a foreign exchange market as, a place where foreign moneys are bought and sold. The foreign exchange market, also known as the forex, FX, or currency market, involves the trading of one currency for another. Foreign exchange markets exist to allow business owners to purchase currency in another country so they can do business in that country.
There are approximately five different types of entities that use the foreign exchange markets on a daily basis. Commercial banks are the leaders in this market and are the main source of currency transactions. Traditional users refer to entities that do business across national borders. Central banks are the official players in this market, and each country has a central bank to manage its money supply. Brokers work as go-betweens for banks, gotypically during large transactions. And, traders and speculators work to take advantage of short-term trends in shortthe market.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The major features of foreign exchange market are as follows: Bank & customers/clients, Different Banks in FEM, Different Bank of different countries, Central Bank & Commercial Bank, Central Bank of different country, Public of a country.
The FX market is a two-tiered market: two Interbank Market (Wholesale) About 100-200 banks worldwide stand ready 100to make a market in foreign exchange. Nonbank dealers account for about 40% of the market. There are FX brokers who match buy and sell orders but do not carry inventory and FX specialists. Client Market (Retail) Market participants include international banks, their customers, non-bank dealers, FX brokers, nonand central banks.
Bank A is in London, Bank B is in New York. The current exchange rate is 1.00 = $2.00. A currency trader employed at Bank A buys 100m from a currency trader at Bank B for $200m settled using its correspondent relationship.
Bank A London
$200 100
Bank B NYC
Fx Market =The largest financial market in the world Most important markets: (daily turnover in 1995) London $464 billion NY $244 billion Tokyo $161 billion Less important markets: Singapore, Hong Kong, Zurich ($90-$115b) ($90 Markets: Spot Market Forward Market Futures Market Options Market
What is arbitrage?
Making two markets, by buying and selling between them, a single market is called arbitrage. An arbitrager, usually a large bank, may notice that in N.Y. 1 = $2.42 and in London, 1 = $2.40. An agent will buy pounds in London (for $2.4 billion) and sell them in N.Y. (for $2.42 billion), earning a quick $20 million. The increased demand in London pulls the price up, and the increased supply in New York pushes the price down, equalizing the pound/dollar price.
The International Monetary Market (IMM), a spin-off spinfrom the old Chicago Mercantile Exchange and largely the creation of Leo Melamed, is today one of Melamed, three divisions of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the largest futures exchange in the United States and the second largest in the world after Eurex, Eurex, for the trading of futures contracts and options on futures. The IMM was started on May 16, 1972. Two of the more prevalent contracts traded futures, are currency futures and interest rate futures, specifically, 3-month Eurodollar time deposits and 39090-day U.S. Treasury bills. The other two CME bills. divisions includes the Index and Option Market (IOM) and Growth and Emerging Markets (GEM). All products fall under one of these three divisions.
ARABINDA The selected items / types of foreign exchange markets in Bangladesh are as follows; Central bank and authorized dealer Bank and foreign branches Bank and foreign exchange
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According to M.C. Vaish, Foreign Exchange Market performs the three important functions as under: Transferring the purchasing power Providing credit for financing foreign trade Furnishing facilities for hedging foreign exchange risks
Functions 5. Exchange rates change on a daily basis. The price at any given time is called the spot rate, and is the rate for currency exchanges at that particular time. One can obtain the current exchange rates from a newspaper or online. 6. The fact that exchange rates can change on a daily basis depending upon the relative supply and demand for different currencies increases the risks for firms entering into contracts where they must be paid or pay in a foreign currency at some time in the future.
7. Forward exchange rates allow a firm to lock in a future exchange rate for the time when it needs to convert currencies. Forward exchange occurs when two parties agree to exchange currency and execute a deal at some specific date in the future. The book presents an example of a laptop computer purchase where using the forward market helps assure the firm that will wont lose money on what it feels is a good deal. It can be good to point out that from a firms perspective, while it can set prices and agree to pay certain costs, and can reasonably plan to earn a profit; it has virtually no control over the exchange rate. When spot exchange rate changes entirely wipe out the profits on what appear to be profitable deals, the firm has no recourse. 8. When a currency is worth less with the forward rate than it is with the spot rate, it is selling at forward discount. Likewise, when a currency is worth more in the future than it is on the spot market, it is said to be selling at a forward premium, and is hence expected to appreciate. These points can be illustrated with several of the currencies. 9. A currency swap is the simultaneous purchase and sale of a given amount of currency at two different dates and values.
Forex traders could do 24 hours trading. The stock market can only be traded during daytime at a specific time, generally from 9:30a.m. to 4:00p.m.. If you too have your own full time job, then you will face the dilemma - either to give up your full time job or forgo the trading opportunity. But Forex market can be traded 5 days a week and 24 hours a day, Forex traders can trade during their free time which is normally at night after working hour. If a trader analyze based on technical analysis, Forex trading would be much more suitable for such traders because the Forex market has a very large trading volume. Currently the Forex market has daily trading volume of 190 billion Dollar, such giant market will completely digest a fore trader's transaction cash, under such situation the accuracy of the technical analysis would be much higher then any financial market, the chances of using technical analysis to make profit would be much more higher. In the stock market there are hundred and thousand kinds of stocks, then choosing stock will be a very difficult matter. But in the Forex market, the currency combination is extremely limited, this may enable Forex traders to concentrate on these currencies combination, and could follow the trend quickly.
Foreign exchange solves various problems concerned with the payments for the imports and exports. Foreign exchange situation in one country indicates the strengths of the economy. Shortage of Foreign exchange affects the BOP in an adverse order. It is essential to bring the BOT in order and for achieving it Foreign exchange should be preserved carefully.
4. Foreign exchange simplifies the complexities out of the vast participation of the nations in the international trade. The mutual payment are easily undertaken as the accepted and predetermined rates already settled by the countries. 5. Foreign exchange rate shows a direct relationship between the prices of the commodities in the national market and the prices in the international market.
6. The stability in the Foreign exchange rates is of high importance without stability the various problems relating to valuation and pricing of the commodities will become difficult. 7. Foreign exchange rates also speak of the economic soundness of a country. Thus it is clear that the study of Foreign exchange is of the first-rate importance in firstcase one thinks to understand the various problems surrounding the international trade.
It concerns every citizen of a nation Increasing of employment Procurement & disposal of goods Flow of investment Tax payers benefit (Less duty) Economic independence of nations Repayment of debts Rapid growth of the economy Best use of national resources
In addition to the above: Upgrading the standard of living of people Major share and role of export trade in national income Promotion of mutual national interests Factor in political relations & peace Promotion of international collaboration